Matsuda Yudou’s hand trembling slightly with the handle of the knife, he felt that he and others were like grasshoppers stomping in front of a dragon. The dragon stretched out its claws to tease them gently, enjoying the joy they brought, but They did not mind their threats at all.

They bet on a dignified battle, for the dragon...just playing...

An extreme sense of humiliation flooded his heart, as if his heart had been squeezed by an invisible hand. He had never been so contemptuous in his life.

The key point is that Li Rui is only 17 years old, and is a full round smaller than him!

Being so humiliated by a junior, Matsuda Yudou's forehead soared, and his face was grim.

"Can't fix it! Go die!"

With a roar, he broke the dynamic balance on the battlefield, like a crazy saber, and slashed to Li Rui without scruples.

Trapped by his anger, the other two could only turn to defend and attacked Li Rui under the cover of Xia Zhen.

Even if he lost his mind, the cooperation of the three people was still tacit, and the blade locked Li Rui around him, as if a silver tornado surrounded him.

"Come well!"

Li Rui's double fists lifted up like a substantial qi, his muscles soared, and his arms were crawling like a python. Dan Tianzhong raised a surging energy into his fist, as if bringing him a pair of golden gloves.


In an instant, Li Rui threw three punches in three different directions, and the fist swelled rapidly in the moment of leaving the body, turning into a locomotive-like translucent vigor, and blasting the silver tornado with crushing power.


The three of them took one punch each, and the unstoppable punches had no tricks and drove them out with unmatched strength.

Like a flattened fly, the fist pressed them to "plow out" three avenues on the battlefield. All the divisions and brothers along the way were knocked off. The "Xiaguang" that enveloped the battlefield slowly dissipated, revealing the true content.

Looking at Li Rui, who stood in the center of the battlefield, covered in golden light, like a god, and watched the people's hearts, they were envious, jealous, and resentful...

Why is such an arrogant man of heaven?

Just like lemons, they were sour and trembling.

And Li Rui in the field was not idle, taking advantage of the three strongest silvers being blasted away, like a tiger coming down the mountain, with a ferocious and brutal momentum, crushing past.

"Can't repair it!"

"Ooooo... Monster! Go to hell!"

"Don't come over here!!"

The remaining [I have no thoughts] disciples' mentality finally collapsed, and the feelings of despair spread among the crowd.

Some people howled and rushed up, while others flinched.

Morale collapses and loses command. These mysterious and powerful extraordinary people in the eyes of ordinary people are just a group of lambs to be slaughtered in Li Rui's eyes.

If he wanted to, they could be massacred in a few minutes.

Of course, I still remember that I came to "exchange learning". Li Rui didn't fight hard. He transported 50% of his strength and swept across the old sword. [Giant Hydra] went straight down.

The spreading knife ran over, leaving the wounded who groaned in pain.

When Matsuda Yudou struggled to get up, he saw such a miserable scene.

[I have no thought flow] Nearly one hundred extraordinary children have been annihilated, only their three silver ranks still retain a certain combat effectiveness.


His shoulders were beaten heavily, and Matsuda Weidou looked back and found that he seemed to be a ten-year-old master.

"Enough is enough, you are not his opponent, admit defeat, if he insists on humiliating us, let me come to meet him."

When Matsuda was fighting his head, he dared not look at the teacher's eyes, for fear of seeing disappointment.

Humiliation, anger, fear, despair, pain...

All kinds of negative emotions turned into poisonous snakes biting the heart, and the five fingers holding the handle were loose and tight, tight and loose.

After a long time, he suddenly looked up.

"Master, I! Also! No! Yes! Lose!"

Squeezing this sentence out of the teeth, Matsuda Yudou stared at his teacher with red eyes.

The two stared at each other for a long time, but Noda Kangsheng finally defeated, loosened his shoulders, and sighed painfully.

He saw death aspirations from the eyes of his disciples!

Turning around, Matsuda Widow wiped away the dusty sword and slowly retracted the scabbard.

Behind me is a master craftsman, there is no escape route!

With a determination in his heart, the violent emotions in Matsuda's eyes gradually faded, leaving only the determination to kill.

When the opponent is too strong to resist, for the pride of the genre, [I have no thought flow] has a swordsmanship that all die together.

Unintentional Sword Flow·Unique Sword

This was not originally a swordsmanship [I have no thought flow], but because of its great power, it was absorbed into it and improved, becoming the last means of maintaining the glory of the school.

Unlock the instinctive self-protection of the flesh, give up all defenses, and use all of your life to burn the most gorgeous sword!

The cherry blossoms that bloom like Xu Yu are brilliant and beautiful!

Seemingly seeing his own destiny, Matsuda Yudou’s inner peace became abnormal, and the opposite was his surging terror.

"What's the matter? Breaking through?"

"No, it's the secret method of burning life. This is desperate!"

"Why? There is no fear of leaving Qingshan without firewood."

"Oh, to put it bluntly, if Li Rui really penetrated them, once [Dong Ying's sick man]'s plaque was hung up, [I have no thoughts] would become a laughing stock forever."

"Yeah, they have no retreat."

"Hello! Are you not optimistic about Noda Kangsheng's old fellow?"

"He was hurt by "the one" decades ago, and the ghost knew he still had some fighting power."

"Maybe someone quietly broke through to the secret diamond?"

"Oh, you think too much."

The onlookers gathered their spirits and watched the three silvers surround Li Rui again.

Feeling the action of Matsuda Yudou, the remaining two also began to burn themselves, and the terror turned into substantial pressure, holding Li Rui firmly.

Li Rui frowned slightly, feeling things out of his control, they did not expect these guys to be so strong.

"I don't want to kill people, don't force me."

"Late, Chinatown, I will kill you today!"

Ishizaki just grinned, venting his final madness.

A slight flash of light flashed in Li Rui's eyes, and he spit out two words gently Stupid! "


The dark red energy exploded, and Li Rui suddenly appeared behind him.

The headless body spewed out a scarlet fountain several meters high, and Ishizaki-gang still had a terrified expression on his face, and his head had been pinched in his hand by Li Rui.

[Flying Snake Cloud Detector]!

[Dark Harvest]!

The destructive power of nearly four thousand is driven by the speed of [Flying Snake Cloud Detector] law-level speed, which produces a terrifying effect.

At a distance of more than ten meters, Li Rui had almost no warning, and immediately took off his head, and did not even give him the opportunity to raise a knife to resist.

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