"Master Riandel, they have been killed by their entire stronghold. You want..."

"Humph! Waste!"

Lyander snorted and slapped Andrew aside.

As he got closer, the strange tattoos covering almost all of his skin also caught Li Rui's sight.

"The God of Pain and Torment-Menheka!"

Ayaka said slowly the symbol on her tattoo, her eyes cold.

"I didn't expect to meet my Lord's Lamb here. It's a good day today."

Riandel smiled grimly, his muscular muscles swelled, and he became a giant nearly three meters high in just a few seconds.

"Be careful, this is the sanctuary of the evil god, which is equivalent to the kingdom of the earth. My seal can isolate the space, but I can't stop the projection of God's power."

Ayaka said softly to Li Rui.

But Li Rui just nodded with a chuckle, and disappeared in an instant.

The continuous power of the void is injected into Riandel's body, and the surging energy constantly stimulates his nerves, bringing entanglement pleasure of pain and joy.

A perverted smile gradually bloomed on his face, imagining how to torture these beautiful sacrifices in front of his eyes!

But the next second, his smile froze on his face.

Flying Snake Cloud Detector!


Like being hit by an invisible artillery shell, Riandel disappeared in place instantly. Only a few seconds later, a violent explosion sound came from the bronze gate.

In the dark and huge underground space, Li Rui's five fingers were bitten into Riandel's throat like fangs, and he took him all the way to smash countless obstacles, and finally bombarded on the bronze wall.

Riandel was embedded in a shallow radioactive pit with a diameter of several meters. His eyes straightened, and a spider-like crack spread over ten meters.


The sharp five claws wrapped in golden dragon scales crushed Riandel's throat, and Li Rui loosened his arms, converged the flames on his body, and looked around.

The invisible cold air filled the entire underground space, and the huge and empty "Sanctuary" was filled with all kinds of torture tools, and dried blood and gray meat could be seen everywhere.

It’s not so much a sanctuary, but a slaughterhouse!


Aware of changes in the environment, the woman on the cross-operating table exhausted her last effort and uttered a weak cry.

Li Rui appeared in front of her in an instant, a flash of blood, binding her torture to pieces.

But at this time she had reached the moment of surviving, and her eyes brightened as if she were returning to the light.

"help me……"

"Don't talk, I will save you."

Li Rui stretched out his hand on the belt and took out a bottle of [Life Potion].

However, the woman did not know where the strength came from, grabbed his wrist, and stared at him desperately.

"……younger sister……"


Li Rui frowned, only to understand that the woman wanted him to save her sister.

Breaking away from the woman's palm with softness, Li Ruili squeezed [Life Potion] into her mouth.

[Life Potion] (Black Iron Step)

After drinking, it will continue to recover 1000 health for the next 15 minutes.

The surging energy of life diffused in her body, the blood-stained wounds slowly creeped, and the already drained blood oozed out again, forming a thin blood scab.

After suspending his life, the brain, which had no sense of pain, was reactivated. The nerves all over the body sent signals madly. A bit of pain rushed up. The woman rolled her eyes and fainted.

The corner of Li Rui's mouth slightly tilted, took out a blanket to cover her, and dragged her gently out.

"Xiaohuang, take care of her."

"Lying trough!"

The woman flew lightly over a distance of several tens of meters, and Huang Juncai hurriedly followed her.

At the same time, Ayaka came slowly in. Not far away, a translucent chain sprang out of the void, piercing Andrew's neck that was quietly escaping, and the purple and black green ribs quickly spread under his skin.

Luo Li and Zhao Youxuan followed behind her, looking around curiously.


A strange sound rang in the back, and Li Rui looked back, and Riandel embedded in the wall pulled himself out, as if the flesh and blood in the throat bitten by the monster wriggled and healed quickly.

"Drink...really...drink...pleasurable torture!"

Lyander's face was filled with a twisted smile, and the speech was still leaking at first, but it returned to normal within a few seconds.

This self-healing ability... is almost up to me!

Li Rui's eyes lit up and walked towards him again.

"You low-lying [meat sacrifices], tremble in front of my god's dignity, I will bring you endless torture!"

Riandel opened his arms, and the tattoo of thorns on his body seemed to come alive, creeping like a python.

And these thorns seemed to be really wrapped around him, and Leander's face showed a strange expression of pain and joy.

Then there was only pain on his face, because a flaming sword was inserted into his chest.

But the next second, Li Rui didn't hesitate to draw his sword and retreat, because the evil thorn became an entity, crawling and spreading along the blood crystal sword, wanting to entrap him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ conventional power Unable to stop these thorns, Li Rui used divine power to destroy them.

Riandel is also uncomfortable. Li Rui’s current attack comes with several special effects, especially [Sacrifice] The flame remains burning wildly in his body, and he can only use his own flesh to consume.

It hurts!

It hurts!

Lord, give me more power!

In the "Temple", Riandel was not afraid, and did not believe that these children could set off the waves.

Even if they look strong...

And the existence of his belief did not disappoint him, and the invisible power of the void was injected into the body, allowing his spiritual energy to expand infinitely.

The sword marks that penetrated his chest closed quickly, and the power of the meridians gave him the illusion of controlling everything.

"I will use you well! Just like that woman!"

Riandel stared at Li Rui with a brutal grin.


He kicked his feet on the ground, the gravel exploded in the sky, and the silver fist peaked like a cannonball on Li Rui's face.


A dull loud noise exploded in the enclosed space, compressing shock waves sweeping through everything, and the whole chamber shook slightly.

When the smoke dissipated, Riandel looked at him in disbelief, his fist larger than the casserole was stopped by a slender white palm, without a trace of fireworks.

"Did you eat? Brother?"

Li Rui looked up at Riandel, who was more than three meters tall, and his eyes were full of sarcasm.

There was a burst of pain in his fist, but before Riandel could react, the blood flashed in front of him, and there was only cold on his arm.


The smelly blood spewed out of the arteries and blood, and a thick arm twirled into the sky, throwing spiral blood.

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