Chapter 797

For the time being, don't provoke those big forces, and punish the lone rangers who do not commit crimes. There are many Secret Diamond Steps like this on every plane, but it takes time to track the locked position.

After analyzing for a long time, Li Rui was even more sure of the previous plan.

Only that plane has enough "nutrition" for self and teammates to grow.

[Secret Banquet Association] The first feast... will begin soon...

With eyes drooping, Li Rui's eyes were gleaming with dim starvation, and his throat rolled slightly involuntarily.

The flesh and blood of the eight-qi big snake in the empty stomach sac was consumed faster than expected, mainly because Aya Xiyi was too cruel, and Li Rui was equivalent to providing another fairy advanced "nutrition" on the basis of his own advancement.

The feeling of fullness that has lasted for more than a year has gradually faded recently, and the long-lost hunger pangs in the belly again.

Li Rui knew that his body and soul were sending clear signals that they needed more "nutrition" to maintain "growth"!

After nearly a year of painstaking practice, he is now only standing on the threshold of the golden rank, and there is still huge potential to be tapped later.

Before being promoted to Secret Diamond, his attributes have at least double the room for improvement!

To upgrade such a huge foundation, what is needed is a huge amount of resources!

The Golden Level [Greedy and Glutton] may increase his digestive efficiency, but in the end, he still has to use [Plane] as his dining table to "eat full".

With divine light in his eyes, Li Rui shook his head and drew his attention back to the system panel.

The three-piece murders cost a total of 30,000 gold coins, and the remaining money is not enough to upgrade all the core equipment by himself, so he must make a choice.

But in the past few months, he has been thinking about it for a long time, except for [Seraph's Embrace] and some hesitation, the priority of other equipment is obvious, and there is nothing to entangle.

The mind moved slightly, and the faint turquoise particles in the equipment column rolled and condensed in it, lingering around a majestic and gorgeous halberd, the colorful divine light that captured the breath, and it gradually contracted after a long time.

【Giant Hydra】·Golden Order

+3600 HP

+320 attack power

+800% base health regeneration

The only active-Cleave: Your basic attack will cause 2.5% additional physical damage to the target based on your maximum health, and will cause 35% to 75% of the total attack power + 1.25% of your maximum health to other enemies in the cone. Value of physical damage (the closer the enemy is, the higher the damage they receive).

(Divine Transformation: When using Divine Prompt, the attack range is increased by nine times, and the incidental damage of this equipment is increased to Divine Personality.)

The only initiative-Crescent Moon: Your next basic attack will cleave all units in a larger cone, and the chopping damage will be increased to 120% to 140% of total attack power + 25% of your maximum health. Damage (the closer the enemy is, the higher the damage).

(Divine Transformation: When using Divine Prompt, the attack range is increased by nine times, the incidental damage of this equipment is increased to Divine Personality, and the cleave damage is increased to 160% to 260% of total attack power + 65% of your maximum health Divine damage.)

Jumping directly from bronze to gold, the improvement of [Giant Hydra] can be described as terrifying.

The attack by the maximum health bonus has been increased from 1.5% to 2.5%. Based on Li Rui’s current HP, 5000+ physical damage is added!

The income from this alone exceeded the 42,000 gold coins paid, let alone the [Shenwei Crescent].

With the divine damage of 260% of total attack power + 65% of maximum health, Li Rui is now inflated to the point that he can single out the rough stone.

calm down……

The original stone steps have already opened [Divine Transformation], which can weaken the power of this trick to a certain extent. I should not kill them with a single blow.

But it’s hard to say that only the secret diamond of [Spiritual Deification] hit this knife!

Adding [Fatal Strike] and [Dark Harvest] below half blood, it’s really impossible to add a [Feast] at the end, hehe...

The devouring effect of gold [Feast] appeared in his mind, and Li Rui couldn't help grinning.

The **** secret diamond should be able to reach the skill limit, right?

One bite is 10,000 blood!

It doesn’t seem to be difficult to get a million goals~

Converging his thoughts, Li Rui forced his attention back.

As soon as his mind moved, the strange mask in the equipment bay blew up a cyan-gold whirlwind, the blood and tears in his eyes dripped down, and the originally empty sight wandered around, as if he had come to life.

The colorful divine light rolled and condensed, and after a long time this piece of equipment fell silent.

[Landry’s Torture]·Golden Stage

+600 spell power

+2400 health

The only passive-madness: When fighting a hero, every 1 minute, you will cause 1% more damage (maximum: 40%).

The only passive-Torment: The skill will burn the target for 3 seconds, causing magic damage equal to 3% of the target's current health every second. This additional damage will be increased to 4% when fighting against a mobile damaged unit.

(Divine transformation: omitted)

The account balance was halved again, but seeing the upper limit of [Crazy] increased from 30% to 40%, Li Rui couldn't help showing a "kindly" smile.

Although there are few bladder rounds in 40 minutes, none of the gods who can enter a stalemate with him are easy to deal with.

Once you encounter such a powerful enemy, [Crazy] Passiveness is the key to victory!

What's more, there is [Divine Power·Torture]. This move is combined with the maximum health backlash of [Fear Sting]. In theory, the gods can kill you!

But unfortunately, at the Secret Diamond Stage, this routine is not so easy to use.

The divine nature accumulated by the Secret Diamond can't do other things, but it can still protect one's soul and weaken the effect of [torture].

Coupled with the precise control of high-level transcendents on their own energy and blood, it is not easy to provoke their magic backlash.

Li Rui couldn't help sighing when he glanced at the [Fear Spike] who had been promoted to the silver rank.

【Thorn of Fear】·Silver Step

Gain an additional attack range of 10 meters, and the next nine normal attacks will launch energy spikes, inflicting 0-150 (+40% spell power) (+2.5% of the target’s maximum health [+0.1%] on the enemy in front of you Each layer of feast effect]) magic damage.

And according to the resistance of the target, slow down the target's movement speed by 0-40% for 0-5 seconds. (The slowing effect will continue to decay)

These energy spikes will increase the attack range after gaining feast stacks.

If you just look at the paper introduction Sting of Fear] is his strongest skill, there is no one!

The key point is that +2.5% of the target's maximum health [+0.1% per layer of feast effect] magic damage.

After Caleb’s old Tie Ai’s offering, Li Rui’s [Feast] now has 300+ layers!

In other words, for the next nine attacks, in addition to his own strong physical attack, Li Rui can cause more than 33% of the enemy's maximum health each time!

Even if the magic resistance reduction is removed, after eating this combo, no matter how strong the blood cow is, it will be half disabled.

The protagonist has gradually become inappropriate. This wave of harvest light digestion has taken nearly a year, and then the [Secret Banquet Association] will start to do things.

By the way, you can guess who the protagonist's next hero is, and for a reminder, it makes up for the shortcomings.

By the way, I still ask for a ticket for the new month. I really can’t blame me for the power outage yesterday (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

(End of this chapter)

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