"There are not many good things in our family, and these peaches are still delicious. I will pick two for you to try."

"Grandpa! They have three people..."

Zhao Youxuan pulled the old man's sleeves quietly.


The old man gave her a strange look, and inexplicably brought a touch of sadness in her eyes.

The female university is not staying!


Seeing the benefits, Li Rui cheeked Li Wei out.

A streamer was condensing behind him, spending half his head, looking at the two strangers timidly.

"Grandpa Zhao."

Zhao Laohan heard Li Wei shouting at him, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Which girl is this? Really good, come and eat peaches!"

The old man reached out and grabbed, and the fattest peach fell into his hand with a clatter, and threw it into Li Wei's hand.

Holding a flat peach as big as his face, and smelling the tantalizing sweetness of the fruit, Li Weitian smiled: "Thank you grandpa."

"Good! Good! No thanks! No thanks!"

Zhao Laohan saw his granddaughter as if he saw his granddaughter.

Then he saw Li Rui's gaze looking forward, his kind smile suddenly converged, his eyes suddenly became melancholy, he looked up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle, and sighed sadly.


Do you want to be treated differently?

Li Rui rolled his eyes in a big way, knowing that this genius Dibao was not easy to take, and could only take the conversation sensiblely.

"Grandpa Zhao, what are you bothering about? I wonder if we can help?"

Zhao Laohan's eyes flashed with light, the tiger's eyes were in tears, and the five fingers like iron tongs grabbed Li Rui, squeezing his bones.

"Xiao Rui, are you willing to help me?"

"Uh... the kid has limited abilities..."

"No trouble, as long as you can take Xuan Xuan out to school!"

Li Rui: "............"



Walking out of the quiet valley dizzyly, Li Rui's team had a more excited figure with sadness.

Zhao Youxuan put on a plain sportswear, except that she was not as beautiful as a person. It looked no different from a 15- or 16-year-old girl.

She looked back at the valley one step at a time, and the old man stood on the road and waved towards them from afar.

"Woo... Grandpa..."

Feeling her inner reluctance, Li Rui sighed and patted her on the shoulder.

"Come on, you can come back to see him on vacation."


Li Rui was pushed away with his mouth open, and the four quickly disappeared into the vast valley.

After a long while, Zhao Hanhan stood still, looking at the direction of Zhao Youxuan's departure, his eyes full of sorrow.


A fiery red streamer in the sky shot straight down and instantly formed a figure beside Zhao Han.

"You are willing to send the baby granddaughter?"

The person came wearing a fiery red robe, with a crane-like face, and apparently his age is similar to that of Lao Zhao, but his skin is smooth and delicate like a baby.

"All the real dragons in the prophecy are here, what else can I do?"

Zhao Laohan's eyes still looked at the distance, with a deep dismay in his turbid eyes.

"Tian Xingzi's prophecy is a two-knife, do you believe him?"

The old man sneered and his face was disdainful.

"I can't do it if I don't believe it...I...protect...no...she..."

Painful emotions appeared in Zhao's eyes, and his voice grew stranger, and finally turned into a monster-like roar.

He began to bulge with huge sarcomas, and snake-like tentacles grew on his face. Numerous blood mouths were opened on the exposed skin, and scary eyes protruded from the inside.


A tattered "wooden stick" on the wall of the thatched house suddenly burst into a thick aura that was visible to the naked eye, and turned into a black beam of light to shoot out to the old Zhao Zhao.

"Wooden stick" was suspended above the old man Zhao's head, and his horrible sword resonated with it. The surrounding body space burst into layers of ripples, and everything within the scope turned into nothingness.

Even the old man in red robe frowned and stepped away.

After a long time, the sarcoma of Zhao Zhao's body wriggled and struggled as if to break out before shrinking back.

Eyes and tentacles slowly converged, and the "wooden stick" fell into the hands of Zhao Laohan, struggling to support his body.

"When did it become so serious? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Oh, what's the use of telling you? This is pollution from spirituality, only by myself...only by myself..."

Zhao Laohan muttered to himself, his cloudy eyes seemed to be covered with a white film, which was even more weird.

After a sigh of relief, Mr. Zhao stood up straight again, his blind eyes still looking at the direction of Zhao Youxuan's departure.

"Only "Dragon" can bless her, the child's future should not be in this wild land!"

"Don't say that, how long can you last?"

"In ten years, I have one last chance..."

Zhao Laohan finally withdrew his eyes and looked at his friends.

"If I fail, I'll trouble you to find some more friends at that time. It is estimated that it should be divine at that time. Don't waste the materials after slaughtering me. It should be eaten and used. By the way, remember to give Xuan Xuan keep a copy."

"Are you sure your granddaughter wants those things?"

The old man in red robe couldn't laugh or cry.

"You can exchange some other good things for her."

Zhao Laohan smiled slightly and looked into the distance again.


With a Zhao Youxuan, Li Rui and others cannot directly [back to the city] and can only obediently return to the base of Shushan along the original road.

Looking at his system panel, Li Rui is happy and troubled.

"Permanent divine gain energy is detected, the Black Iron Order greedy gluttony is activated, and the absorption capacity is increased by four times!"

"Absorb and solidify 21% of the overall gain energy and gain an additional 3572 health."

"Get an additional 1401 mana."

"Achieve divine solidification and extend the life of the host by 137 years."

"Achieve divine solidification and increase the energy absorption efficiency of the host by 10%."

"The above gain energy is accumulated in the host body and dissipated over time. Please host as soon as possible to digest and absorb."

Flat peach!

I didn't expect it to be real flat peach!

Although it is not as perverted as in the legend ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but just a life extension of more than a hundred years to earn money, put it out, countless rich people are willing to change one even if they are ruined?

Not to mention the huge amount of life and mana, this trip does not...

After a pause, looking at the confused Zhao Youxuan, Li Rui blinked, his heart was a mess, and he didn't know if he was a loss.

It stands to reason that people have such great benefits, they should wholeheartedly help others fulfill their wishes.

But Mr. Zhao said ambiguously and only asked Li Rui to take Zhao Youxuan out of school to take care of her.

Take care... these three words, there is a lot of room for operation.

Go out and find a school for her, buy a house, settle down, and give her a sum of money. This is a good care.

Taking her as a family member, teaching her all the common sense on earth and worrying about her for a lifetime, this is also a good care.

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