If she marries Luo Li in the future, will she also send me out this morning?

After tidying up his tie, Luo Li raised her head shyly, just in front of Li Rui's tender eyes.

The sight is entangled, and the air is filled with sweet and sour ambiguous smell.

Mom said that boys can't resist this trick, and sure enough the captain seemed to like it!

This dead ghost used to be stupid before, I must let you confess this time!

There was a hint of rapture in Luo Li's heart, which was the first time she felt a clear response from Li Rui!

"Cough, you two come back to sprinkle dog food two nights! To be late!"

A visionless voice broke the slimy atmosphere, Huang Juncai rolled his eyes wide and complained.

Luo Li glared at him fiercely, then naturally took Li Rui's arm.

"Captain, let's go."


Li Rui was a little bit confused and followed the big army out of the house.

A few people did not drive, and the "dormitory" was only a little more than a kilometer away from the school. If they ran, they would be able to reach the school in tens of seconds.

Walking leisurely, going to school like ordinary Dongying students, enjoying the exotic street scene along the way, everyone is quite a bit novel.

Li Wei took the lead in occupying his brother's arm on the other side. Zhao Youxuan, who didn't take up the vacancy, was sulking when he was mad, and ran wildly before and after running, looking around.

"What's wrong? Did you sleep well?"

Luo Li asked Li Rui when she found that she had no energy.

"Last night I moved the injury and was a little tired."

Li Rui yawned, his eyes a little lazy.

"is it serious?"

Both pendants looked at him worriedly.

Only Huang Juncai disdain.

Obviously, casting a spell through the night hurts the spirit, what pretend to be?

Do you think our people's police will believe your bullshit?

"It's okay, just tired, just sleep more."

Li Rui smiled softly and comforted.

A few people quickly walked into the campus, and the students along the way saw them, and they all took the initiative to say hello in awe.

"Good morning, Senior."

"Senior Guian!"

Looking at his Phnom Penh tie and Luo Li's Phnom Penh satin flower, Li Rui once again intuitively experienced Dongying's strict grade.

Wise school uniforms are basically the same, but the decorations for each grade are different.

Only the third grade will wear a tie and satin flowers, and the decorative objects are inlaid with gold rims, indicating that they are real power figures in the school.

Either the cadres of the student union or the president of most of the students!

I heard that the president and vice-president of the Student Union also have exclusive accessories, and Li Rui can only sigh with emotion.

There are not so many moths in Mingde Middle School!

In the respectful eyes of many younger siblings, Li Rui smiled and nodded gently.

"Good morning."

The simple response made them a little flattered, especially the girls who almost jumped with excitement.

The seniors are so handsome! The seniors are so gentle! Woo... Mom! I am in love!

Immediately, they saw that the arm of the person they liked was deep in the mountains, and an angel who looked like a angel from the fairy tale looked at them with a smile.


The broken girl's heart broke.

Ooo...Mum...I am in love...

"Year 3, who are they? Why haven't I seen them?"

"Jin Si in the third grade is just over twenty, and none of them are foreign faces!"

"Isn't there a lot of commotion in the school yesterday? It seems that the communication between the heavens and the dynasties is coming, will it be them?"

"Golden Dragon Cup Captain!!!"

After a burst of exclamation, the bets on Li Rui's people increased.

But Li Rui didn't seem to notice it. He squinted his eyes like an unsleeping cat, and walked into the classroom elegantly and lazily.

Across the distance, a good-looking middle-aged man strode forward.

"Student Li Rui, did you rest well yesterday?"

Looking at the hands that he proactively extended, Li Rui showed a sincere smile, stretched out his hands with humility, and held them with him.

"Taking care of me, I have a good rest."

"Hahaha, that's good. I'm the principal of Wise Middle School, Shutaro Sakai. If you have any questions here, you can contact me directly!"

"Then, Mr. principal, please."

"Where, we are much more wise to rely on you!"

Saitaro Sakai squeezed Li Rui's hand enthusiastically, shaking it gently.

Li Rui understood what he meant and nodded lightly: "I will do my best."

"Then please classmate Li Rui!"

Saitaro Sakai's eyes lit up, and solemnly bowed slightly to Li Rui.

"Mr. Principal is polite."

Li Rui calmly returned the gift and took a leisurely manner.

Saitaro Sakai wondered in his heart, and his eyes were full of appreciation. He just accompanied a few people to the Academic Affairs Office.

Everyone's class has been arranged for a long time. As in Mingde, Li Rui and Huang Juncai have one class, Luo Li has one class, and Li Wei and Zhao Youxuan are in the same class.

In addition, every day there will be one-on-one tutoring by top teachers to help the two little guys integrate into the environment as soon as possible.

"My name is Li Rui, an exchange student from Tianchao Mingde Middle School. Please take care of me."

After coming to the classroom with the teacher, he said a few words in the curious eyes of the classmates, and Li Ruiwen ended his self-introduction kindly.

"Uh... Classmate Li Rui, there is a seat in the back row, can you see over there?"

The teacher asked questions, not like facing his students at all, but like facing his superiors.

He could understand the origin of this man, and the principal had just sent them to the Academic Affairs Office. He told them in words that he should not be ignored.

"Of course, thank you teacher."

Li Rui came to the back seat with a schoolbag and found that it was not the second row from the bottom of the window. He sighed slightly.

No protagonist's life!

"Li Sang, hello, my name is Damu Caixiang."

At the same table, he greeted him curiously. Li Rui turned his head and found that he was a beautiful little girl with gold wire glasses and a quiet temperament.

"Hello Big Mu Sang."

Li Rui nodded gently and alienatedly, and took out the textbooks in the schoolbag.

At this time, Huang Juncai finished his self-introduction in his crappy Japanese, and fart ran to Li Rui behind him and sat down ~www.wuxiaspot.com~God's Day, it was only a few minutes and hooked up with another one! "

Relying on the people not knowing Chinese, Huang Juncai poked Li Rui.

Damu Caixiang couldn't understand it, so he could only smile at him politely, and Li Rui's backhand was a brainstorm.

"Don't talk nonsense!"


He was also ready to quarrel with Li Rui, but the bell rang at school, and Huang Juncai sat back in his seat unwillingly.

In the morning, many people in the class chatted around Huang Juncai during the break, but not many people dared to talk to Li Rui.

Just looking at him, inexplicable awe will rise in everyone's heart.

He doesn't seem to be his peers, but a more sacred creature!

Do not desecrate! Worship and worship!

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