Chapter 826 Extraordinary Transformation

"Uh... of course, the higher the level, the more fragrant the dragon meat..."

A cold sweat slipped from his cheek, and Old Langman succumbed to Li Rui's "hyper power" and pointed to the biggest golden white dragon.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you. Just like before, the keel will be used as a reward. If it is not enough, come to us."

Patting old Longman's arm, Li Rui smiled like a kind old farmer.

"Next, there will be a steady stream of "goods" coming in. I hope you can have enough manpower."

Shaking his whole body, Old Langman bowed his head respectfully: "I will follow your will."

Leaving the manor, Li Rui and others returned to the hotel to repair the exhaustion of the past few days.

The wind is still cold outside the window, but the room is warmed like spring by the constant temperature magic circle.

Happiness enjoyed the convenience of the toilet, and then took a beautiful bath, Li Rui felt that he was alive.

It's not to say how tired the body is, but to look at the same pure white world for several days, being blown to the heart by the biting cold wind, and the spirit gradually becomes rigid and numb.

Wiping his face, Li Rui looked at the system panel and counted the battle gains.

"The battle is over, you participated in the killing of a hero-level unit."

"You have gained 9135 experience points."

"You got 1121 gold coins."

"You killed a gold-level unit and gained 39 advanced law fragments."

"[Feast] swallowed the enemy, you gained 5123 permanent HP growth, and the number of feasts +1."

"[Overgrowth] Absorb the withering vitality and you gain 13 permanent health points."

"[Extraordinary Evil Force] Harvest the soul of a hero, and you will gain 84 permanent spell growth."

"[Dragon Bloodline] Strip the dragon source quality, gain 6 permanent armor growth and 7 permanent magic resistance growth."

"[Fatal Natural Enemy·Dragonborn] Enhanced conceptual weapon. When you break the defense against a dragonborn creature (thin bloodline) and cause substantial damage, +15 real damage. The final physical damage caused by the dragonborn creature to you is -8 point."

"You have obtained a silver treasure chest."

"You upgraded!"

Ascending to another level, Li Rui hesitated for a moment, turning this upgrade option into a blank equipment column.

"System, buy [Twin Shadows]."


The gloomy whistling and condensing in the equipment bay, a strange energy spread into his shadow, vaguely, Li Rui felt that from an angle that he could not see, a pair of strange eyes was opening from the shadow, peeking into the world .


Breathing out a foul breath, Li Rui lay in the bathtub, looking at the smoky ceiling.

I didn’t know before that [Twin Shadows] was so easy to use, it was completely a hunting artifact.

Even when encountering an irresistible enemy, you can let go to entangle and slow down, maybe just a few seconds of delay, you can save a [Guardian Angel] or [Rebirth] cooling time, it is a blood profit!

It's best to buy one for each teammate, and all of them become mother hunters...No, dragon hunters!

Rubbing his chin, Li Rui narrowed his eyes in the steaming white mist.

The strength of his own team is completely beyond the golden level of the white dragon, not to mention the little guys who are underage!

It is too wasteful for 7 people to always get together, you can try to act separately.

Just eat anything below gold, and those above gold don’t have to worry. First, insert an eye at the door, find all the valuable targets in several directions, and then gather the team to harvest one by one.

Scratching his chin, Li Rui nodded insignificantly.

Open full map jungle, I think it's OK!

However, such extreme combat plans also have drawbacks.

One is the psychological pressure of being alone on the lonely snowy field, and the other is that there is no dog nose for Luo Li. It is not easy to find Bailong dung in the ice and snow.

If the former is returned to the city for repairs in a three-day cycle, there is no big problem.

Moreover, the [Gaowei Magic Net], which has been upgraded to the Silver level, can support the spiritual network separated by thousands of kilometers. There are people in the team who are noisy and noisy, which is not too boring.

The key is the latter...

The whole person sank to the bottom of the bathtub, and Li Rui listened to the fluctuation of the water and fell into thinking.

But after thinking for a long time, there was no good solution. He simply put this combat plan aside for the time being, and carefully experienced his two core magic skills-[Greedy and Glutton] and [Extraordinary Evil Power]!

It's almost a kick, this faintly sultry feeling is really scratching!

Regardless, let's concentrate on conquering these two passives first!

Concentrating calmly, the ripples in the bathtub gradually subsided, and the entire bathroom fell into a dead silence.

And in the spiritual dimension that no one could observe, a planet burning with black flames appeared in front of Li Rui.

As if zooming in at a speed beyond light, the terrifying planet quickly zoomed in.

It shrinks and expands like a heart, and a layer of evil inflammation spreads on the surface, blooming like a star with a strange bluish brilliance.

In the dark, Li Rui understood that this is the projection of the true posture of [Extraordinary Evil Force]!

And now, it has reached the critical stage of its transformation!

Staring quietly at this magnificent planet, Li Rui's soul tentacles penetrated deep into the star core, feeling the unique evil power condensed and nurtured in it.

It’s just a little bit, it’s just a bit too close to ignite it...

His eyes condensed fiercely, even at the spiritual level, Li Rui's eyes turned into purple-golden vertical pupils.

[Eternal immortal immeasurable calamity] and [Chaos return to the source of Zihuang calamity] run at the same time, the power of the mysterious law is surging endlessly, turning the ethereal spiritual power into a torrent that is visible to the "naked eye"!

There was a loud noise in the void, UU reading www.'s endless spiritual power is poured into the core of the planet, and the entire space oscillates with it. All the scenes are like water ripples, as if they will collapse and shatter in the next instant.

Spirituality is constantly being injected, but the star core is like a bottomless pit. Those who come will not refuse and swallow everything. Li Rui quickly felt the exhaustion of his spirituality.

The indifferent Zijin dragon pupil has no sorrow or joy, and the divine nature that has been cultivated for many days continues to be injected.

Until the colorful torrent dyed the entire planet with a beautiful rainbow halo, the unwavering star core finally gradually changed.

The surface of the planet was cracked, and endless purple and black evil inflammation spewed out from the ground, forming a magnificent prominence of "thousands of kilometers".

The magnificent and dark evil flames burned crazily on the surface of the planet, the lava surged, and the land melted. In the end, as if reaching a certain critical point, the entire planet suddenly shook, no need for external energy injection, and spontaneously began to burn and expand!

A terrifying "solar storm" blew on his body, and an extremely huge star that released distorted evil inflammation was reflected in the purple dragon's pupils, and Li Rui's face finally showed a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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