Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 495: , The Dawn of Infinite Firepower!

And as the energy level increases, he can adjust the skill power, range, effect...

It was like the night of awakening, in the face of the ghost who devoured her sister’s blood, Li Rui broke out the [wild scream] beyond the limit. long.

Power and frequency are always incompatible.

And now, he finally saw the dawn of [infinite firepower]!

Real cooling reduction... cowhide!

No wonder [Enlightenment] is so harsh to open and upgrade. In a sense, [Enlightenment] is the strongest talent rune!

Although it can't directly improve the combat power, it provides the power to modify the rules of the game!

Others playing games are Tulong Baodao, 999 for a knife.

Li Rui playing games is to change the data directly in the background, whosyourdaddy, just ask if you are afraid!

Taking a deep breath, Li Rui's excited nerve slowly recovered.

The current 5% reduction in real cooling does not bring a significant improvement, the system only provides him with a straight road leading to the sky.

But the road at his feet requires him to go step by step!

Calmness regained in his eyes, Li Rui's swollen emotions quickly converged, he continued to rewind and summed up his experience and lessons.

In the battle with [My Mindlessness], he has a place to play well and a place to play unsatisfactory.

Noda Kangsheng himself is a rooster, he is equivalent to fighting with [Sura Million] and the big snake.

Faced with a strong enemy far beyond his own, Li Rui's battle choices can't be wrong, but they can be better!

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered his little doubt.

"System, I now have two pieces of armor-breaking equipment, but the actual use effect is worse than expected? Is the golden rank suppression so powerful?"

It seemed that Li Rui's thought was sensed, and the system pointed out immediately.

"The host has a misunderstanding of the effects of armor piercing and percentage armor piercing. The two sides belong to different laws and cannot be directly superimposed."


Li Rui frowned, and vaguely understood what.

"If the enemy has 100 armor, the host's armor reduction effect is calculated first, that is, 24%, at this time the enemy has 76 armor."

"Next, calculate the percentage of armor piercing effect of the host, 35%, the actual remaining armor strength is 49.4."

Hearing the systematic explanation, Li Rui suddenly realized.

Previously, he only roughly added armor cutting and armor piercing, and got a 59% figure.

According to this calculation, the actual armor of the enemy is only 41 points, which is an increase of 8.4.

And as the data increases, this error will magnify geometrically!

No wonder……

Li Rui nodded, his eyes moving.

"If I still have fixed armor-piercing equipment, will I continue to cut back on the final data?"

"Yes, if the host has fixed armor-piercing equipment, such as [Yumeng Soul], +18 armor-piercing, the final data is 31.4 (49.4-18) points."

Directly cut to one-third, the lower the order, the higher the profit of fixed armor piercing.

Conversely, the higher the order, the more important the percentage piercing.

Li Rui had Mingwu in his heart and clenched his fists.

Children only make choices, and I have to go all out!

Closing his eyes and sensing the spatial coordinates in another dimension, Li Rui launched a skill he had never tried.


After guiding for 45 seconds, teleport the hero to an allied building, creep, or guard.

The roaring psionic energy revolved around him like a whirlwind, a column of spiritual light directly penetrated into the void from above his head, the space-time barrier was penetrated, and a channel was opened in the space of two different coordinates.

Li Rui's whole body was twisted and transformed into a stream of light, and he suddenly fell into the void above his head.

At the same time, in the hut of Chiyoda District, the reconnaissance guard hidden from the naked eye suddenly appeared, and the surging magical power gathered under its feet, showing a wave like a tide.

A beam of aura was dropped in the void. After dozens of seconds, the dazzling light particles formed a hazy figure, and the light dispersed, and Li Rui opened his eyes and saw his teammates staring at him in the eyes.

"Slot, cowhide, what skill is this?"

Huang Juncai jumped up and down with excitement, and once again had a bold idea in his heart.

"Support skills, you can also learn in the future. If you are in danger, plug in the guards in place, as long as you last for 45 seconds, everyone can come to save you!"

Huang Juncai's eyes lit up: "A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops meet each other?"

Li Rui caressed the dog's head and smiled without saying a word.

"What are you doing? Even the space is disordered, let's let people practice well?"

Ayaka slammed the wall and complained loudly.

Li Rui shrugged and pushed a few excited teammates back to rest.

When the room returns to silence, the sound of the tumbling wave changes from weak to strong. [Eternal Unbroken Infinite Tribulation] The second layer runs at full strength and begins to digest the extra attributes accumulated in the body.

But it didn't take long for Li Rui to open his eyes again.

[Void Stomach Capsule] The nutrition is not enough. If you want to digest all the additional attributes brought by this promotion, you need a lot of extraordinary ingredients!

It is estimated that it is difficult to find on the earth. Even if it is found, he does not have enough resources to exchange.

Or... find a way to eat rice from the Akiko Shrine?

The tempting idea was out of control as soon as it emerged.

Li Rui immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Akiko Shrine.

"Have you told me to eat all over Tokyo?"

After a long time, the opposite side came back.

"I'm busy lately, I must be next time!"

Li Rui: "............"


Akiko Shrine ultimately did not escape the fate of being poor.

The appearance of the serpent is like a leather whip pumped **** Dongying's body. The skin of the whole country is tightened, mobilizing all the resources to destroy him in the bud.

Among them, the importance of Li Rui is particularly prominent.

"So, why did Noda Kangsheng become the carrier of the serpent? Did you investigate clearly?"

Swallowing the fat paw in his mouth, Li Rui asked as he ate.

Qiu Ziqiu looked at his fierce eating, his five fingers could not help but tremble slightly, his heart was bleeding.

The treasury will be eaten by you!

Taking a deep breath, she squeezed out a stiff smile and forced herself not to look at the empty plate on the table.

"The result of the preliminary investigation was that during the war of the "" seal, Noda Kangsheng suffered divine damage. This force has been lurking in his body. When he died, the spiritual protection of the flesh disappeared. , "That" lowered the projection along the power coordinates."

"Big snakes are big snakes, there is no need to avoid taboos. As long as we don't have fear, it doesn't matter if we just call their names.

Li Rui picked up a golden leg of lamb and chewed carelessly.

Do you think anyone is as big-hearted as you?

Akiko Shrine grinned reluctantly.

"Oh, isn't the serpent in a sealed state? How did he break through the seal and lower the projection?"

Hearing Li Rui's words, Qiu Zi's face dimmed.

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