Chapter 859

Looking back at the potions on the ground, Olena's eyes widened. After more than a year of [Summoner's Canyon] experience, she has a deep understanding of the value of these potions.

If a golden-level [balanced] potion is sold to the outside world, high-level transcendents can sell it to hundreds of millions of dollars a bottle.

Holding a bottle of this potion in your pocket is equivalent to one more life, and you have to speak harder!

Of course, a large supply is another price, after all, the scarcity is more expensive.

But in any case, the price of [balanced] potion cannot be too low.

This kind of strategic materials will not have too much power, even if you don't need it, you must prevent others from hoarding.

It doesn't matter if I have it, but you don't, it is important to me!

Imagine that when the war hits an anxious endgame, one side suddenly all starts Mondo's big move, and the other side guesses that its mentality exploded on the spot.

No one wants to face a group of undead enemies, so under competition, the value of these [balanced] potions is simply incalculable.

But, did the president give me such a precious treasure?

Olena blinked, a touch of movement flashed in her beautiful eyes.

The weak girl who has depended on her sister since she was a child once again feels the warmth of the big family.

Without eagerness to put away the potion on the ground, Olena turned to look at the small bronze pot in front of her, sighed lightly, her eyes became more focused, and she stirred the "spoon" in her hand carefully.

On the other side, Li Rui, who was standing on the dragon's head, opened his eyes and stomped lightly.

"Open your mouth."

Several bottles of [Regeneration] and [Balance] were thrown into the big mouth, and Hailee Nathaniel swallowed them directly into the stomach like a capsule.

The dragon’s digestive system is so powerful that it can even digest inorganic substances. As the medicine bottle dissolves, the surging energy is quickly released from the stomach.


Hayley Nathaniel uttered an uncomfortable whisper, and she was fidgeting as if worms crawled around.

"what happened?"

"The wound is itchy..."

"Is it so itchy last time?"

"The pain was a little bit more last time."

Nodding, Li Rui silently observed Yinlong's reaction, watching the granulation at the tip of the wing slowly squirming and growing small scales.

Ordinary human transcendents can digest a bottle of medicine for a long time, but Yinlong can absorb the effect of several bottles of medicine at once!

Sure enough, drug resistance is affected by receptor type and energy level. By the way, it may have something to do with their digestive system!

Li Rui secretly evaluated the reaction of the mount and the mouse, and the look of interest made Hailee Nathaniel tremble.

He's not thinking how to eat me?

I'm not tasty...oooo...

Whenever I close my eyes, the red dragon's indifferent eyes will appear in my mind, and Hailee Nathaniel's psychological shadow area is expanding infinitely.

"Well, it is estimated that you will be able to recover in a few days. Make arrangements for your family affairs. You will be following us for a while."

Patting Yinlong's head, Li Rui softly fell into the sea of ​​gold coins, disappearing like a ghost in the temple.

After confirming that Li Rui had left, a beautiful female elf walked out of the temple, looking sadly at Hailee Nathaniel.

"Haili... are you really going to follow him?"

"What can I do?"

Yinlong lay low on the Jinshan, whimpering aggrievedly.

"But you are a noble silver dragon, how can you be a mount like those mixed-blood dragonborn?"

There seemed to be a faucet linked to the spine by Andermasam, and Hailee Nathaniel shuddered.

"The mount... is good..."


Gloria opened her mouth, and stopped talking.

"Stop talking, Gloria, I will ask you at home after I leave."

"Then when will you come back?"

"I do not know either……"

Hayley Nathaniel looked at the pure blue sky outside the temple, her eyes showing confusion about the future.

After Li Rui returned to the palace where he lived, he pondered for a long time and sat cross-legged in the void again.

Sharpening the knife without accidentally cutting wood, and with the silver dragon as a mount, they will soon be able to rush to the central battlefield. In the next few days, he can concentrate on himself and strive to keep up with his strength before setting off. Floors!

Looking at one of his own passives, Li Rui's eyes drooped, and his pupils flashed with firm dim light.

With the help of [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie], I will be able to break through this most critical bottleneck immediately!

Holding Yuan Shouyi, Li Rui spit out a white misty qi, and ran the [Chaos Return to Origin Zihuang Jie], immersing his spiritual sense in the endless blood.

Gradually, a pink mist filled the cold room at some point.

As time passed, the mist became thicker and thicker, and finally turned into a bright blood mist, and an alluring sweetness began to float in the air.

A day later, the blood mist had swallowed the entire palace, and thousands of servants serving the silver dragon descended to take refuge.

The originally cold and lonely palace group became more empty and lonely, and only Li Rui's teammates guarded the palace for him.

After another two days, the palace group that stretched for more than ten kilometers was completely shrouded in a **** mist, and the entire mountain range seemed to be covered in blood.

In the hazy scarlet fog, the majestic and majestic palace has become evil and weird, like the lair of a certain demon king, ready to rush out of countless demons and ghosts to eat alive people at any time!

Rumors were circulating in the city of Miran outside the mountain. Looking at the blood mist that enveloped the entire mountain range, all the transcendents could feel the strange ripples that were rhythmic like a heart.

The blood mist also spread during this time of contraction and expansion, extending to the foot of the mountain before stopping expansion.

Fortunately, Hailee Nathaniel, Duke of Silver Dragon, came forward in time to calm down the panicked and restless city.

When the elegant figure with a body length of more than forty meters hovered over the city of Miran, the citizens who had been blessed by it for generations couldn't help but cheer.

The magnificent magical aura is dazzling, Hailee Nathaniel shines on the earth like a beautiful "jewel sun", dispelling the anxiety and fear in people's hearts.

But in the palace dozens of kilometers away, there is a person in UU reading who is like a fish in water.

"It smells so good, it smells like the captain~~"

Luo Li took a deep breath in intoxication, her pink tongue kept licking in the air.

"What the **** is he doing?"

Aya Xiyi looked curiously at the palace that was completely swallowed up by the thick blood mist and couldn't see his fingers. There was a terrifying force in it that had reached the critical moment of transformation.

"Sucking...should be...sucking...practicing [Blood Witchcraft], he had the bottleneck."

"Don't lick, you licking dog, Li Rui's blood will be licked by you!"

Zhao Youxuan roared angrily.

But Luo Li ignored her at all, still immersed in the sweet fragrance.

(End of this chapter)

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