Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 872: , No one-point law is innocent!

The huge dragon group that covered the sky and sun burst into anger, and the front line expanded and expanded. Even Li Rui and others, who were tens of kilometers away, began to prop up shields to resist waves of shocks.

   The terrible heavy explosion shock was enough to razor the mountains, but the mechanical giant in the center of the battlefield was like a pin of the sea, motionless.

   No matter how powerful the magic wave bombarded him, it seemed like a breeze, and even a trace of scratches could not be left!

   Seeing the heavy dragon scales and heavy armor on his body, Li Rui couldn't help feeling hot.

   If this thing is taken apart, I don’t know how many artifacts can be cast?

  At the same time, his gaze shifted downwards, and Li Rui looked at the strange corpse that snaked like a mountain.

   Although this thing looks ugly, it is a real divine corpse, refined into [Life Soup], I guess I don’t have to worry about insufficient “nutrition” before entering the myth.

   Even the remaining divinity can still try to forge new artifacts, but I don’t know what domain this weird guy holds...

   His thoughts turned sharply, before he even started, Li Rui began to plan how to distribute the spoils.

   After a long wait, a gleam of silver light broke through the five-color dragon's defense line, quickly traversed a distance of tens of kilometers, and fled to the crowd in embarrassment.

   "They agreed to cooperate!"

   Hearing Hailee Nathaniel's reply, Li Rui's eyes lit up, and his hands ejected shield claws made of pure energy.


  The materialized claws rubbed a bit of sparks, and Li Rui was like a blooming sun, and his energy level fluctuated wildly.

  Black iron...Bronze...Silver...

   Until it approached the golden level limit, this "little sun" in spiritual vision slowly stabilized.

   switched to the posture of "no blame", Li Rui turned to look at Sae Kazema.

   "Then let's start, Your Majesty Goddess."

   is only released to the golden level?

   He has the confidence to fight against hundreds of dragons with his golden energy level?

   Still say there are other calculations?

   There were countless thoughts flashing in Sae Kazama's mind, but he did not expect that this guy named Wade was actually just a golden silly.

   The collision of the two eyes at each other just now made her sense the obscure and profound divine fluctuations.

   Except for the gods on the earth who are born into myths like her, no one can obtain such a strong self-divine in the golden rank!

   Not right... Maybe one person can...

   She wouldn't be surprised if anything could happen to that supernatural monster.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   shook her head insignificantly, and Sae Kazae laughed mockingly.

   But there is only one [Indestructible Dragon] named Li Rui in this world.

   Gently nodded to the man in front of him, and the scepter in Sae Kazema's hand struck hard, the colorful divine light instantly expanded and wrapped the entire team, then collapsed and teleported to the other end of the battlefield.

   Li Rui who stayed in place turned and looked at the scarred silver dragon, with a soft light in his eyes.

   "Haley, you are free."

   The huge dragon pupil was taken aback for a moment, and then burst into excitement.

"can I go now?"

   "Of course, we are both cleared."

   "Then can I help?"

   Miss Yinlong turned her head to look in the direction of Long Zhan, and asked worriedly.

   "Why go to this muddy water? It's dangerous."

   Li Rui stared at her strangely, thinking that she would rush away.

   "The lady cannot be allowed to regain his authority, we must stop the evil dragon's conspiracy!"

   Hailee Nathaniel flapped her wings and said firmly.

   Li Rui: "…………"

   What a grudge?

   Tiamat said it was very tired.

   "Then be careful, and leave with them when the matter is over. It is still very dangerous for you to be alone in the abyss."



   took a deep look at Li Rui, Hailee Nathaniel suddenly fanned his wings and instantly turned into a silver light, disappearing into the sky.

  Wait until she was far away, Li Rui turned around to look at her eager companions, and the corners of her mouth slowly raised.

   "Ladies and gentlemen, it's meal time!"

   "Oh oh oh!"

   There was a burst of excitement and cheers, and the hidden breath began to swell, and the smile on Li Rui's face suddenly froze.

   "Wait, when did you advance to gold?"

   instantly pulled Aya Xiyi's wrist, Li Rui looked at her up and down in disbelief.

   How come this guy is like a ghost every time he advances, quietly!

   "Huh, after shooing you seven or forty-nine times!"

   Aya Xiyi sneered and lifted his chin proudly.

   Li Rui: "…………"

   You are so proud of a hammer, it was not piled up with my yang energy!

   Grinding his teeth, Li Rui looked at the system panel of this guy, his face began to twitch.


   Race: Heavenly Personality

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  Energy level: Golden level

   Level: 145

   HP: 8973389733

   Mana: 533329533329

   Armor: 768

  Magic Resistance: 4932

   Attack power: 949

  Spell power: 63516【×180%】

  530,000 mana, 63,000+ magic power......

  What is Faye? This horse is called Faye!

  The key is even higher than mine, which is outrageous!

   The position of No. 1 Faye in the team, who had just gotten it, was taken away again, and Li Rui silently raised his head to the sky.

   I'm too difficult, let's be a critic...

After a few seconds of self-closing, Li Rui stretched out his hand to caress Aya Xiyi’s forehead, opened the equipment bar cursingly, and used the gold coins she had accumulated during this time to upgrade the core Rank·Seraph Embrace 】!

  [Golden Rank·Death Hat of the Worldbreaker]!


   Aya Xiyi's body trembled slightly, and the space within a hundred meters of it was twisted and trembling visible to the naked eye.

   The magical power bloomed unscrupulously. With her as the center, the whole world began to dim, and the wailing of despair and pain echoed in my ears.

  Spell power: 75889【×200%】【Undigested extra spell power 500 points】

   just glanced at the change in law strength, Li Rui looked away in pain.

   There is no strong power in it that is innocent, it's all my blood and tears!

   ran out of her deposits in an instant, and Li Rui looked at her skill panel again and tentatively cast a few upgrade options.

  【Pollution】·Golden Level

   Passive: Each time the hero kills a unit, it can restore up to 500 mana based on the target's soul strength.

   Active: Release magic pollution, causing 200 magic damage to surrounding enemies every second.

   Li Rui: "…………"

   Why do I have to work so hard to improve my golden skills? Just a little bit.

  Tiandao personality does not need to teach the Basic Law?

   Is it great to have a high understanding?

   By the way, this guy can also combine passive skills and play with the rules of the system, but I am struggling to even upgrade my perception, **** it! So angry!

   Angrily squeezed Aya Xiyi's face, Li Rui upgraded all her skills that could be improved in one breath, and the remaining upgrade options for many years were finally exhausted.

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