Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 841: , [Life Original Soup]

Chapter 843【Life Soup】

And this time, not only Li Rui's own soul power participated in the breakthrough, but the system also intervened to help him quickly dismember the "mystery" of [Black Gold Ghost Vein]!

Sure enough, through the power of the law of the system, the difficulty for me to analyze the "mystery" has dropped by an order of magnitude.

Otherwise, with my current skill level, I can't shake this level of "sealed artifacts" at all!

But the price is that it is also regarded as a part of my soul, and the benefit of the feedback from [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie] is no longer to strengthen myself...

With the sudden change of thoughts in his mind, Li Rui easily swallowed and decomposed the black gold ghost pattern vessel with the assistance of the system. The complex and strange evil ghost pattern finally dissipated completely, leaving only a huge molten bronze ingot.

"Earthcentric copper, high-end goods!"

Looking at the constantly changing and squirming copper ingots in front of him, Li Rui slowly pulled out a smile.

As his mind moved, the copper ingot the size of the swimming pool instantly shrank and turned into a delicate pot-shaped vessel.

"Successfully collected the concepts of spirituality and material transformation, and obtained the [Original Sea City] building-[Materials Bureau]."

The turbulent knowledge poured in from the void, Li Rui seemed to be hit in the back of the head by a hammer, shaking slightly, finally stood firm.

After a long time, he straightened his waist, a dark stream of light burst into his eyes.

"The Potions Bureau..."

As he whispered in a low voice, the entire Origin Sea City trembled slightly.

[Future Market] Tens of thousands of summoners stopped their movements and looked in one direction at the same time.

Behind the insurmountable colorful fog, light particles in the sky condensed rapidly, as if a sun was emerging from the ground.

Around Li Rui, the ethereal light particles converged into substance, and a magical building rose from the ground.

"Concretization of the concept, [Future Market]...It turned out to be like this..."

Vaguely understanding the deeper functions of the system, Li Rui showed expectation in his eyes, and slowly raised his hand above the small bronze pot.

A golden white dragon in the material warehouse was instantly sucked into a disproportionately small pot, and a strange chitin spoon turned from virtual to real, held in Li Rui's fingers.

Looking at this strange soup spoon, Li Rui understood that this is a special figurative strange object made by the system law and his own [greedy and gluttony]. Different people will have "soup spoons" with different effects in their hands. The product gives different extra special effects...

But is this really an old witch?

Looking at the witch suit in a very classic fairy tale, Li Rui couldn't shake his head in tears or laughter.

Immediately, the exquisite and small bronze vessels drew energy frantically from the void, and thick and strange soup began to fill the bottom of the pot.

The orange soup spread upwards quickly, and finally stayed on the edge of the pot without overflowing. Li Rui gently inserted the "soup spoon" into it, stirring slowly and rhythmically.

Obviously it is the visualization of the illusory law, but the spoon in his hand is like a real object, giving a clear touch.

Li Rui could obviously feel that something hard was slowly cracking under his stirring and melted into the soup.

His eyebrows were gradually frowning, and a spoon weighing tens of centimeters was as heavy as Mount Tai. Every time he stirred it, Li Rui had to use "the energy of milking"!

Of course, as a consciousness body, what he uses is not "power" in the physical sense, but the power of the soul that urges the law!

It's sloppy. If it weren't for [Chaos Return to Origin Zihuang Jie] to advance to the third stage, I couldn't stir such a big pot of soup.

Gritting his teeth, Li Rui insisted.

Gudong Gudong...

The tumbling soup released a peculiar aroma, with a strange **** smell in the sweetness.

I don't know how long it took, just when Li Rui's body began to become blurred, a strange message flowed into his mind.

"[Life Original Soup·Golden Stage] Successfully refined!"

As soon as he felt relieved, the chitin spoon in his hand instantly shattered into countless light particles. Li Rui panted heavily, and it took a long time to recover his strength.

Looking at the sticky and weird [Life Soup] in the pot, he hesitated for a moment, but carefully drank a little.

The taste is a bit like a thick soup with thick soup, no taste, not good...

Smash it. Through the connection between the consciousness and the physical body, Li Rui carefully sensed the reaction of the soup.

As the empty stomach pouch peristed, a faint warmth flowed throughout the body, like a spring rain nourishing every cell, and it took a long time to disappear without a trace.

His eyes lit up slightly, and he quickly assessed the "nutrition" of this sip of soup.

The overall effect is far inferior to Xuelong meat jerky, but that thing plus many expensive genius treasures, if only the use efficiency of dragon meat is considered, the [Life Soup] is even higher!

The only's not delicious!

The tongue stirred in his mouth, tasting the faint taste, Li Rui couldn't help but shrink his mouth.

Forget it, you can eat as long as you can. The utilization efficiency is much higher than that of raw nibble. What kind of bicycles are needed?

He sighed, his mouth widened, and the [Life Soup] in the pot turned into a column of water and sucked into the bottomless throat, filling the empty stomach sac that was about to be "out of stock" again.

The small bronze pot has a huge capacity that is completely different from the volume. The soup column like a dragon sucking water lasted for dozens of minutes, and hundreds of tons of [Life Soup] were all swallowed into Li Rui's belly.


I couldn't help but burp, and there was a faint sense of fullness in [Void Stomach Pouch], Li Rui rubbed his stomach contentedly.

With these stocks, the large amount of extra attributes he has accumulated can accelerate the digestion!

In the future, white dragons below gold will be refined into [Life Original Soup], and above gold will be made into Xuelong jerky. The "nutrition" is doubled and delicious.

The cultivation of teammates also requires a lot of resources. He can rely on quantity to make up for the qualitative gap. If others fill a few liters of [Life Soup], it is estimated that they will have to spit it out on the spot.

Hmm...except for Zhao Youxuan, but even she probably wouldn't like such boring things.

Therefore, UU reading www.uukahnshu. Com, refined ingredients like Xuelong meat jerky, is what the normal high-end transcendents desire.

After all, the spiritual substances contained in ordinary foods can no longer meet their physical needs!

Thinking of this, Li Rui's heart suddenly moved.

Why are there no mythological creatures on earth?

Perhaps it was because the spiritual energy tide fell back that year, and there was not enough spiritual food, they were so "starved to death"?

In other words... fell into a dormant state?

Now that their spiritual energy has recovered, they sensed the changes in the external environment and began to wake up gradually, so they have the return of divinity, the dawn of the gods?

The thoughts in his mind turned sharply, and Li Rui shook his head, quickly throwing aside these unfounded conjectures.

In any case, troubled times are about to come, he must seize all the time to strengthen himself and firmly control his destiny in his own hands!

(End of this chapter)

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