Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 326: , Indecision, quantum mechanics!

And after Ando Aina taught the experience in the secret world, they even understood the gap between themselves and the world's top awakeners.

Even if their strength has not changed substantially, there is a wonderful sense of superiority in their hearts.

We, the people who have met the world, are different from those domestic rookies who play mud in the low-end game!

Everyone said goodbye, Ando Aina finally looked at Luo Li in tears, and plunged her head into her majestic chest.

"Woooo... Lord Luo Li, I can't bear you..."

Watching her face rubbing desperately in the deep valley, Li Rui and Yi Kaicheng beside him jumped together.

Yi Kaicheng: Shit, this traitor! I buried my face! Say good to protect the best Lili together?

Li Rui: "............"

When the boarding time was approaching, Li Rui suddenly pulled Ando Aina to her and whispered to her ear.

"That mark is not dangerous. You can study more when you go back."

Ando Aina's eyes lit up, she didn't speak, and bowed to Li Rui again.

Reaching and rubbing the little head, Li Rui took the Nine-Tailed Foxes to watch their departure, and then ran each thing.

"Right, Luo Li, did you contact the coach?"

On the return trip, Li Rui suddenly remembered the visit to Chen Bin.

"School holiday, where can I find someone?"

"What about the phone?"

"Always shut down, it is estimated that the hospital is not allowed to use it."

"Oh, that only has to wait for the start of school, I hope Xiao Pengfei will get better soon."

Li Rui sighed and Chen Bin took good care of him. If possible, he really wanted to help him.

Unfortunately, leukemia is not an exogenous injury, but an internal cell rebellion.

Even if [Life Potion] is infused, maybe the cancer cells divide faster, he has no good way.

Even God, there are five failures of heaven and man.

Birth, sickness and death, the ruthless laws of nature...

With emotion in his heart, Li Rui shook his head, throwing the inexplicable melancholy emotions behind his head, and began to think about his "making money" plan.

At present, the "seeds" around the world are beginning to germinate, and the Summoner Canyon is gradually lively.

Now the matching game is no longer worrying about being able to make up for it. Instead, the "server" function is too weak at the same time, and it can only support one game at a time. Therefore, it often takes several hours to queue up to play a game.

However, Li Rui put all the fragments of the law that he earned in the early days into the rune land. The system will soon be able to activate a new function, which will summon the Canyon of the Summoner for virtual superposition.

It will not be a problem to support more than a dozen "matches" at the same time. According to the current "user" scale of more than 100 people, the "server" is enough.

"Oh, what is the principle of this virtual superposition? Projection?"

Li Rui looked at the car window, but was consulting the system.

"Not a projection, every superposition state is true and true."

"Based on the parallel infinite expansion..."


"Just spread them to a multidimensional timeline..."

"At the end..."

"But in the end they are all rooted in the Dark Iron Summoner Canyon you created."


Li Rui nodded dumbfounded, the system's posture was beyond his understanding.

It seems that the host is confused, the system is silent for a moment, and a sentence is added: "You can be understood as an infinite quantum superposition state."

Li Rui: "............"

Indecision, quantum mechanics!

This is a mysterious side!

After the perfunctory of the system, Li Rui left Luo Li and Huang Juncai and came to the hospital of the advisory board alone.

Before getting advanced to get a rebirth, there are dangerous things Li Rui is not going to let them participate.

It was still the quiet ward. A long-legged black-frame glasses lady leaned on the sofa and looked at the book quietly. The sun shone on her, as if plating her with a soft and tranquil spirit.

Watching Li Rui bring a bunch of flowers in his hand, Ma Xiaoyun closed the book and nodded with a smile.

"Sister Jun, I heard that you are leaving the hospital?"

"The injury was not serious at first, and I was just afraid of leaving scars after watching so many days."

Looking at Ma Xiaoyun's fair-skinned long legs, Li Rui nodded solemnly. This is the common spiritual civilization of mankind, and must not leave any scars!

After exposing this topic, Li Rui inserted the flowers in his hand into the vase, and then sat on the sofa opposite.

"Brother Lei, are they back?"

"Not yet, it is estimated that the first-line fighters will gradually evacuate after the seal and the Shenzhou Junction are connected."

Ma Xiaoyun paused, staring at Li Rui curiously.

"Xiao Rui, are you sure about that tracking spell?"

She really can't believe that a black iron-ranked Hanhan warrior can attach tracking magic to a mysterious diamond-ranked master!

"Five percent is sure, now I can only be sure that the other party has not found the mark I "planted" on him, but once activated, according to the other party's energy level, it will definitely find and annihilate it at the moment of positioning."

"So... we only have one chance!"

Li Rui raised his eyes slightly, his eyes clear and firm.

After advancing, the secret eyes collected by the [Eye Collector] have a new way of playing. Li Rui can let them attach to the enemy in a silent form, and then activate and send out positioning information when needed.

When the Mystic Eye is in a state of silence, there is almost no magical fluctuation in the conventional sense. Through this experiment, the Bronze Order Mystic Eye in Silence can escape the Spirit of the Secret Diamond Order.

This is great news for Li Rui to hunt high-energy enemies in the future!

"Now Modu is sitting on the ground between us. Why can't the black-robed man wait for the captain and Lei Ge to come back, be sure to kill him in one blow, and can't leave him any chance to resist."

Ma Xiaoyun pondered for a moment, a sharp flash in his eyes.

"But I'm worried that he has other companions. The kidnapping and sacrifice of children to worship the evil **** will definitely not be his own hands."

"Well, according to the image of his natal life that he showed that We have already started the investigation through [Tin Ting], and it is estimated that we can find out his origin soon!"

Li Rui nodded, and as long as the enemy showed a little flaw, it was only a matter of time to find out his heels through the power of the national machine.

The only thing to worry about now is, will he be in a bad mood?

"There is no high probability. The Supernatural Disaster Response Staff has completed the behavior analysis, and thinks that their plan is only the last step. At this time, giving up is a waste of effort, and they will gamble."

After hearing Li Rui's concerns, Ma Xiaoyun shook his head.

"And on the day of the incident, three dragons of the town and state entered the magic capital from the spiritual level and began to strengthen the seal. As long as they are busy after the seal returns to reality, the person who is not waiting for the captain to come back will be dead!"

Ma Xiaojun clenched his fists and said bitterly.



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