There was a gloomy gold left arm flashing a splendid color, the infinite power gathered to the fist, condensed and compressed into a point!

[Fear of Sting] + [Indestructible Grip] + [Sacrifice] + [New Moon]


With a low roar, the golden iron fist hit the pale phalanx hard.


The eyes in the shadow of the black robe instantly condensed into a point, and the bones shattered under the divine power spewing out.

A crit!

A delight in Li Rui's eyes, feeling that the divine power erupted suddenly doubled!

Nothing less than the destructive power of the Golden Order soldiers poured into the body of the black robe, wantonly destroying his flesh and bones.

From the fist all the way to the chest, he was beaten into a flesh paste by half of his body.

Realizing that the black robe is far less indestructible than imagined, Li Rui is incapable of surrendering, and left fists and right swords, outputting crazy on him.

[Fear of Sting] + [Indestructible Grip]!

[Fear of Sting]!

[Fear of Sting]!


In just one or two seconds, Li Rui bowed left and right, almost hitting all his skills.

The weird void energy invaded the black robe, instigating his own energy of blood and blood to go back.

[Fear of Sting]: Obtain an additional attack range of 3 meters, and the next five normal attacks will emit energy spikes, causing% spell power to enemies in the line in front) (+1% target maximum health [+0.1% Feast effect per layer]) Magical damage.

The number of [Feast] layers currently accumulated by Li Rui has exceeded 20 layers, not counting fixed damage. In theory, each blow [Fear of Sting] can cause 3% of the target’s maximum health damage!

Therefore, at this moment, the black robe must not only be beaten, but also to balance the backlash caused by the [Fear of Sting], and more importantly, he must also maintain the energy supply of the seal behind him!

For a time, inside and outside, the black robe hall of the secret diamond rank extraordinary, was actually pressed by Li Rui, can only be hard to support.

The abyss-like terror mana circulates in the body, quickly expelling the heterogeneous energy that invades the body. The black robe looks at Li Rui with cold eyes. After a breath, he must be peeled and boned!

The dense black mist he radiated became more and more solid, and the blood crystal sword chopped up and began to emit the crisp sound of gold and iron.

Feeling the huge amount of mana gathering in the enemy's body, Li Rui knew that he would face the angry attack of the Mysterious Diamond Order if he didn't go, and the attack in his hand became more diligent!

[Leviathan's Armor] + [Elegy] + [Dance of Death]

Instantly avoid injury 55%, Lao Tzu also has artifacts plus [eternal immortality and infinite robbery] and over 200 magic resistance, can you count me for eight thousand blood?

Relying on his amazing defense, Li Rui gritted his teeth and dragged the black robe.

He knew that Ma Xiaoyun would be able to support him soon!


Behind him was a harsh shattering sound, and the surging power of Thunder entered Li Rui's induction.

At the same time, there are also howlings of strange ghosts who are digging into their ears.

Seeing that his magical barrier was exploded by a hard hammer, the eyes of the black robe flickered, and he could no longer kill Li Rui, releasing the force that had condensed to half.

Raising his right hand, a blue-black beam of light shot from the fingers of the black robe.

Li Rui felt the moment when he lifted his hand out, the bright and majestic gold left hand raised almost simultaneously.


The blue and black beams, which seemed to be solid, did not fall apart, and shot at the golden handguards in an instant.

[Bone Plating] + [Eternal Unbroken Infinite Tribulation]!


Li Rui's figure turned into a straight golden-red ray, and flew out with a sad sound of breaking the sky.


Plowing a tens of meters long gully on the ground, Li Rui propped himself up with shaking hands and slowly stood up.

"You are hit by a powerful magic power and lose 2892 health."

"You are invaded by corpse inflammation, losing 7 health per second for 300 seconds."


Spitting a smelly black blood, Li Rui raised a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He knows that even in the face of the Secret Diamond Order, he is not completely without resistance!

He can participate in this battle!


Looking at the strange ghosts who were madly rushing at him, Li Rui laughed even more.

If you know you have blood left, you can send warmth, which is a competent blood bank!

The extinguished flame ignited again, and Li Rui greeted him with open arms.

On the other side, the black robe faced Ma Xiaoyun with no more calmness just now. He was hit by a warrior, and he was not an undead ghost. How could he have such terrible self-healing ability?

More importantly, he was fixed in place by the seal behind him, and he could only passively face the violent wind and rain.

The pale thunder is spreading wantonly, and the ruthless Tianwei that has just reached the sun continues to destroy the black mist around him.

The energy of the body protection will soon be worn away, and the eyes of the black robe are gloomy.

The exorcist's really hard...

It's only a little bit closer, and he recovered the Spirit Boy and the Roll of Sin as soon as possible. Before the minions came, they had to move quickly!


At this moment, the black mist on the front of the black robe was crushed by Thunder, revealing his substantial body.

Ma Xiaoyun's eyes narrowed, and his white fingers suddenly touched the sword.

The blood of the shining golden snake was instantly absorbed by the sword, and the dazzling white light shone the entire space like noon!

The star of Beidou emerged from the cold sword edge, and the majestic and profound power condensed in the sword.

"Heavenly Promise, all methods return to the original, the five elements of Qiankun, the reversal of Yin and Yang, the Taiqing Jiuxiao God Lei Zheng Fa!"

The sky-blue turquoise thunder suddenly shrunk into a purple thunder with the thickness of the thumb. Only purple light flashed in everyone's eyes. When looking at it, Ma Xiaojun's sword had been inserted into the chest of the black robe.

Just as the black robe looked dullly at the sword passing by his chest, a stream of light lurked quietly behind him, and the golden fists burning the golden flame were printed on his vest.

[Dark Harvest]!


The dark red energy exploded, and a blood-red piece of soul entered Li Rui's heart, slowly melting into one.

Deals 432 physical damage and +1805 magic damage!

Skill damage growth +3!

The terrible power penetrates the black haze of the black robe's suddenly blooms in his chest.


Like a bottle of Coke that was hammered out, a blood mist spewed out of the black robe's mouth.

The next second, the greasy sickle-shaped claws grabbed him fiercely, and the huge mouth with teeth gnawed at his head.

Although the [Feast] beheading line did not light up, Li Rui could not care so much.

If he doesn't put his skills, he may not even have the chance to get close!

The bottomless giant mouth with the principle of swallowing enveloped the entire upper body. The black robe's scalp tingled for a while, and no longer could conceal its identity, the original power exploded!


The horrible mana exploded in an instant. Ma Xiaoyun was about to stir the sword and expand the wound. The indiscriminate energy burst blasted her out.

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