Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 550: , Love it! Love it!

Unfortunately, getting on a thief ship is not so easy!

With a smirk in the corner of his mouth, Li Rui directly took out three bottles of [Life Potion] and couldn't help but say it was in Olina's hand.

"You come to distribute and let your sister heal earlier."

The sisters recognized the legendary healing medicine and scared Olena to quit.

"Master Li Rui, this is too expensive!"

"Have you misunderstood the word precious?"

Li Rui smirked and pointed to the [Potion of Life]: "Remember, from now on you will be organized people. Such materials are enough!"

The sisters looked at each other, and the [Life Potion], which was hot in their hands, seemed to cool down.

Is this the demeanor of the extraordinary organization of the Chinese Department?

If you haven't joined the job, you will get such a huge! Love it!

Seeing Olina shyly accept the [Potion of Life], Li Rui and the two gossip and communicate with each other, feelings and leaving the hospital after a while.

The two subordinates are still in the investigation period, but from the short contact, the heart is still pure, unlike the white-eyed wolf, some chores can be left to them to do, first establish the organizational framework.

Li Rui rubbed the scum on his chin and meditated along the way.

With the resurgence of Reiki, there are more and more wild transcendents on the earth. At first, the officials of various countries still followed the old method and included as much as possible.

Finally, I found that this road would not work at all, because I couldn't afford it!

The cost of raising an extraordinary person can be much higher than that of ordinary soldiers. Various benefits and benefits must not only be on par with military officers, but also often dissatisfied with discipline when encountering thorns, resulting in a loose discipline and floating hearts in the team.

Even a powerful government like Tianchao, in the face of millions of extraordinary people, gave up the idea of ​​complete collection and turned to decentralization, allowing them to form their own forces under official supervision, engage in legal business, and bear their own profits and losses.

To put it bluntly, it was essentially the same as [reopened] that allowed private enterprises, except that extraordinary organizations mastered the violence that ordinary enterprises could not.

Therefore, mutual checks and balances, the use of "state-owned enterprises" to suppress those "vibrant social groups" who want to go the wrong way, and control most of the extraordinary power in their own hands have become a headache for governments of various countries.

Fortunately, the celestial dynasty, as long as it is not at the end of the dynasty, the will of [China] and the will of the government basically coincide. [Dragon of the Town] can be trusted unconditionally, as long as they are encouraged to expand indefinitely.

However, many other governments faced the contradiction between extraordinary theocracy and secular imperial power. While relying on one side and guarding against the other, they took two further steps back and made all parties dissatisfied.

But the wild transcendentals are like unemployed people, and there are not enough transcendent organizations to absorb and control them. It is not surprising that these silly lacks that once gained power did something strange.

Those who are more moderate will protest first, and if they are more aggressive, they will directly smash and rob and join the criminal team.

There are enough "labor forces" on the market, so we must choose carefully!

Li Rui planned the future "recruitment" and unconsciously walked back to the temporary yard.

After passing a layer of undetectable film, the hustle and bustle of the outside world suddenly went away and walked to the living room, an unexpected figure came into view.

"Grace? Why are you here?"

Looking at the blonde girl sipping tea, Li Rui raised a trace of vigilance.

Nothing goes to the Three Treasure Hall, the relationship between the two is not so good as to cross each other.

"I have something to find you!"

Putting down the Ru porcelain teacup in his hand, Grace looked at Li Rui quietly and looked up and down, her eyes full of scrutiny.

"What's the matter?"

Li Rui sat across from her and took a sip of tea to get bored. He didn't drink water in the morning and was really thirsty.

Ayashi quietly put down the tablet in her hand and stared blankly at him.

"what happened?"

"That's my tea."

"Hey, don't care about this kind of details, Grace, what are you doing?"

Li Rui waved his hand and swayed the topic.

"I have a question and I must ask you to answer it yourself."

"what is the problem?"

"Are you contaminated by Munihka?"

Li Rui's pupil shrank suddenly, paused for a second, and Grace, who had been staring at him, immediately showed a "surely so" smile.

"Who do you listen to?"

Li Rui's brain was spinning at a rapid speed. Ling Xiyi was talking to him through secret transmission that night. Outsiders didn't even know what he was polluted.

Her teammates are absolutely trustworthy, and the closer Hannah teacher finally joined in. At that time, he refined the divine power. She did not know this from beginning to end, and there was no possibility of leaks. .

Thinking about it, Li Rui couldn't find anyone to doubt.

Watching Li Rui's face change unpredictably, Grace chuckled: "You can rest assured, no one told me this matter, I analyzed it myself."


Li Rui frowned, looked at her slightly up and down, his expression full of unbelief.

just you?

Grace stared at him fiercely, and the tea cup in his hand was a heavy meal.

"Other people don't understand your character, but they can't hide me!"

"Your style is tyrannical on the surface, it looks like a brutal character, it seems not strange to do such a thing."

After a pause, Grace lifted her chin slightly, the gold pupil's streamer flashed, and looked at Li Rui proudly.

"But a careful analysis will show that you never do meaningless killing. Even if the enemy really blocked your way, you will only use the most efficient way to destroy the enemy from the physical level, but that night you did not Killing them would waste time cutting off their limbs a little bit, which is inconsistent with your usual habit of killing and decisive."

Li Rui pondered for a moment and shook his head.

"This doesn't mean anything, maybe I just got up on the spot?"

"Of course This is just one reason I suspect, and the confessions of the plaintiffs, they described you as a demon that night, completely immersed in the slaughter, even if the exaggeration of the victim's perspective is excluded, Can prove that your mental state was abnormal at the time."

"Your style is tyrannical, not cruel. Dragons will kill and devour enemies, but they will not break their limbs and abuse them."

"Before reuniting, you destroyed an altar in Munihka and brought his style to you, and things became clear at once."

Li Rui looked at the triumphant Grace, with complex emotions in her eyes.

"I used to think that you were a fool, but I didn't expect you to have this kind of insight."

The smile on Grace's face instantly froze, and a faint golden luster rose around the body into a holy feather, and a ring of hot aura gradually condensed on the head.

"Lee! Rui!!"

Grace took the case, and an angry growl spewed out of her throat, because she found Li Rui's words with sincere apology.

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