The river was interrupted, the hill was leveled, the ground was cracked, and the bottomless ravine was cut.

Li Rui felt that he was getting stronger and stronger, and he could cut a canyon-like wound on Jiuying Hill's body with one blow.

With a look in his eyes, Li Rui remembered a piece of equipment.

[The liquidation of Atama]

When fighting against enemy heroes or epic monsters, you gain attack power every minute, the amount is equivalent to 0.1% of the maximum health, providing a maximum of 2.5%.

Its own power is proportionally enlarged, including blood volume!

So this equipment provides thousands? Or tens of thousands of attacks?

What an artifact of a protracted battle!

In Li Rui's heart, the Zerg's hind legs stomped fiercely on the ground.


For example, the manic energy of a volcanic eruption spewed out, and a beam of light with a diameter of several kilometers rose into the sky, piercing the clouds, and slowly spreading out until the end of the line of sight.


Nine babies were blasted into the sky again, and the Zerg's body moved, taking advantage of this opportunity to cut off its small half of the body and quickly stuffed it into his mouth.

Click Click~

The sound of crumbling bones sounded rhythmically, and the flesh that could not be swallowed flowed down like a waterfall, struggling and creeping on the ground, just like life still wanting to gather together again.

Suddenly, a crisp dragon sounded in Li Rui's ear. The infinite power of Nine Infants quickly disappeared, and the advent passage of Xuan Zhi You Xuan was severely cut off.

The recovery of the half body of the giant snake came down at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. It was still full of blood and blue after playing for a long time, and suddenly the body suddenly glowed with a dark red light.

Let it die while it is sick!

The cold light flashed in Li Rui's eyes, and the Zerg disappeared instantly.


Teleporting behind it, the horror claws stepped **** its spine and penetrated deeply into the flesh.

Nine infants screamed, nine heads turned upside down, and the fang-like fangs would bite on the worm.


With words, the hurricane-like vortex of red energy entangled Nine Infants and weakened it in all directions.

Seeing the dim light on the scales of Nine Infants, Li Ruiyun lifted the [skeletal plating], a bright solid brilliance on the Zerg carapace, tens of meters long claws raised high, flashing a deep dark red awn!

[Eternal Unbroken Infinite Tribulation]! [Dark Harvest]! 【new moon】! [Fear of Sting]! [Sacrifice]!

The crescent moon that tore the space slashed past the nine babies and cut a slap wide, bottomless crack in the ground.

The nine heads broke off at the same time, and the remaining body shone with scarlet light that no one else could see.

Li Rui's eyes lit up, the Zerg cheered, and suddenly his mouth grew.

The jaw opened like a snake, and the dark, hollow throat was an eternal void.

The huge mouth covered with fierce teeth gnawed the remaining body of Nine Infants, biting hard!


The corpse was squeezed and deformed, and blood like a fountain flew out for miles!


The law of engulfment was launched, and the worm's throat was like a black hole, devouring divine flesh wildly.

Desperately chewing and chewing, in just a few tens of seconds, the small limbs of the corpse were swallowed into the empty stomach pouch, and Li Rui finally satiated a satisfied feeling in his heart.

The golden flame spread on the ground, and the remaining flesh and blood were burned to fly ash. The 100-meter-high Zerg gradually contracted, and finally Li Rui's figure was revealed.

The toes fell gently on the ground like feathers, the sky shattered like glass, and the whole world collapsed silently.

The color returned to sight again, and Li Rui saw Su wake up and led his subordinate Ma Xiaoyun, who was waiting for him, nodded slightly at her.

Afterwards, Li Rui turned his head to look at the rotten flesh that was paralyzed and struggling, and took a heavy step to "He".


In a vaguely moaning sound like an air leak, Chen Bin was slightly twitched with an unrecognizable head, and he was not dead.

"Coach...I'll avenge you!"

Squatting down and kneeling on the ground, Li Rui's voice trembled, and he stretched out the burning palm.


The head used all its strength to lift it up, and when it died, it seemed to want to look at the "son" on the back.

"Peng Fei is okay, rest assured, you will live happily together in the future, no more pain, no torture..."

Closing his burnt eyelids, Li Rui murmured like he was hypnotizing.


The heavy and thick panting sound weakened, Li Rui's heart was cruel, his strength spit out, and the magnificent flames bloom like the sun!


The high temperature and air waves spreading out forced the advisory board to keep retreating. Only Ma Xiaoyun stood on the spot, looking at the back that was gradually covered by the flame.

He is just a child!

When the brilliance dissipated and the flames extinguished, leaving only a glazed depression on the ground, Li Rui slowly stood up and walked to the crowd with a terrifying aftermath.

"Xiao Rui, are you okay?"

Ma Xiaoyun looked at him worriedly and gently supported his arm.

"It's okay, but this time it's estimated to be in a coma for a long time, trouble..."

Before the words were finished, a golden light shot from Li Rui's forehead and instantly disappeared into the void.

The body and the soul that were pressed to the limit lost their support. Li Rui only felt black in front of him, and the whole person fell into boundless darkness.


The sky was dull and overcast with clouds, and a low air pressure condensed over the cemetery, as if the mortal on the ground were also in pity.

Li Rui wore a pure black formal dress and stood in front of the tombstone without speaking for a long time.

All the Nine-Tailed Fox team members were present, and even some graduates who had graduated a few years ago came back thousands of miles just to attend Chen Bin's funeral.

A low, depressed cry came from the team, standing next to Li Rui, and Luo Li in a black dress couldn't help crying slightly.

"A good man like a coach, why is destiny so unfair to him... why..."

Li Ruimo cuddled her shoulders silently, embraced her in her arms, and let the warm tears moisten her clothes.

After a long time, Li Rui stared into the distance and murmured out of focus: "Because we are too weak, even the fate of those around us cannot be changed..."

Gently wiped away the tears on Luo Li's face, Li Rui's eyes were deep, as if penetrating time and space, with endless firmness So, we have to control our destiny in our own hands! "

Luo Li sniffed her nose, depressed her grief, and clenched her teeth.

"Yes! Take your destiny in your own hands!"

Looking at the determined eyes, Li Rui smiled and let go of Luo Li, slowly walked to Chen Bin's tomb and caressed the tombstone.

"Coach, I will let the hybrids of the Reformed sect pay the price, I swear!"

After meditation in his heart, Li Rui gave up his position and let everyone behind him worship.

The repressed crying sound drifted with the autumn wind, and the sadness spread like ripples in the cold and solemn graveyard, and the sky seemed more gloomy...




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