Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 843: , [Deadly Natural Enemy·Dragon Vein]

Chapter 845 [Deadly Natural Enemy·Dragon Vein]




Forced myself to take a deep breath, and after a long time, the power of the riot slowly subsided.

Add too much at one time, you can't be so reckless in the future...

Holding his forehead, Li Rui smiled bitterly and shook his head.

I originally thought that after entering the Golden Stage, the body of [Indestructible True Dragon] could withstand random additions.

However, the price is worth it...

Li Rui couldn't help but grinned at the introduction to the attributes of [Devil Dragon Coming into the World].

【The Devil Dragon Comes into the World】·Silver Stage

Passive effect: Obtain special energy [Dragon Fury].

Active effect: The hero turns into a dragon, increases its maximum health by 100%, and flies to the target area. Enemies along the way will suffer 350 (+100% spell power) magic damage and will be shaken in his direction.

Consumption: It takes 100 points of anger to activate, and consumes 4 points of anger per minute.

The maximum health bonus has increased from 50% to 100%. According to his current perverted health calculation, he dares to face hard steel in the original stone steps!

In addition, the damage bonus has increased, and the consumption of anger has also changed from 5 points per minute to 4 points per minute, which means he has five more minutes of explosion output time!

Hundreds of thousands of health points, I will kill [Giant Hydra], you may... No, you will definitely die!

With a silly smile, Li Rui quickly converged, looking at the final value of the skill with some pain.

Dragon Fury: 8/100.

This accumulation of anger is outrageous!

Forget it, not seeing and not getting upset, sooner or later, I will become a dragon in extreme anger!

Shaking his fist viciously, Li Rui let out a suffocating breath and looked at today's highlight.

"System, promotion [Dragon Blood]."


A loud noise exploded in his ears, Li Rui was shocked, and his whole body fell uncontrollably on the bed, shaking slightly.

The power of the system is transforming his body and soul, evolving his life form to a higher level.

The breathing sound of a giant carnivore echoed in the room. After a long time, Li Rui was relieved from the heart-piercing pain.

【Dragon Blood】·Silver Stage

Damage to dragons increased by 40%.

Every time a dragon-like creature is killed, its source quality is stripped, and according to the target's energy level attribute, permanent armor and magic resistance bonuses are obtained. (The gain value is affected by the energy level difference between you and the target.)

After killing special dragons, it is possible to obtain temporary or permanent special buffs.

The only literal change is that the damage to dragons has been increased from 30% to 40%.

However, Li Rui feels that the efficiency of the hidden source stripping has improved a lot.

At least the growth of dual resistance provided by Golden White Dragon can surpass single digits...

There was a surge of excitement in his heart, and Li Rui couldn't help but want to kill a white dragon immediately to see the specific changes.

However, he glanced at the [Feast] who had fallen into cooling, and he instantly calmed down.

Good things should be eaten slowly one bite at a time. Thousands of life growth can't be wasted!

He calmed the emotions in his heart, his eyes flowed, and he looked at the ice blue rune page.

After playing for so long in the wild, the conditions for the advancement of the [Deadly Predator] are finally met. After the remaining targets are hunted, I believe that the Silver Step will not be too far away!

"System, promote [Deadly Natural Enemy]!"


After an ice cracking and crisp sound, the runes glowed brightly, and Li Rui felt a coolness spreading in his mind.

[Deadly Natural Enemy·Dragon Vein]

When you break the defense against a creature with dragon blood and cause substantial damage, +627 true damage.

The final physical damage caused by creatures with dragon bloodlines to you is -395 points.

[Loots] Upgrade, you can extract a wider range of prey characteristics and condense them into more powerful loot!

The dragon descendant became a dragon vein, and Li Rui clearly noticed the expansion of the concept of runes. Now, he almost became the natural enemy of all dragon vein creatures in the material world!

[Dragon Blood] +40% damage, and superimposed on the increase of [Fatal Natural Enemy], he feels that he can try it out against the Secret Diamond Dragon.

Of course, the strength of dragons between different types is also vastly different.

Red dragons of the same level can hang white dragons and fight.

But no matter how you say it, once [Wugui] opens, the ordinary Secret Diamond Dragon is definitely not his opponent.

+40% damage is too fatal, even with the dragon's resistance blood volume, it is impossible to last too long!

As for the original stone steps, you have to fight before you know it.

With a slow and long sigh of relief, Li Rui felt inexplicably satisfied looking at the exhausted upgrade options.

After harvesting all the goals in the notebook, his life value will be raised to a whole new realm. At that time, he can leave the desolate north and head to the center of the mainland.

The dragon over there is not as miserable as the white dragon in the north.

There are not a few who are blatantly king, except for some kind and lawful metal dragons, who can pull out the rest one by one.

He doesn't need to worry about the [Dragon Kingdom] agreement. It's a big deal to fight guerrillas with them. Anyway, it's not a person from this plane, and he will return to the city after doing something. Can these big lizards still find him across the plane?

With a grin, Li Rui couldn't help but fall into the imagination of the future.

Having been in another world for so long, his three-piece killer suit hasn't moved at all, but his teammates have stacked up their attributes with assists.

It's time to challenge more valuable goals!


In the magnificent room, a blond mature beauty sits on a chair studded with jewels, looking coldly at the man standing in front of her with her head down and shaking.

"So, you went to [Night Crow Alliance] to post a mission to let them **** Dragon Heart, and you lost all the money?"

"Norma, I didn't know they were so strong..."

Looking at the shivering man, Norma Tobias covered her forehead in pain.

"Schneider Fremont, you **** fool, if you are not my cousin, I really want to pinch you to death!"

"Norma, I also do it for your dignity. At that time, the one named Wade was completely humiliating..."

"Okay! I just want to know, where is my dragon heart?"

Norma Tobias slapped the armrest suddenly, and the whole room trembled with a terrifying vigor.

The tyrannical breath transpired on her The beautiful eyes gradually shrank and turned into reptile-like vertical pupils.

The pale-faced Schneider Philemon knelt on the ground in fright, with beads of sweat coming out of his lowered head.

"The virtual godhead of the Neiser Empire is about to emerge. If I don't get promoted to the legend, I have no right to fight for it. You can't do anything as simple as buying a dragon heart. Why do I want you?"

He grabbed the fruit plate on the table and threw it on the man's head.

The sharp iron edge smashed through the skin, oozing drops of blood, but Schneider Filimont was still lying on the ground, unable to move.

The terrifying power was like a mountain pressing on him, which reminded him of the dragon bloodline in the royal family.

And, the talent of some high-level dragons-Longwei!

Fortunately, yesterday I only asked me to help with the information temporarily. I didn't start a new case and call me responsible. I should be able to relax for a while. Although the subscription keeps dropping, I will try to add more when I have time (??ω??)? ?

(End of this chapter)

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