Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 516: , Oh, that's fine!

The entire ground is thinned by energy, the air in the center of the battlefield is distorted and trembling, and the periphery is full of flying sand and rocks.

[Bone Plating]!

[Fear of Sting]!

【Indestructible grip】!

Even if he was shrouded in more than a dozen negative states, Li Rui's tyrannical sword was still slightly better. After blasting away the sword of the silver knight, he left a deep sword mark on the silver and white armor of his chest.


Pleasant gold coin collision sounded in my mind, and a new prompt suddenly appeared on the system panel.

"Trigger [Omen of theft], you plunder the enemy's source and get 23 gold coins."

At the same time, emerald green 氤, invisible to the naked eye, overflowed from the silver armor and was instantly sucked into Li Rui's body.

Inflict 80 additional magical damage!

+3 permanent health!

The Silver Knight was forced to take three steps backwards by the irresistible force, and inexplicably raised a sense of panic in his heart.

A keen spiritual consciousness can make him aware of the changes in the world. He seems to have lost something important.

Do not!

It is better to be looted than to lose!

Looking at the embarrassed teenager in front of him, under the silver helmet, the old man looked extremely ugly.

There is fear and anger in my heart!

How dare he use such evil tricks?

Li Rui pulled out the arrow that was inserted into his body, the muscles squirmed, and the bullet embedded in the meat was forced out of the body and fell to the ground.

The golden dragon scales baptized by all kinds of magic are broken, but the skin under it is basically intact.

After penetrating through the layers of defense, these magics were also weakened by the resistance of the "Void Stone", which could not cause fatal damage to Li Rui at all.

Unconsciously, the characteristics of Master Li Rui's killer became more and more obvious.

[Void Stone] is really a divine skill, and now only the Awakening level, if you upgrade two levels to raise it to the bronze level, then pure mages basically use it.

Li Rui's eyes continued to shine, the flesh on his body squirmed, the wounds closed, leaving a light scab.

On the other side, Liu Peng took his subordinates to separate the crowd, walked to the side of Ling Xiyi in full view, and bowed slightly.

"[Yanhuang Arsenal] Liu Peng, have seen Lord Shenglong."

Although the voice was not loud, it spread strangely throughout the audience.

Originally seeing Li Rui being besieged by [Round Table Knights], the survivors who thought he was dead gradually lost their smiles.

A cloud-piercing arrow meets thousands of troops!

Today's disgrace, we must give back 100 times!

what? Opposite is the dragon of the town?

Oh, that's fine!

Just now, the morale was strong, and they were ready to follow the face of Ayashi who beat them badly.

The momentum of the original sharp confrontation shrank instantly, and a polite but embarrassed smile appeared on his face.

If I say this is just a misunderstanding, is it too late?

"Master Shenglong, do we need to help Master Zhenlong?"

Looking at the other violent battle, Liu Peng asked softly.

Aya Xiyi pondered for a moment, feeling Li Rui's excitement and shook her head.

"Looking happy, let him play for himself."

A cold voice echoed on the battlefield, and thousands of onlookers twitched their eyes, staring unbelievably at the increasingly terrifying battle.

How about playing on horses?

Do you have any misunderstanding about the word play?

And Zhao Youxuan also took up the arrogant momentum and watched with Aya Xiyi.


With the addition of the Silver Knights, the combat intensity has once again increased by one level, ordinary bronze warriors have lost their close qualifications, and can only release some optional long-range attacks from afar.

On the contrary, all kinds of long-distance occupations shine, and various monomer attacks continue to cover Li Rui.

But the scary thing is that after the first few waves, Li Rui gradually adapted to this siege!

Relatively threatening arrows and bullets are blocked or dodged. Spells with physical damage can be avoided if they can be avoided, but they are hard to resist.

Finally, there is a common spell that is not strong enough to penetrate the defense. A dozen or twenty points of damage, he is too lazy to hide, and he **** back the blood with a sword!

Relying on the speed far beyond the silver level, Li Rui began to avoid playing, circumventing the entanglement of the silver knight, and constantly cutting his face in the back row.

But the tacit understanding of the [Round Table Knights] is beyond his imagination. Whenever he is about to succeed, there will always be a meat shield coming out to block his attack.

And those crispy skins are extremely calm, even if Li Rui is close, he is always involved in the spiritual walk, and he can always be stopped by the front row.

Compared with the cooperation of the temporary team, they are the real elite.

Li Rui had the feeling of falling into a spider's web. The invisible silk thread slowly wrapped him around, consuming his energy a little.

Powerful and nowhere to hold back again, Li Rui's eyes gradually became irritable.

[Ghost Strike] There are less than two minutes, and you must fight quickly!


A weird dharma ball condensed in his left palm and shot at a mage in the distance.

Li Rui just noticed her just now, most of the negative spells that really affect her are her And at the same time, she also provides a large range of positive status bonuses The overall strength of the enemy team has been improved by at least three levels by herself.

Unexpectedly, Li Rui would suddenly throw a dharma ball. The beautiful female mage had no time to avoid it and was bombarded.

But the imaginary pain did not come. The orb penetrated the magic shield and sank into her body, hitting her slightly.


Seems... all right?

The austerity features slowly unfolded, and as soon as the thoughts in her mind turned, she "understood" it.

Ha ha, how strong a magical attack can a warrior have?

Just scare people!

Knowing this, she took control of the battlefield more recklessly!

Li Rui showed a strange smile on her face and shot away in the opposite direction.

An archer hurried to the back, and the surrounding soldiers moved with him, surrounding him like an iron barrel.

The gorgeous silver knight finally found a chance to stop in front of Li Rui. The silver light of the giant sword with a wide palm in his hand shone, and the starlight started, and whistling cut towards his head.

"Arrogant little guy, today I will teach you a lesson!"

The old man under the helmet looked so daunting that Li Rui couldn't take so many silver steps, which made his heart burn with evil fire.

In addition to anger, more is jealousy!

He practiced from an early age and worked hard all his life. When he was old, he entered the silver rank, but he also consumed all his potential.

But there are always some "geniuses" who can easily surpass him and step into his dream and dream!

That's an area he couldn't touch with his whole life!

Now, such a young town-state dragon can actually contend with his entire team, it is simply spreading salt on his wounds!

Angrily shot, the sword in his hand became more and more fierce, and the starlight shattered into a bright galaxy.

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