Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

: People in the hospital, a big problem

There was something wrong with my body. I thought it was a minor problem, but when I went to the hospital for an examination, I found that the problem was a bit serious.

   In the next one or two months, I must actively cooperate with the treatment, and the doctor even advised me to stop work temporarily to recover from illness.

   But as a social animal, it is impossible to stop working if you stop working. After all, you have to pay back your mortgage and car loan every month...

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   Therefore, we can only compress other time.

   However, if the various indications can be lowered later, life will soon return to normal.

   But if it continues to rise, the problem may become more complicated.

   Anyway, the doctor was so scary. I checked on the Internet and suggested amputation below the eyebrows.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   So I am hesitant now, whether to stop for a while before picking it up, or just outline the escape.

   When the specific examination report comes out tomorrow, I will report to you after consulting the doctor.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. Apex novel mobile version reading URL:

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