"Huh, bear humiliation! I don't know how future generations will judge him."

Li Rui turned off the page and sighed softly.

In the midst, he has a feeling of witnessing history!

In other words, he wrote history indirectly! Changed the destiny of a country!

Looking at his own hands, Li Rui slowly clenched his fists, and the surging power flowed all over his body, making him a little intoxicated.

This true strength is the cornerstone of everything!

If I want to control my destiny and protect the people I love, I must... be stronger!

"So, snake meat, I'm done!"

Waving his fist gently, Li Rui looked firmly out of the window, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Drink uh~

There was a sound of gasping in his ears, Li Rui looked back, Zhao Youxuan's eyes widened in tears, staring at him in disbelief, even the chicken in his mouth fell to the ground without realizing it.

"What am I doing wrong? Why should I eat me?"

Li Rui: "............"


"Ha ha ha ha, so comfortable! The air is so good!"

In the mysterious realm of the Izumo Kingdom, Zhao Youxuan ran wildly in front, and Li Rui and others followed leisurely.

Ayaka extended her index finger and tapped on her tongue, reaching into the air, and nodded thoughtfully.

"Aura concentration is much higher than on earth."

"Isn't this a measure of wind direction? Can I measure the concentration of Reiki?"

Li Rui looked at her dumbfounded, his big head full of doubts.


Ling Xiyi sneered and looked at him with a look of intellectual disability.

"Stupid mortal, this will look more professional!"

Li Rui: "............"

You are stupid when you step on a horse, your family is all fish lips!

Li Rui clenched his fists, and the fragrance in his mouth swallowed back to his mouth.

Forget it, it's not worth it to pretend to be angry.

At this moment, one hand patted his shoulder gently, Li Rui looked back and found that Huang Juncai was looking at him with sympathetic eyes.

"Are you crazy, Xiaolizi? It seems that Yazi is not very smart recently."

Li Rui froze for a moment, then smiled slightly, reached out and pinched his wrist, spin! screw! twist!

"Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao! Rui Ge, I'm kidding! Tap! The hand is about to break! Rui Da! Rui Ye! Let go!!!"

Sanctioning this idiot, Li Rui and others soon saw a humble camp.

People in fancy clothes come in and out, they can hear the screams of various languages, and they can feel the excitement across the distance.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, Li Rui, are we here yet?"

Zhao Youxuan ran back with cheers and ran into Li Rui's arms, causing him to shrink slightly and change his face greatly.

Pulling her head out of her arms, Li Rui looked at the camp and took a long time to relax.

"Let's go and see if there is any information about "Advance Base"."

Holding Li Wei's small hand, the other arm was immersed in his arms by Luo Li, Li Rui pacing forward with the mood of an outing.

From the pathfinder tool, it is not correct. The information returned by the pathfinder pioneer said that this secret realm has not found any extraordinary force that cannot be resisted at the moment, but there are many "national" forces similar to the Dongying Warring States period.

The small one is only a few miles away, and it is a village on the earth.

The big one covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers, not even a province, and at most counties.

They attacked each other quite a bit, and they had a sense of both the history of the Warring States period.

It is this characteristic that the secret realm of the Izumo Kingdom not only attracted extraordinary people from all walks of life, but also attracted many anthropologists and sociologists.

They are very interested in the social organization and evolution of human beings in this "high-magic" environment. The papers produced have raised a wave of heat from the outside world on the earth network.

After all, in the vast majority of the currently open secret realms, almost all are demons and ghosts, and there are few organized human organizations.

Not to mention the country, even city-states are rare, and the basic social structure remains in the Stone Age.

Suddenly such a "fascinating cheap goods" will of course arouse the interest of all mankind.

Just when Li Ruishen traveled outside, the familiar Japanese suddenly came to his ears.

"Damn, if we had this secret realm at that time, why should we wage war?"

"Yeah, [Izumo] has a vast area, and the aborigines as a market are well developed and are no less than the earth!"

"Alas... it's almost a hundred years ago. It's useless to say so much now."

Several people in jackets walked past Li Rui, and they did not forget to peek at some girls during the discussion. Their eyes were full of surprise.

Li Ruimu passed them without squinting, thoughtfully in his eyes.

As the mysteries of various countries begin, the international landscape will change unpredictably.

But overall, with so many undeveloped "virgin lands", the internal contradictions of mankind will be greatly alleviated.

Everyone is busy exploring the "new continent", and the motivation for doing things with each other is small.

In the long run, humanity will be more united.

A little nodded, Li Rui's heart rose a little joy.

Compared to killing people, he prefers to deal with demons and ghosts~www.wuxiaspot.com~Yo~friends, are you the first time to come to [Advance Base]? Do you want me to guide you? Only one hundred dollars for half a day! "

As soon as he approached the humble camp, a handsome young white man greeted him and greeted Li Rui and others quite familiarly.

Zhao Youxuan watched him tilt his head, his lashes flickered like a fan.

The white young man seemed to be shocked by her appearance, and hurried down.

But at the moment when he bowed his head, Li Rui keenly captured the greed and ecstasy in his eyes.

"Captain, he has a lot of blood on him, be careful."

"Li Rui, I don't like him, can I eat it?"

In the mind came the voice of teammates, Li Rui smiled slightly, Wenrunruyu.

"I don't like it either, but how many times have I told you that you are not allowed to eat people!"

Pinch Zhao Youxuan's cheeky face, and a new voice suddenly came in his ears, but this time it was not a psychic communication between his teammates, but Aya's voice was secret.

"He has a strong curse on him, and he should have killed many people. Be careful."

Nodding gently, Li Rui looked at the white youth with a "friendly" smile.

The villain is good. He is worried about having no experience with the baby.

In the eyes of the young white man, Li Rui's smile seemed a bit stupid. At first glance, it was a fledgling rookie.

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the tumultuous desire in his heart, not looking at the exploded bodies of several girls, and raised a sunny smile on his face.

"Brother, my name is Jonathan, from Murray, what about you?"

Looking at the hand stretched out in front of him, Li Rui also had a big smile on his face, and his white teeth sparkled in the sun.

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