Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 678: , [Secret Banquet Association]


The multi-colored coat of arms suddenly dissipated when it broke, the mysterious power that enveloped the envelope slowly disappeared, and the dark and deep cover was reverted to the ordinary.

The letter inside was taken out and scanned in ten lines, and the old man handed it to Debra Sangke with a smile on his face.

"It seems that his position is temporarily clear."

Debra Sanke took the letter in both hands and read it carefully, her tight eyebrows gradually stretching.

It turned out that last night...

However, from what channel did that little gang hook up with the 【religious sect】?

In addition, why can Vladimir be sure that this is the handwriting of the "Religious Sect"?

Unconsciously, he began to think deeply, and Debra Sangke suddenly recovered, suppressing the inquiry in his heart.

Her eyes fell, and when she saw the last line of the letter, her beautiful eyebrows gathered again.

Noxus Empire Scarlet Archon-Vladimir?

[Secret Banquet Association]?

The information about the payment made her involuntarily produce infinite associations, and her head was full of big question marks.

"Teacher, have you heard of this [Secret Banquet Association]?"

Thinking that he was ignorant, Debra Sank looked forward to the old man in black robe, expecting to hear the answer from his mouth like in the past few decades.

However, the old man shook his head with a smile, a bitterness in his eyes, and a long sigh.

"The times have changed..."


The information of a suspected original stone-step white-haired boy spread to the top of the Seven Gods in just a few days.

At the same time, the mysterious name [Secret Banquet Association] appeared for the first time in the world.

However, I don't know how much shock he dropped to the extraordinary world. Li Rui took a loaf of bread and was happily feeding the pigeons in the square.

In the past, he was sharp and aggressive, and the horror spirit was shrouded, let alone small animals, not even mosquitoes and flies dare to approach him.

Now [Jiaozhe·Do not use] Converge all the extraordinary power, he can finally feel the happiness of ordinary people.

I said, I am still very friendly!

Grabbing a fat pigeon and plucking two, Li Rui thought in her heart.

After a while, he let go of the chubby fat pigeons, patted the crumbs on his hands, and strolled leisurely on the exotic streets.

Eh? I haven’t eaten this... I haven’t eaten this...

Assortment of snacks, restaurants, and bakeries try one by one, tens of thousands of euros pass away like water.

When the sky turned dark, Li Rui sat on the train and left the city with satisfaction, moving towards a mountainous area.

A few hours later, getting off in a small town that had never been heard, Li Rui walked quietly into the woods on both sides of the road and disappeared.

Under the darkness of darkness, a ghostly phantom passed through the forest farmland and came to an unremarkable town deep in the mountains.

Looking at the town dotted with dim light from afar, Li Ruiyin heard a burst of painful and joyful growls along the breeze.

Tap on the eyebrows and check the information in the [City of the Source Sea] again. As he moves, he sneaks quietly into the town.

On the bright side, there are [Bright Holy See] and [Magic Council], and in the dark there are [Secret Night] and [Swire Covenant]. Several major forces are interwoven into an invisible giant net, which suppresses the entire Europa extraordinary field. Near the secret realm of [Tisbel], the belief of the evil **** has not spread widely on this land.

Only in such sparsely populated mountains and deep forests can there be soil where evil beliefs breed.

If it weren't for a wild transcendent to have accidentally discovered the holy emblem of Munihka here, Li Rui could not have imagined that there was an altar of evil gods here!

[Shock, don’t use it] Take away all the fluctuations, a figure without weight is suspended in the air, and silently shuttles in the town.

Listening to the pain moaning from time to time in his ear, Li Rui couldn't help but his eyelids jumped.

Pain and torture a hammer, you simply call the **** of s·!

All the residents of this town have been polluted, and all men, women, children and children are happy to torture and pain. In recent years, hundreds of climbers have disappeared in the nearby area. Tortured to death.

With speculation in mind, Li Rui came to the central area of ​​the town, but still did not find a special divine fluctuation. Instead, he found a little figure squatting on the side of the road with his back, as if he was watching something.

The toes fell lightly to the ground, and Li Rui walked slowly to him like an outside tourist.

"Child, do you know where the hotel in town is?"

The child with short hair turned slowly to reveal a pale and strange face, and his dark eyes were full of excitement.

At this time, Li Rui also clearly saw what he was observing and frowned.

It was a kitten that was several months old, but its limbs had been broken into a twisted shape, its eyes were stiffly pulled out, its paws and teeth were all pulled out, its tongue was cut off, and a huge wound was cut between the chest and abdomen. See the bowel intestines inside, and the internal organs full of holes.

But even so, the kitten did not die, only suffering from cramps and enduring torture.

No matter how many times I watch it, it's so unpleasant...

Li Rui's expression gradually became cold, and the scene in [Falling Paradise] could not help but emerge from his mind. The luster in the platinum vertical pupil slowly disappeared, and various emotions disappeared in the depths of his eyes, becoming cold and gloomy.

"Brother, are you a foreigner from the mountain?"

The little boy smiled innocently, but with the blood on his hands and face, it seemed so strange and evil.

"Yeah, can you take me to the nearest hotel?"

Li Rui didn't seem to find his anomaly, nodded lightly, and stroked the top of the child's head gently with his big hand, but there was no smile in his eyes.

"No need to go to the Just stay in my house."

The boy was excited to hold Li Rui as if he were a warm and simple mountain people.

But Li Rui knew in his heart that he was afraid that the fat of his mouth would fall into the mouth of others.

Can't help but say that he took Li Rui to the outskirts of the town. The boy didn't care about the dying kitten, and all his mind was put on the "new toy".

Walking out more than ten meters, Li Rui turned his head back, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and the invisible sword gas pierced the kitten's eyebrows, releasing it from the endless pain and torture.

"Father, mother, look what I found?"

Coming to a gloomy private house, the little boy pushed the door in and gave a sharp, raspy laugh.

Li Rui, who was behind him, twitched his eyes and raised an imperceptible grin on his lips.

The faint murmur of pain came to an abrupt halt. After a while, two middle-aged couples with pale faces and plain clothes came out of the room.

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