Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 830: , The quality is not enough to make up the quantity

Chapter 832


The giant cocoon, which was four meters high, was torn apart.

In the spiritual vision of the transcendent, there seems to be a sun leaking out endless light and heat in the cracks of the cocoon!

The dazzling flames turned the spider silk around the body into blue smoke. As Li Rui levitated into the sky, red clouds could be seen from the distant sky hundreds of kilometers away in the city of [Andemster]!

Different from the usual appearance before, Li Rui seemed to have torn off his disguise at this time, revealing a posture like a god!

Just the golden red flame escaping from the body surface made Morgan and others feel that they were facing the sun!

The terrifying "solar storm" blows on the body, causing their body protection magic to shed a thousand miles away!

"Hey... I still used [Wugui] to see what you guys are doing! It's really embarrassing for me not to know the master behind the scenes and refuse to die obediently!"

The deep words shook the entire valley. Morgan swallowed and was about to say something, but Li Rui opened his mouth first.

Only seeing a bright magic power condensing in his chest, the next moment, the whole world was suspended by a wave of fluctuations!

[Wild Scream]!


The terrible magic ripples crack the rocks through the clouds, and the sound shook hundreds of miles!

Just like a thunderstorm, countless people in the city of [Andemster] hundreds of kilometers away were awakened, like headless flies, inquiring about what happened.

In the battlefield, the silent mage could only watch Li Rui approaching him at a speed of almost teleportation, and raised his shield claws with a grin.

One blow tore open the magic shield, the second blow destroys all life-saving cards, and then there is a happy time to cut people.

Carefully controlling his shot power, Li Ruisheng was afraid that a crit would kill the grain.

As for the mage's desperate counterattack in silence, they couldn't even stir a wave on his blood shield.

The magic resistance of more than 2700 points is enough to make any golden mage lose the desire to attack.

Not to mention that Li Rui has so many perverted damage reduction special effects!

[Indestructible Dragon] Passive 20% divine damage reduction, any final damage suffered is reduced by 100 points.

Silver Tier [Void Stone] reduces magic damage taken by 25%.

Golden Tier [Leviathan Armor] +20% damage reduction.

【Bone Plating】、【Dance of Death】…………

This layer of injury was reduced. In addition to the ultimate move of reading the article, the instant spell hitting Li Rui was completely tickling.

Eight "round" sticks fell in the sky one by one, and Li Rui looked at Morgan, who had fled to the other side of the battlefield, with a soft smile.

"Come on, I will give you a chic look."

But Li Rui's smile was more terrifying than the Abyss Demon in Morgan's eyes. The endless fear overwhelmed her reason, causing her to scream like a girl by Leip.

"Don't come here ah ah ah ah ah!!!~~~~"

At exactly this time, Li Rui's magical power could no longer support the huge enchantment that enveloped the entire valley. He keenly felt the distorted space behind him dissipate, and Morgan crazily squeezed every trace of potential in his body, like a sharp arrow instantly disappeared in the valley. deep.

Seeing her fleeing back and looking at her feet, Li Rui blinked.

Forget it, I allow you to run 50 kilometers first!

The shield warrior whose arms were almost broken was fleeing frantically. From time to time, he looked back at the dazzling "sun" in the sky in horror, begging him not to notice himself.

But in the next instant, the steel boots that fell from the sky fell on his shoulders.

With a click, the tough and heavy armor was twisted into a weird shape, and the shield warrior blasted into the ground in a rushing posture, forming a circular pit with a diameter of several tens of meters.

"Flying at 7200 degrees and turning sideways at 3,600 degrees, the landing is still so stable, if I go to the Olympics, I will definitely get full marks!"

Sighing from the shoulder of the shield warrior, Li Rui pulled the unconscious enemy out of the ground and placed them side by side with the others.

"Um... Did I forget something?"

Lightly tapping his chin, Li Rui groaned for a moment, then suddenly slammed his palm.

"By the way, there are still cows!"

Finding the belly of the mountain where the tauren had entered, the tauren, who was struggling in a daze, saw Li Ruixin's smile on his face.

Ok? Why are you smiling so happy?

At this time, he hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem, the silly tauren was still ready to fight the enemy, and the terrible divine sword light cut off his limbs in the next moment.


Putting the prepared ingredients together, Li Rui cleared his mind and took a deep breath.



A monstrous monster that was towering like a mountain instantly solidified behind him, and a beast made of blood let out a harsh roar, slowly raising its forelimbs.

The shield warrior who fell into a coma was picked up by the first one and put it carefully into his mouth.

You can't release all the power, use a little bit, just a little bit is enough!


Like a crushed tomato, the torn apart corpse shot around with armor, and a blood mist burst out between the monster's teeth.


The ferocious blood monster was chewing on something and let out a happy growl, his figure gradually becoming hazy.

But Li Rui, who had been prepared for a long time, stubbornly held on, and the veins on his forehead skyrocketed, causing the monster's figure to swing back and forth between dissipating and solidifying.


Violating the template of the hero's skills, the ferocious monster under Li Rui's control struggled to grab the bull's head again.


The remaining destructive power of the skill is released again, and under the action of the swallowing law, the enemy's most original vitality quickly merges into the beast's mouth, following the mysterious law, it transforms into surging vitality and deposits in Li Rui's body!


The substantial warm current flows into the [Void Stomach Pouch], Li Rui faintly senses a strange rhythm, and just wants to catch it, but instantly disappears.

The full beast began to dissipate again, UU read, but Li Rui still controlled it firmly and forcibly grabbed the archer.


The quality is not enough to make up the quantity, and a dozen people can barely compare with a giant dragon!

With endless greed, Li Rui carefully divided the power of a [Feast] into dozens of releases.

But when the fourth mage was eaten, the gold [Feast] could no longer maintain its form, and immediately disintegrated behind Li Rui the moment it was swallowed.

There was tingling pain in the soul. Li Rui knew that this was forcibly urging [Feast] to hurt his spirituality, so he quickly condensed his strength and switched back to the [do not use] posture to bring the body into a warm state!

The psychic energy fluctuations that shook the world slowly extinguished. Looking at the four wizards who were falling into death, Li Rui wrote [Dark Harvest] alone to help them free themselves from endless pain.

Moving around, the golden red light spread from under his feet, like a wall slowly entering, turning all the blood stumps in the battlefield into fly ash.

(End of this chapter)

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