Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 490: Promotion bronze

And after this battle, [I have no thoughts] all the high-level leaders are wiped out, and the remaining three or two kittens are all beaten up by Li Rui, and it takes a year and a half to recover from the injury.

After the injury, I still have the courage to take the knife.

It is estimated that in a few years, the name [I have no thoughts] will only appear in history.

Destroy its ancestry and destroy its tradition!

Most of Li Rui's anger dissipated under his eyes, and he breathed out a long murmur.

"Indeed, the serpent should still be in the seal. Why did it come to Noda Kangsheng, did he secretly join the [Return to the Sect of the Void]?"

Feng Hanran frowned slightly, only feeling the mess.

Li Rui has speculations, but the information is incomplete at present, but he is silent.

After crossing the complicated and accidentally injured masses, the two returned to the dojo along the corridor, and the sign of [Dong Ying's sick man] was still inserted directly on the wooden floor.

Li Rui pulled it up and walked out the door with Feng Hanran.

Looking back, the vigorous and powerful [I have no thoughts] plaque was hung in the middle of the main entrance. Li Rui reached out and grabbed, and the antiquities with more than 200 years of history were captured in the air.

Appreciating a moment, he slowly raised his fist.

"Can't fix it! Stop it!"

Several people in kendo suits stumbled over and watched Li Rui explode the plaque with one punch.

"Do not!!!"

These wounded people who were transferred to a safe area screamed and fell to the ground like they lost their souls. The eyes looking at Li Rui were full of hatred and bitterness.

"I can still move, it seems that I didn't strike hard enough."

Li Rui looked at them with a smile, and the cold killing intentions flashed away.

In an instant, they recalled the fear of being dominated by monsters, the hatred and bitterness in their eyes dissipated in an instant, and the despair on the battlefield enveloped them again.

However, Li Rui did not pay attention to these Luther.

With a slight flick in his hand, the sign of [Dong Ying's sick man] steadily fell to the center of the gate, accurately replacing the original plaque.

Appreciating for a moment, Li Rui nodded in satisfaction.

"If you have confidence to wash the shame, then come to me with this plaque, and if you win, let you change it back, if you don't win... Ha ha, then change to a bigger one!"

With two sneers, Li Rui turned and left with the helpless Feng Hanran shaking his head.

Until they walked away, the swordsmen who fell on the ground looked back at the door. [Dong Ying's sick man] The four words were like a soldering iron, which burned their skin blood red!

"Beast! Beast! Beast! Woooooooo..."

Some nails were digging into the flesh, some of them thumped with fists, some of their hearts were ashes of death, and some were incompetent and furious, but no one dared to take down the plaque!

Immediately afterwards, dense footsteps came from the dojo, and various high-level transcendental people watched a group of people at the gate falling down on the ground nervously, only feeling inexplicable.

But when they walked out of the door and saw the four words on their heads, they immediately understood the feelings of these disciples.



Although Li Rui’s [Dong Ying Sick Man] plaque is aimed at only one school, [I have no thoughts] As a spiritual leader of conservatives, this loud slap is not only drawn on their faces, but also indirectly drawn from all conservatives. Supporter's face!

The same sense of shame came to people's hearts. People couldn't help but accelerate through the gate. The four words on their heads seemed to emit an invisible light, burning their cheeks.

In less than ten minutes, the lively dojo became cold and deserted, leaving only the wounded wounded people looking up at the sky, wondering about life.


"At the end of the battle, you defeated 92 hero units, killed four, and won a brilliant victory, s-level evaluation, basic reward x2."

"You gained 84228 (42114x2) experience points."

"Complete the first daily victory mission and gain 20 experience points."

"You have received 6,824 (3412x2) gold coins."

"You killed three Jue Silver Level units, and one Golden Level unit. You gained 793 basic rule fragments and 197 advanced rule fragments."

"[Feast] devoured the enemy, you gained 631 permanent life growth, and the number of feast layers +1."

"[Overgrowth] Absorbing the withering vitality, you gain 205 permanent health growth."

"[Extraordinary Evil Force] Reap the souls of four heroes and you will gain 40 permanent spell growth."

"You got a golden treasure chest."

"You have upgraded!"


After ignoring these conventional gains, Li Rui depressed his heart and looked at the hint at the end.

"The host devours divine power, gains 11276 high-level rule fragments, 21 points of chaotic essence, and the progress of spiritual deification."

"The host is promoted to bronze rank, the new rune page is unlocked, the upper limit of all skills is raised to bronze rank, the upper limit of all runes is raised to bronze rank, the upper limit of all equipment is raised to bronze rank, [teammate rank] plus one, get blank [inheritance rank ], accept new heroic inheritance!"


After a long breath, Li Rui looked up at the ceiling calmly. After a long time, he adjusted his emotions and turned his attention to the system panel again.

【Li Rui】

Race: Human·True Dragon

Energy Level: Bronze (Spiritual Strengthening)

Level: 74

Health: 475118893 [Undigested additional health 3636 points]

Mana: 4012912 [undigested additional mana 617 points]

Armor: 309 [69 points of undigested additional armor] (x103%)

Magic Resistance: 312 [Undigested Extra Magic Resistance 72 points] (x103%)

Attack power: 554 [Undigested additional attack power 131 points]

Spell Power: 664 [Undigested Extra Spell Power 180 points]


Although the bottleneck has been touched vaguely before, Li Rui himself did not expect to advance to bronze so quickly!

I didn't expect that the advancement would be so huge!

It was really terrifying pressure from the serpent. Even if it was a shadow projected from the air, Shenwei made him tighten his chrysanthemum and numb his scalp.

He didn't dare to think about such a thing before, but after this battle, he also knows that the potential of people is endless How strong!

Using an inappropriate metaphor, the serpent is like a wild dog chasing wildly, and Li Ruiji jumps into the dog, and when he slips through the smoke, he reaches a height that was simply out of reach!

Without his stimulation, Li Rui practiced step by step, and it would take at least a few months before he could break through the bronze.

Suppressing his inner joy, Li Rui looked at the 6 valuable upgrade options and glanced at all the skill runes that lifted the upper limit. He only hated that there were no more two 0s behind the 6!

The harvested gold coins can be purchased with two **** costumes. [Extraordinary Evil Forces] and [Feast] are core growth skills and must be upgraded first!

Then there are only two upgrade options that can be used to open the new rune page...

At this moment, Li Rui's desire to upgrade has never been so strong!

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