Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 320: , Leaving the keyboard with both hands

With this curiosity, Li Rui ran out of the base, sensed the situation of his teammates, and hurried down the road.

The pressure on the upper middle road was too strong. He estimated that there was no chance. The line of force just under the road was destroyed by the defense tower. The new wave of troops had not met yet.

"You come out! Coward!"

Huang Juncai stood provocatively outside the attack range of the defensive tower. If he had not cared about a minor in his body, he had already begun to greet each other with colored gossip.

"Vile villain, there is a kind of you coming in!"

The two Paladins were shot with bullet holes, and the turtles shrank under the tower. If their bodies were not digitized, this injury would have died 10,000 times in reality.

But even so, their blood volume is only one-and-a-half, and they are struggling to go back.

"Or... you go back first."

"No, it's more than 20 kilometers back and forth. You may not be able to keep it alone."

"What about then?"

"The next wave of reinforcements is coming soon. We will kill this wave of troops on the opposite side as soon as possible. Without soldiers, he dare not enter the range of the defense tower, so that we have enough time to go back."

"So I can still play like this!"

The older Paladin's eyes lit up, and he felt that he had learned something again.

However, they did not know that in the grass a few meters high, a hidden figure was lurking silently.

Kaka Kaka~

Neat steps came into his ears, and when he saw the brave army opposite him, Huang Juncai turned his head and ran away.

"Lord's soldiers, rush with me!"

The young Paladin was excited, and screamed out of the protection area of ​​the defensive tower, but the soldiers behind him still pressed slowly.

Seeing this, Huang Juncai turned back with two shots, hitting the paladin with a grin and never daring to advance.

"Xiaohuang, let them go."

A familiar voice suddenly sounded in his mind, Huang Juncai was excited, sensing Li Rui's position, and his expression gradually languished.

With a tacit understanding in his heart, Huang Juncai seduce the enemy to the center line, and the troops of both sides collided silently without any words.

The two Paladins were also well-behaved, no longer expecting to jump to Huang Juncai to get rid of him and mix into his army carefully to support him.

After watching for a while, Li Rui discovered that these soldiers were not a bit stronger than the monsters.

Not only is the individual strength a real awakening order, but there are also some simple tactical cooperation with each other. If he is caught in this siege, he can't be hard steel. He must fight and retreat.

The two Paladins are much worse than him. They have no dominance in this small-scale war. They often have to cooperate with their own soldiers to quickly kill the enemy. It feels more like a super soldier, and there is no "hero" at all. Taste.

But these two rookies are very happy to fight. How can they be born in modern society to experience the war of cold weapons?

This fantasy domain fully satisfied their knight dreams, and felt that they were the generals who ruled thousands of horses and horses, and were leading a war that changed the world!

Like a snake lurking patiently, until half of the soldiers on both sides were dead and wounded, the battlefield vision became clear, Huang Juncai began to constantly find angles to add new gun eyes to the two Paladins, Li Rui knew the time had come!

Touching the edge of the grass, his left foot slammed on the ground, and the Paladin who was still fighting passionately in the distance did not notice the vibrations under his feet, nor did he notice that a shadow in the distance was rushing towards them. .

Huang Juncai's eyes just saw Li Rui, his eyebrows raised, and the magic bullet in his hand hit the Paladin's arm fiercely, attracting their attention.


The volcano erupted on a small battlefield, and the two Paladins, with dozens of soldiers from both sides, were instantly blasted into the sky.

"Wow haha, Fireinthehole!"

Huang Juncai, who had been preparing for it, quickly crossed the line, and a purple-black grenade in the size of a canister condensed on his hand, and Lao Yuan threw it at the enemy in the sky.

Most of the enemy soldiers turned into black smoke before they landed. [Man Dance Grenade] bounced on the remnant blood enemies, bursting into a loud roar.

boom! boom! boom! boom! !

The two Paladins spit out old blood and adjusted their figure to land safely.

However, a horrifying roar dragged them into despair. Only then did they find a Li Rui rushing from behind.

With the deep impression imprinted on their minds in the secret realm, a word came out from both of them.

"Don’t come here!!!"


The terrible shock wave swept through, and the heads of the two were blank. The world seemed to be far away from them, and no sound could be heard.

The energy in the body collapsed under the impact of the ripples, and the invisible magical power imprisoned everything, making them unable to mobilize a trace of divine power.


Huang Juncai saw the opportunity, the surging magical power gathered on the pistol, and the bullet shot with magic traces visible to the naked eye.

[Fatal Fancy Color]!

The hero takes a long-range shot and inflicts an additional 1-75 (+50% attack power) physical damage to the hit target. If the target hit by "Fatal Fancy Color" is caused by a playmate or friendly hero within the first 15 seconds After being injured, or standing on the lotus trap, the enemy hero will also be imprisoned for 0-1 seconds by the power carried by the bullet, and provide the illusionist with a movement speed bonus equivalent to his critical strike.


The bullet passed through the chest, and the invisible magic energy will imprison the elder paladin who fell to the ground. He only had a trace of blood skin. He looked at Li Rui who was rushing towards him happily, but his heart was abnormally quiet.

He left the keyboard with both hands, wrong, he gave up struggling, he closed his eyes peacefully,


[Fear of Sting]! [Dark Harvest]! 【Indestructible grip】!

He punched his body over ten meters with one punch, and Li Rui threw a backhand at the young Paladin.

As an arrogant young man, he did not admit his fate like his crossed his hands to stop the blow.

[Fear of Sting]! [Dark Harvest]! 【new moon】!


After the residual blood, the fragile arms broke off, and the siege hammer-like fist slammed into his chest with unstoppable force.


The body shells generally flew out, knocking down the soldiers who had just climbed up again.

Li Rui nodded thoughtfully as he saw his own soldier who had also eaten himself a [cracked] plus [wild scream] but was unscathed.

"Kill two heroes, [supernatural evil power] transforms 27 spell power, current reserves are 13/40. (accumulate one point every 10 seconds)"

Feeling the prompt of the system, Li Rui watched the spell power increase by 27 points and sighed for a long time.


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