Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 529: , Evil God meeting

The sensible strings were moved back and forth, that is, Li Rui's heart was as strong as iron, and he was not blackened by the parasitic divinity on the spot.


Clearing the last room, Li Rui looked at the messy body and exhaled for a long time.

Most of these beasts are extraordinary, and several bronze ranks are judged as heroes by the system, triggering [Qing Ding Shen Xian].

The power of mysterious soul is transformed into a cool, Li Rui can feel them divided into two, injected into the empty stomach pouch and the eyebrow purple house.

The "multicolored black" that was originally difficult to digest like a titanium alloy melted quickly, and the dense "get a little chaotic essence" was refreshed on the system panel.

Li Rui feels like eating Jianweixiaoshi tablets, and the digestive capacity of the empty stomach pouch has been improved countless times.

As long as it comes a few times, the two ultimate skills may be able to cool down and let him face the "paradise" manager with the strongest attitude.

I want to beat his dog head!

With exposed white teeth, Li Rui brought his teammates to the deepest part of the building.

A huge bronze gate stood in front of the crowd, and the dense coat of arms saw them take a breath.

Although the mystic knowledge is not yet rich, several of the famous "sacred patterns" Li Rui still know!

The God of Pain and Torment-Menheka!

Corrupt Mother Nest-Lomulistina!

Chaos of sin-Yanega!

Shadow of Huangquan-Amantra!


"Damn, do so many evil spirits come here for meetings?"

Li Rui's scalp was numb, and he just felt the pressure.

But Aya Kazuki patted his shoulder and pointed to a "holy mark" on the right in the middle of the gate, spit out a few words coldly: "Orochi!"


[Return to the Sect of the Void] also participated in it?

Li Rui's heart jumped, looking at the abstract eight snake patterns, and swallowed.

Don't panic, hold on, the problem is not big...just a few evil spirits...


Ok... the problem is still a bit big...

Even Li Rui, who had always been bold, was guilty.

He is almost invincible among his peers, but if the enemy is replaced by a group of evil gods, then he is just a slightly stronger ants.

You know, the land under his feet does not belong to the "China" sphere of influence, and there is no protection from the will of the true **** order civilization. What can he do to contend with the evil spirit?

Relying on the accumulated divinity at most can look directly at others, but why do you want to stare at others?

Ha ha.

Staring at the thick bronze gate, it took a long time for Li Rui to step forward, and his left hand was illuminated with a brilliant golden light.

Some things always require someone to do it!

Where the Tao is, even if it is enemies with the gods and gods of the heavens, I will go forward!

Li Rui gritted his teeth, his face was ruthless, and his mouth murmured.

"When you say you want to hit the head of a dog management, you must hit the head of his dog!"

The divine and majestic golden gauntlets emerged from the void, spread from the punch to the elbow, and finally wrapped the entire forearm.

With five fingers spread out, the golden palm was slowly pressed against the bronze gate.


Weak but magnificent forces are intertwined, and they collide violently with the divine light emitted by the golden gauntlets.

A terrible sense of oppression came from the palm of his hand, and Li Rui knew that, without the protection of the gods and gauntlets, his arms would instantly explode into a pile of twisted rotten flesh.

His proud defense was a joke in front of so many divine powers.

The whole body was swollen with blue muscles. Under the impetus of great power, the bronze gate slowly opened to reveal the rich pink steam behind.

The sweet breath blew across the face, and Li Rui's eyes narrowed.

When the fog dissipated, what appeared to everyone was a deep passage, and the end of sight faintly came a layer of strange laughter.

"Abyss Hall, it should be right below, kill him, we will go back earlier."

Golden Tyrannosaurus took the lead to open the way, and everyone followed, stepping into the misty channel.

The ladder circled downwards, and seemed to go straight to the center of the earth. The more forward, the more invisible pressure became apparent.

It seemed that there was no visible seawater above the heads of the people, making them breathless.

"We are walking in the gap between reality and illusion, and the closer we are to the kingdom of God of Mnehka, the [Abyss Hall] should be the dividing point between reality and illusion."

Ai Xiyi continued to spread grayish-white tones to confront the surrounding space conflicts.

At the same time, the system also constantly reminded Li Rui to get closer and closer to the parasitic homologous divinity, and it will immediately trigger resonance!

"The Kingdom of God... will it be difficult to deal with?"

Recalling the battle with Ma Xiaojun's penetration into the spiritual world before, Li Rui couldn't help but drum.

Who knows Ayaka gave him a deep look and shook her head.

"With me, it's not difficult to deal with."

Li Rui: "............"

You are acting a little tough...

Seeing Li Rui's unbelief, Aya Xiyi explained patiently.

"It is impossible for the kingdom of God to come to the material world completely. The space we are in is only covered by its projections. At most, it can only distort the physical rules in a limited way, and it is impossible to completely tamper with it."

Light distortion physical rules are already hanging!

Li Rui was secretly slaughtered, but infected with Aya Xiyi's self-confidence, she felt inexplicably relieved.

Accelerate the pace, the strange laughter layered in front of you becomes clearer, and you can still hear the sound of the liquid boiling.

The sweet smell is more intense, as if sticky glue is filling the air.

Suddenly, noisy laughter came from the front, and the narrow passage was suddenly bright.

In the empty underground space, a huge blood pond is boiling like a hot spring.

The headless corpses by the pool were piled into small hills, and the gurgling blood pooled into the stream like a stream.

On the other side, a huge machine was crunching, and some strong men were throwing some dying living people into it, crunching and crumpling, and the thick blood that was squeezed into the blood pool.

"Wow ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing the living people who are struggling and wailing being crushed in the machine, a few big men seem to be sincerely dances with joy.

In the blood pool, men and women of all skin tones are comfortable, enjoying the warmth and energy of blood.


The heavy footsteps of the Golden Tyrannosaurus awakened them, and dozens of pairs of blood-stained eyes stared at Li Rui.

When they saw Li Rui and the beautiful girl behind him, these people showed a twisted evil smile.

"Hahahaha, there are [meat sacrifices] sent to the door again, this time I want to be the first to play! Don't you rob me!"

A strong man with a weird hairstyle stood up from the blood pool, and came towards Li Rui with a grin.

The surging energy lingered around him, and turned into a strong coercion, but the expected panic did not appear, and the boy headed actually showed a more terrible smile.

"Come! I'll play with you, have fun!"

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