Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 567: Stolen theocracy

" this the spiritual release of the Secret Diamond Order?"

The horror aspect that was even higher than the Tianshou Pavilion finally revealed its true face. It was a three-faced evil spirit with blue-faced fangs!

The evil spirits are covered with scales, and their heads are closer to deformed reptiles than humans!

What is even more peculiar is its body, whose limbs are disproportionately slender, while the middle torso is extremely fat, like a humanoid spider, with its belly up and its reverse joint lying on the ground.

Seeing such a terrible scene, everyone's spiritual uncontrollable trembling, ears began to sound evil and horror, indescribable whispers.

"Get up!"

The cold voice is like a Wang Qingquan injected into the mind, the twelve streamers without wind automatically, blooming like a veil of dazzling light scattered on all people, to isolate the evil from the invasion.

The distressing and disgusting whisper disappeared in an instant, and everyone's hearts were condensed.

The ancient atmosphere of Honghuang began to spread on the battlefield, and the twelve gods' flags turned from virtual to virtual, constantly expanding, and turned into a huge virtual shadow nearly 100 meters high.

Unique forces converge from heaven and earth, and the moving patterns on the flag's surface are gradually combined into a fixed pattern, and one or more hazy figures are drilled from the flag's surface, condensed into a brutal, or secret, or heavy, or light spirit Weird image.

Invisible power spreads from them, unites them, and separates the entire battlefield from reality.

Li Rui and others in the battle only felt that the world and earth were suddenly shaken, and the entire space was wrapped in a chaos, not going to the sky, and not to the ground, becoming an island in the chaotic flow of time and space.

"It really is the taste of the wilderness."

Grace had six wings of light feathers on her back, took a deep breath, and leaned against Raphael vigilantly.

"It is worthy of [Yanhuang Arsenal], who can use the silver rank to urge such a high-rank formation!"

Raphael's eyes shined, and she looked around in excitement, as if the real golden vision penetrated the chaos of time and space, the origin of the world bloomed in her eyes, and she wanted to deconstruct the secrets of the "Twelve Capitals of God".

But soon, as if irritated by her peeping, twelve kinds of bizarre and fierce world forces poured their golden eyes into their eyes, piercing her sore eyes, bursting into tears, and quickly closed her eyes.

"Woo... really stingy..."

Raphael complained, the green eyes glowed under the closed eyelids, and the damaged eyes quickly returned to normal.

"Don't die, you forgot the last time Urie peeped at [Zhu Xian Zhen Tu], and the result touched the annihilation of sword gas, and even [Kabbalah Tree of Life] was almost cut off, and it took nearly thousand years to recover."

"He was looking at the original version of [Zhu Xian Zhen Tu], I was looking at the monkey version urged by the silver level [Twelve Capitals of God], I didn’t believe that it could hurt my divinity along the line of time and space. ..."

Raphael complained in a broken voice, but his body was very honest, the light in his eyes converged, his eyebrows lowered, and he no longer dared to look around.

At the other end of the battlefield, Li Rui was wrapped in purple and black void power, suspended in mid-air, looking around his teammates.

Luo Li, You Xuan, Hannah Teacher...Hmm? How can everyone fly?

It was only then that Li Rui suddenly realized that his teammates, except Xiao Wei and Huang Juncai, were all epic-level gods!

Luo Li and Hannah's long-winged people will not say it. Zhao Youxuan belongs to the son of Dadao. When the idea moves, the vitality between heaven and earth will hold her suspended.

The owner of this system is actually the penultimate dish, which is unscientific!

But when I thought about it, Huang Juncai was the most miserable. Although Li Wei couldn’t fly, she would pull people, and now the whole team was a little yellow hair alone in the corner of the battlefield, watching their gods fighting in the sky. .

With such a thought, Li Rui immediately balanced himself.

"Balancing a hammer, I have to go to heaven!"

A call from Huang Juncai sounded in his mind, and Li Rui rolled his eyes.

"Give you a Dragon Fist to go to heaven, do you want to try it?"

"Humph! Try it!"

Slightly fighting to disperse the fear in Huang Juncai's heart, Li Rui began to carefully observe the monsters on the ground.

The abnormal shape is like a dysplasia. The limbs are lying on the ground with reverse joints, the heads of three reptiles are flexing, and the spit-like letter is spit in the mouth.

The pus-filled eyes dripped the viscous and spoiled liquid continuously, and corroded a basin of "water holes" on the ground.

The gray eyes are constantly rolling, and there is no fixed focal length at all, as if... losing consciousness!

Reminiscent of Bendo Long's state just now, Li Rui moved.

No wonder it's silly to hang up on the spot. It is estimated that this guy doesn't know what he wants to do!

The figure moved, and the eyeballs of the deformed form of the original ghost and animal suddenly froze, and his mouth flicked, and the letter like a big sword on the door punctured Li Rui's chest and abdomen.

Without warning, Li Rui reacted almost at the moment of attacking the body, and stopped the blow with golden gold handguards.


A thunder broke out on the ground, and Li Rui directly turned into a straight ray and disappeared into the chaotic mist.

But Ben Duolong was also uncomfortable. Three strange lines screamed, and his energy suddenly solidified and inert, and golden icons appeared on his head that could not be seen by others.

[Divine Severe Injury]!

Raphael's eyes suddenly lit up, staring at the battlefield in disbelief.

"This is... [pain]!"

"Munehka's divine authority? Why can Li Rui use his authority?"

Grace is an agitator, subconsciously thinking that Monica has awakened inside Li Rui!

"Do you remember what he said?"


"He "refined" divinity!"

Raphael emphasized the words "refining".

"Originally thought that these two words meant annihilation and expulsion, but I didn't expect him to be used for himself!"

"You mean...he stole the authority of Menheka?"

Grace screamed in God’s authority is not impossible to steal and deprive. Greek gods often do this kind of thing, but that is all within the mythological creature itself, and there has never been one. Bronze-level creatures can steal God's exclusive power!

Is he also a reincarnation of myth, but he is not afraid of power conflicts if he devours the powers of different systems at will?

Or does he also have the power to control [pain] and [torture]?

In just a moment, all known [Chinese] deities were flashing in Grace's mind, but none of them could match Li Rui.

"What are you doing? Are you offline?"

A residual image solidified beside the two, and Li Rui stared at them with dissatisfaction.

Several teammates over there have been playing dangerously, and the two of them actually hang up to watch the show?

:. :

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