Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 513: , Teach you how to write dead words today!

"I am not malicious, but it is my turn to determine whether you have been contaminated by evil spirits..."

With a slight smile, Li Rui paced slowly, leaving a dark red trace of magma on the ground with each step.

The silver tier soldier on the opposite side suddenly changed color, squeezing a few words from the teeth.

"Don't bully people too much!"

"Oh? It seems I didn't pick it up?"

Li Rui took the sword flower lightly, and the horrible tongue whined in the air.

"Looking at our young people who want to take advantage of it, we find that we still want to exit decently and dream of Nima!"

The smile on Li Rui's face suddenly disappeared, and his eyes became somber and tyrannical.

"When Lao Tzu is so bully? I want to run after taking a bite? I will teach you how to write dead words today!"

Overwhelmed by Li Rui's tyrannical terror, the Silver Warrior retreated three steps involuntarily, and an inexplicable fear rose in his heart.

This little kid, no, this monster really wants to kill them!

He wanted to wash half of the blood [advance base] under the eyes of everyone!

He is really not afraid of committing public anger at all, even being enemies with the world!

What a madman!

"who are you?"

The silver warrior roared wildly and pointed the spear at Li Rui.

At a young age, there is a bronze energy level. The key real combat strength is strong enough to foul. The saints who can cultivate this level are definitely the heirs of the top forces!

Indistinctly, he has realized that he and others have kicked the iron plate!

Ma, you have a background and said earlier, is this not a pitman?

The silver warriors groaned in their hearts, but Li Ruike had no time to control his inner drama, and the whole person turned into a huge golden red meteor, and instantly entered the enemy camp.

"Stop him!"

With a tight heart, a few front-row soldiers rushed up with a scalp, and the body shone with a shimmer of light.

With more than a dozen gains in their blessings, their breath suddenly expanded, the fear in their hearts disappeared instantly, and their eyes regained their clarity.

Li Rui lit up dozens of obscure lights all over his body. Although most of them were spiritually immunized, a few of them fell on him.

【Breath failure】

【Mind Shock】

【Darkening the pain】


Immediately afterwards, the air became sticky again, and there were countless powers coming out, wanting to restrain him.

The originally smooth movement slightly stagnate, Li Rui stepped on the void, and suddenly a terrible energy erupted, and he broke free from the lock of these spells.

The next second, his figure suddenly disappeared.

[Flying Snake Cloud Detector]!

Directly across a few front rows, the rule-level acceleration makes everyone's eyes look like a flash, and the golden red meteor has already appeared in front of several masters in the back row.


A blond white man came and issued a national curse, and the dazzling sword slammed into his magic shield with a hot flame.


The layers of magic shield burst suddenly, and the remaining power still split him out, and the high temperature blood spit in the air directly evaporated into red mist in the air.

Li Rui frowned slightly and sighed in the bottom of his heart.

It's a bit too much to want to leap A-seconds by one step...

Even if it is a silver-level crispy skin mage, there are thousands of blood anyway. Although the resistance is not as good as his own, it is definitely not low.

Coupled with magic shields and damage transfer techniques, well... at least four or five swords are needed to kill...

The thought in his heart changed sharply, but Li Rui didn't stop. Scarlet lightning generally caught up with the mage in mid-air. Before he re-condensed the magic shield, he vowed to cut him under the sword!

However, he had just started, and dozens of long-range attacks blocked his route. When he waved his sword gas to clear the obstacles in front of him, the mage had been protected, and several silver-tier fighters surrounded him again.

"His resistance is very high, don't use imprisonment magic, use magic with physical rejection effect!"

The mage who was flying was still spitting blood in his mouth, and he did not forget to remind his companions to change tactics.

After his reminder, the siege everyone reacted immediately, and all kinds of magic were immediately replaced by Li Rui's most hated type of physical damage.

The pure magical heat is no threat to him, but if it is replaced by a high-pressure shock wave, his movements will be deformed.

Ground thorns, thorns, ice cones and other things he must be careful to deal with, can not ignore hard resistance like other spells!

Once locked in the siege, hundreds of people will set fire to his [Savior Spirit Blade] instantly!

Alas...Being surrounded and beaten!

Li Rui realized the feeling of Lyandel a few decades ago, and the feeling of being powerless and unhelpful was really uncomfortable.

Team fights and heads-up are completely two concepts. Various occupations cooperate with each other and learn from each other's strengths, which will produce magical chemical effects.

Even if he is so strong, it is difficult to defeat a team of more than a dozen silver ranks as the backbone in a short time.

The tactics of animal husbandry and iron triangle are difficult to do. Assassins, archers and snipers are poisonous snakes hidden in the If you don't pay attention, Li Rui will have a blood hole.

Faced with such a situation, Li Rui's nerves began to be excited, his mind was highly concentrated, and the surging energy of qi and blood roared in his body, providing him with explosive power.

Damn, I just want to be positive!


The dazzling energy was like the outbreak of a tsunami, and the front row besieging Li Rui only felt an irresistible force struck, and the body voluntarily took off.


Suddenly, Li Rui lifted a fierce spiritual wind all over his body, and his figure was accelerated, pulling out an afterimage.

[Ghost Strides]!

Increases movement speed by 30%, and allows the hero to gain dodge intuition while moving, ignoring the collision volume of the unit to a certain extent for 5 minutes.

The sudden burst of energy did not cause much damage to the enemy, mainly to blast a path to the back row.

Li Ruike didn't want to be entangled by these iron fools, and was crazy exported by the back row!

No matter which world, it is definitely right to slaughter crispy skin first!

Of course, Li Rui will certainly not do the human deceptive behavior that flashes to Chemundo.

Believe that these ordinary forces in the back row can not have the fairy like Zhao Youxuan!

With a greasy smile on his face, Li Rui sprinted into the rear camp, as if the tigers were entering the flock, making them jump.

"Stop him!"

"Frost Nova!"

"Soil barrier!"

"It's too fast to lock!"


"Stop him! We can't catch up!"

"Damn it, don't come over here!!!"

Li Rui was originally fast, and there are several speed bonuses for talents and equipment. Coupled with the terrifying effect of [Ghost Stride], few people below the gold rank can catch up with him.

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