Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 372: 、【Tech Gun】【Nash Teeth】

The [Nash Fang] can carry a certain percentage of magical damage in the general attack, which is definitely the most cost-effective equipment for Li Rui, who can infinitely increase the magic power!


   So...what is going on?


  Li Rui rubbed his chin and fell into a happy worry.


   After a long time, Li Rui gritted his teeth fiercely as he saw his life value breaking through the 15,000 mark.


  Give up 【Armour Armor】!


   My own candidness has burst into the table, and it is worthwhile for the weaker golden rank!


   What is missing now is attack power!


   And the double vampire of [Dance of Death] and [Tech Gun], plus his terrifying health, the disguise has also increased the degree of frankness!


With a decision in mind, the two upgrade options quickly turned into blank equipment columns.


   "System, buy [Hex Technology Gunblade]."


   "Confirm the purchase of [Hex Technology Gun Blade]? 3500 gold coins need to be consumed."




   "Does it consume 200 points of basic rule fragments, the rule of fusion casting system?"






The splendid blue aura was twisted and turned into a strange piece of equipment. It looked like a gun, not a gun. The entire barrel became a huge dagger. The bright green sides were engraved with mysterious and simple inscriptions, exuding a sharp and unknown atmosphere. .


  【Hax Technology Gun Blade】


  +40 attack power


  +80 ability power


   The only passive: 15% of the damage is used to heal itself. The treatment efficiency of group injuries is only 33%.


   The only active-lightning bolt: causes 250 (+30% spell power) magic damage and reduces the target hero's movement speed by 40% for 2 seconds (this equipment shares the cooling time with other Hex technology equipment).




   looked at the new **** costume in the equipment bar, Li Rui's eyes were full of joy.


The technology gun plus the dance of death, it is really fleshy and has an output. The key is that the blood sucking they are different from spell blood sucking and physical blood sucking. As long as the damage is caused, it can return blood, not only for skills and general attacks, but also for skills or equipment. The special effects (Timo's venom, the punishment of the wild knife, the rebound of the anti-damage armor, etc.) can all **** blood!


That is to say, as soon as [Sacrifice] is opened, all the enemies close to you are a continuous blood bank. Wait for the next time to buy a [Armour Armor], [Armor of Thorns] that taste... Gee, three words, perpetual motion !


   I can stand and let the enemy fight for a year!


   After a long time, Li Rui's eyes were calm, his inflated emotions slightly converged, and he took a deep breath.


   "System, buy [Nash Teeth]."


   "Confirm the purchase of [Nash's Tooth]? You need to consume 3000 gold coins."




   "Does it consume 200 points of basic rule fragments, the rule of fusion casting system?"






   The splendid golden light instantly condenses in the blank equipment bar, turning into a gorgeous golden sword.


  【Tooth of Nash】


   +50% attack speed


  +80 ability power


   The only passive: +20% cooling reduction.


   The only passive: Normal attacks will cause 15 (+10% of spell power) additional spell damage.




   Li Rui bowed left and right, his fists left countless afterimages in the air, and within a few seconds, a "fist wave" surged in an area in front!


   [Mysterious Sword], [Phantom Dance], [Nash Fang] together add up to 100% of your attack speed, but it still feels inferior to the Leo Golden Saint Seiya in the previous secret realm.


   But it is normal to think about it, and there is also the magic trick of "Einstein Black Question Mark Face", such as Lightspeed Boxing.


   Even at a discount in reality, it is estimated that there are still sonic punches at the legendary or mythical level.


  I don't really see this speed of attack at present.


   But the quantity is not enough to make up, take a look, if you digest all the extra attributes on the current panel.


   That general attack is: 417 physical attacks + [Giant Hydra] 157 physical damage with 1% maximum health + [Nash Teeth] 72 magic damage.


   Total damage reached 646 points!


   This is not yet a skill of [Fear of Sting], [Indestructible Grip], [Dark Harvest], [New Moon] these skills!


   Even with a simple general attack, Li Rui can knock down a black iron level with two or three punches.


  Can't be like this, I am a mage, I want to be elegant! Be harmonious!


  How can I knock on someone by myself?


Still point out the skills of Xiaofa as soon as possible, frame it with [distorted space], [cracked] will not be empty, and then a set of skills will be thrown up, see who is second, who will talk to each other, this is what it is. A gesture that the Lord should have!


  Li Rui's mind was so beautiful that she slowly closed the system panel.


   The spiritual withering injury is not good, and he has acquired so many extra attributes, enough to digest for a long time!


  可[Exceptional evil force] It is almost full again. If you don’t use it, it’s a waste. You have to find an opportunity to collect the garbage.


   In addition, should [Observer]'s active skills be used to explore...


   sat cross-legged on the bed, Li Rui's thoughts circulated in his head, but soon his mind gradually became clear, his distractions dissipated, and his mind and body were fully engaged in the operation of the exercises.




  The night sky was densely covered with clouds, and the thunder snake shuttled through the clouds from time to time. After a long time, the dull roar came from the sky.


  Li Rui stood on the top of a four-story building, staring at the humble bungalow not far away.


   "Rigor, you haven't gotten hurt yet, do you want to lurk in?"


   Huang Juncai looked at the target with a sight and asked worriedly.


  Li Rui smiled and shook his head.


   "No, just test new weapons, we just need to prevent the enemy from running away."


   turned his wrist, a bright golden card was sandwiched between his fingers, and Li Rui flicked it gently towards the bungalow.




   The untraceable sound of breaking the sky flashed away. After the card flew a distance, it exploded into chaotic aura, finally condensing a majestic golden tyrannosaurus two meters high!




  Tyrannosaurus hind legs gently fell to the ground, raising a touch of dust.




   Just then, a thunder burst from the sky, and raindrops poured down, covering the whole world like a curtain.


   It's really God help me too.


  Li Rui smiled slightly and controlled 【Tyrannosaurus】toward the bungalow.


   "Damn, what the **** does the weather say it rains, it rains so loudly in autumn!"


  The little **** at the door took out two lit.


   "Hey, this weather is the best thing to do! It's our turn to collect debts this time. I heard that the creditors' wives and daughters are pretty good!"


   "My daughter is only 10 years old, you beast!"


   "It sounds like you haven't played it. The last time you were smaller, you didn't have a lot of fun, and in the end, you played dead."


   "Fuck you, that's the boss playing dead, it's not my business."




   They smoked cigarettes and walked out, and suddenly found a tall and strange shadow in the rain curtain was walking towards them.


   "Well? What stuff?"


   There was a trace of vigilance in their hearts, and they felt the weapon they were carrying.



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