Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 853: , Terrible vitality

Chapter 855: Terrible Vitality

I have seen all kinds of weird creatures on the outer plane, but there has never been a kind of creature that grows so terrifying, as if it is the manifestation of fear in a nightmare.

In front of the ten-meter-long claws that roared, the magic shield and dragon scales were like layers of thin paper, which would be broken with a poke.

The claws with strange penetrating power easily split the flesh and blood, deeply embedded in the bones.

An unstoppable force came, and Andermassam at the end of the crossbow could no longer hold on to it, and was forced to press down from the sky by the Zerg's method.


Two hexapod monsters tore each other in the sky, low roars cracking rocks and clouds, terrifying magical waves spreading dozens of kilometers away, all the transcendents in the range shivered, their hearts tightened, as if there were two mountains pressing on them .

The sharp dragon claws cut out a large piece of illusory flesh and blood on the Zerg’s body, and the Zerg’s anti-knuckle hind legs also kicked on the wound on the dragon’s abdomen, tearing a huge gap, and the bright red and smooth internal organs flowed out along the wound and hung out of the body. .


In close hand-to-hand combat to this point, both sides seem to lose their minds, return to primitive animalism, frantically using their minions to bite each other.

The two giant creatures spinning and tumbling freely fell towards the ground. Both sides wanted to use each other as a backstop, but the red dragon fighting alone forgot the terrible companions around Li Rui.

The sky in the middle of the fall suddenly lit up with an inconspicuous purple black, but the next second, the condensed purple black dots suddenly expanded and turned into a huge magic ball with a diameter of ten meters.

The surface of the magic ball is like boiling water rolling, and the thick arc of ordinary people's wrists shuttles back and forth, and the terrible magic power that even the blind can feel!

【Desolate】·Silver Stage

The hero casts a mark at the designated location, and after a short time condenses, it causes 200 (+60% spell power) magic damage to the enemy in the area. If there is only one enemy, all power is reduced, causing it to take double damage.

The red dragon hit this magic bomb with one head, and the death energy of the ghost suddenly compressed and condensed inward at the moment of the explosion, releasing double destructive power.


The thick nether ripples hit the body without any fancy, and Andmasam's brain was in a state of chaos, he couldn't even scream, he could only feel his own flesh and blood falling apart.

Immediately afterwards, a dense bullet storm once again enveloped the two tumbling behemoths, and the crazy attack seemed to be released "evenly" regardless of the life or death of the companion.

[Two birds with one stone]!

[Void find the enemy]!

[Guns and bullets rain]!

[Secret Skill Shooting]!

[Fatal Colorful]!

After being beaten and shaking like a sieve, Anderson was slightly distracted, and was immediately torn open by the two smaller claws of the Zerg, scratching the unknown slimy internal organs.

The intense pain caused the red dragon's muscles to spasm and lose control. Seeing the earth rapidly enlarge in his sight, Li Rui laughed, and two sickle and sharp claws pressed it firmly under him.

At the moment when he touched the ground, Li Rui not only failed to converge, but also exerted a downward sprinting force. The surging energy of blood and blood poured into the Zerg's magic phase, causing its claws to glow with a dark and deep dark green black light.

[Indestructible Grip]!

[Dark Harvest]!

[Thorn of Fear]!



As if a meteor fell on the ground, the hard rocky soil swelled with "liquid ripples", and a radius of hundreds of meters sank suddenly, and a small mushroom cloud rose into the sky and went straight into the sky.

Using the ground as a cutting board, the sharp "scythe" finally cut off the hard bones and directly unloaded Andermassam's "arms".

Ooooooooooooo! !

The heart-piercing dragon roar shook hundreds of miles. A few kilometers away, Hailee Nathaniel, who was slowly wriggling outward, trembled all over, as if she felt a pain in her body.

Even in different camps, Hailee Nathaniel couldn't help raising the sad grief of the rabbit and fox, watching the terrifying monster dismember Andemasam.

Looking at this posture, it is really possible for that guy to use himself as a reserve...

On the other end, even if he suffered heavy injuries one after another, with fatal wounds all over his body, Andermassam still resisted.

The scorching light penetrated his chest again, and the fusion-like energy quickly condensed and compressed.

Opening his mouth wide, a fist-sized incandescent ball of light released the sun-like light and heat, and the terrifying star-killing particle cannon was once again exposed.

However, compared with complicated and difficult war magic, Li Rui's response was much simpler and rude.

The brutal Zerg took a deep breath, opened a huge mouth full of fangs, and a circle of transparent ball-shaped magic also rolled and compressed in its mouth.

The magical flow visible to the naked eye converged from the whole body of the Zerg to the throat, and then a transparent magical light beam with a diameter of ten meters and a distorted space flooded Andemasam's head.

【Wild Scream】·Golden Order

Cast terrifying magic sound waves to attack enemies in the area, silence the enemies in the area and cause magic damage.

Damage: 1-1200 (+95% spell power)

Silence time: 0-8 seconds

Roar! !

He almost screamed out this [wild scream] on his face, and the red dragon at close range even saw the space trembling before his eyes.

The terrifying energy that couldn't be described in words hit his face, his head buzzed, the world seemed to be far away from him, no sound was heard, and his thinking went blank.

The energy in the body fell apart under the impact of the ripples, and the invisible magic power interfered with his control, making him unable to mobilize power to resist.

The high-energy condensate in the mouth rolls in disorder under the impact of the ripples, slowly cracking.

Compressed to the last step, the Star Destroyer Particle Cannon completely lost its control, following the laws of nature, releasing its own energy indiscriminately.

boom! !

The splendid slaying exploded directly to blow the Zerg out. Andermassam was even more miserable. There was nowhere to vent the high-energy compression in his chest. From the inside out, an open huge hole was exploded in his chest, which can be beaten directly by the naked eye. heart.

The broken ribs are messed up outside the body, UU reading www. Inside are charred organs. From the chest cavity to the throat to the jaw, the flesh and blood along the way have disappeared without a trace, leaving only the carbonized skeleton.

But even at this point, the red dragon at the pinnacle of the Secret Diamond still maintained its resistance.

Losing its two front paws, it stood up tremblingly with its wings propped on its body, staring at the vaguely tall monster with its muddy eyes scorched by the blast.

Walking towards Andermassam with a heavy step, Li Rui looked up and down the injuries on his body, and couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his eyes.

The vitality of the dragon race is outrageous!

If these wounds were placed on a humanoid of the same level, it would be enough to kill him 10,000 times!

But on Andermassam, he hasn't hit the [Feast] kill line!

You know, Li Rui, who is currently in the state of [No Blame] 400,000 blood, 26,000+ magic powers, and Jin [Feast], has more than 100,000 kill lines against dragons!

(End of this chapter)

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