Thinking about the principle of the phantom domain in his mind, everyone circumvented the huge base crystal in the awe of the subordinates.

"You have all seen the map. Since there are three fronts, then you two will go up and down in groups, and I will walk in the middle to support you at any time."

"Teammates can concentrate on sensing the situation around each other. You should always pay attention to the situation of teammates on other fronts, support each other if possible, and try to form local ones to play more and less!"

In just a few minutes, Grace saw the battlefield, or the essence of the game.

In the offensive and defensive battle, you can win by destroying the enemy's base crystal, so the defensive tower blocked on the front is the biggest reliance on both sides.

Any failure along the way may determine the final victory!

Looking at the magnificent humanoid stone statue nearly ten stories high, with a powerful magic ripple surging on the bright spearhead, Grace would like to know how strong its attack is?

In the base on the other side, Li Wei got out of Aya Xiyi and jumped up and down happily.

After experimenting that the teammates in the game can also be possessed, Li Rui nodded secretly.

"Purchase equipment first, and then the cat and the sword saint go down the road, the blood wings go on the road, you go to the underworld emperor!"

With a skillful allocation of positions, Li Rui was a little excited to try.

Traveling to another world, I never expected to play a League of Reality Heroes!

"how about you?"

"I go to the jungle."


"Even killing monsters in the wilderness outside the front line, they are also equivalent to a resource, and this position is also more flexible, so that I can walk and support you."

"How do you know this in detail?"

"I have come in and played before."

Disturbing the doubts of Ayahi, Li Rui bought [Hunter's Amulet] and led the crowd out of the altar.

"In the early stage, our strength will be subject to a certain seal. The more powerful the seal, the higher the ratio. The soldiers and heroes who kill the enemy can gain experience upgrades. As the level increases, our seal will gradually be lifted to a certain level. You can even get the department later... Cough, this virtual domain gives us the virtual power to experience a feeling of energy level improvement!"

"Although this power will not be brought back to reality, the process from weak to strong can itself hone our skills and will, and experiencing high energy levels in advance will have countless benefits for future breakthroughs..."

As Li Rui walked, he spread knowledge to his teammates. The towering crystal structure dazzled them, a lot of information poured into his brain, and his eyes were almost gone!

The Summoner Canyon built by the power of the system is much larger than in previous games!

The base crystal distance of the two diagonal lines is more than 20 kilometers, which is almost equivalent to the area of ​​a large city!

And this is just the Summoner Canyon of the Dark Iron Rank!

After collecting enough chaotic essence, Li Rui can also create a summoner canyon with a higher energy level.

They will have a larger area, more monsters, and soldiers and buildings will be strengthened in proportion!

The people separated in a new and exciting way, and when they reached the barracks, they just opened a dozen meters wide portal.

The soldiers hidden under the shadow cloak stepped into the Summoner's Canyon at a regular pace, and Li Rui's eyes gradually twitched.

Shield swordsmen, spear guards, magicians, archers, wings, and several spear cavalry wander.

These are the six pitiful soldiers in the game, this is simply an army!

Just glanced at it, Li Rui knew that they had more than a hundred people, and everyone had a strong magical breath on them. It seemed that they were all masters in the Awakening Order.

Looking at this army, which obviously possesses a certain IQ, Li Rui said in his heart that the MMP was unhappy.

This is the first wave of soldiers!

To know that in the past life, in order to prevent the game from being delayed indefinitely, after a certain period of time, the growth curve of the soldiers will be quite scary, all of them are Boss.

According to the power of the system, there is no pressure to extract the energy of the void in this semi-empty and semi-real place. In the future, each wave of soldiers will be strengthened. After hitting the back, he will upgrade to restore all the power, and may not be able to crush this infinite improvement Small army!

After secretly vomiting, Li Rui stepped out of the base and plunged into the wild area.

"Wow ha ha ha ha, little ones, rush me!"

Huang Juncai experienced this treatment for the first time, and he shouted loudly.

However, the army of more than a hundred people did not even look at him, and moved forward to the front line.

"Cut, junk fantasy domain, NPC is not smart at all. Be careful, I will complain to Rego..."

Huang Juncai followed the army scoldingly, and pulled out the magic pistol he had just bought, slowly rubbing.

This feel is really a work of art!

Li Wei was tired after walking a few hundred meters. He plunged into his vest and occupied his cat climbing frame.

At this time, Li Rui was watching his first group of wild monsters shaking.

The giant stone giant nearly five meters tall has a brilliant blue luster, and there is a huge hollow on the back. Endless magic energy is drawn into its body from the hollow, causing the surrounding air to vibrate.

Hiding in the grass a few meters high and looking at Dad Lan, Li Rui looked up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle with a somber face.

I should go down the road and let Xiao Huang help hit the red. No, this level of monster, the three of us might not be able to beat...

This is also a hammer!

Hidden in the depths of the grass, Li Rui gave up decisively and ran towards the swamp area with all his strength.

After a few minutes, Li Rui took a deep breath while watching the poisonous toad like a small tank.

Recognize your destiny, fight, the big deal is to return to the city for free.

Click [Fear of Sting], the familiar power returns to the body, and Li Rui screams and rushes towards the Mozhan Frog.


A thin layer of flames ignited on his body, Li Rui rolled his eyes, too lazy to complain.

The equipment integrated into the soul is also a part of his strength, all of which are weakened in proportion!

However, as the level increases, these equipments will gradually be unsealed.

The flamed fist was hammered **** the side of the Mozhan frog, and the smooth touch made Li Rui's strength obviously removed.


The purple tongue with the thick arms of ordinary people pierced like a spear.

Can hide A!


Just one contact, Li Rui's confidence increased greatly.

The IQ of the monster created by the system is not high, and the movements are quite cumbersome. As long as it is not a level A, it will have a lot of room for show operations.

Rolling and jumping, Li Rui always avoids the front of the Mozhan frog, and punches one hammer after another on its back.

[Fear of Sting]!

[Fear of Sting]!

[Fear of Sting]!

The back with poisonous mushrooms and pustular pimples plied at a glance. After a few minutes, the back of the frog was a **** flesh.


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