In other words...the domain is the realization of conceptual suppression...

"In my country, exercise my right!"

Suddenly the old Western admonition flashed in his mind, and a glimmer of understanding flashed in Li Rui's heart.

Concept... Power... Kingdom of God...

Faintly, he seemed to have caught something, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to have nothing.

Shaking his head, leaving the distracting thoughts in his mind behind, Li Rui's eyes condensed, and he shot straight at his teammate.

The most important thing at the moment is to end this war as soon as possible. The coercion of the five colors of light in the distance has become more and more profound, making him gradually feel a sense of crisis.

There is a terrible force awakening, it can't be delayed any longer!

As if sensing his approach, a vast and primitive power burst out in the distance, shaking the impenetrable dragon group flying backwards.

"Rua~ Wherever the snake wants to go, go there!"

A petite figure full of blue-gold aura, but like a wild beast, a tail flew the black dragon blocking the road, and rushed towards Li Rui with an unstoppable momentum.

Li Rui: "..."

He had to adjust his posture, and the steel-hardened head blasted on his chest like a cannonball.


Zergs with a body size of more than seventy meters could not withstand this force, and moved tens of meters in a posture that was counter-intuitive.

"Are you poisonous?"

With Zhao Youxuan who was smirking in his arms, Li Rui finally eased his breath.

Although there are rules to protect his teammates, he still feels that his head almost pushes his lungs out!

"How do you know I am poisonous?"

Zhao Youxuan grinned happily, revealing two narrow, sharp fangs.

Without reply, Li Rui held her in a big circle and threw it towards the dragon group that was chasing behind him.

Eat my javelin!


A sneer sneered from the corner of Li Rui's mouth, ignoring the screams behind him, and crossing the battlefield without looking back.

Anyway, a vigorous snake driving Mondo's ultimatum is hard to die. As a tank, you have to be sold!

After crossing the lines of defense, he was inexplicably relieved to see an elegant figure standing in the void like a **** from a distance.

"Hei, how are you?"

The solemn and solemn figure slowly turned his head and smiled coldly.

"No more blue."

Li Rui: "..."

Are you arrogant a hammer when there is no blue?

"How about Clarity and Mana Pool?"

"It's all used."

"Xiao Wei's also used?"


Isn't that nearly 2 million mana was all consumed?

The oil is running out!

Sure enough, it is still too reluctant to fight against a few hundred secret diamond dragons with a golden energy level!

Others consume all your energy!

There was a retreat in his heart, and Li Rui decided to accept it.

Anyway, more than one hundred secret diamond dragons have already eaten in their stomachs. Through the [Gaowei Magic Net] link, the team within a certain range is regarded as one, and the teammates have also received a large number of assists.

This time I have made a lot of money, and I can't go to work hard for the artifact.

With a heart move, one black and one red, the ghostly shadows in full-covered spiritual armor quickly gathered around, followed by a yellow head shot from a distance.

"Little plum, I just blasted the head of the Secret Diamond Dragon! Can I hang it? Can I hang it?"

Little Huang Mao was incoherent with excitement.

Although only relying on [Nan Dou Xing·Mechanical Falling God] plus [Perfect Curtain Call] to grab the head.

But being able to kill the Secret Diamond with his silver energy rank, he can beat this record for a lifetime!

"Your **** burst."

Patting Huang Juncai's head to perfuse him, Li Rui felt the last teammate in the distance and couldn't help frowning.

Didn't you say that you can go wherever you want?

Why is it still surrounded?

Just as they were about to fish back the fierce snake, a circle of colorful light suddenly appeared around everyone.

When Guanghua dissipated, a group of embarrassed figures appeared, panting heavily.

"I have retrieved [Flame Sword], it's time to retreat."

The girl standing on the head of the black mechanical giant was holding a golden scepter in her right hand and a simple and mysterious bronze sword in her left hand, staring coldly at her.

"[Virtual Godhead] and [Original Aoneng Well] are no more?"

Li Rui glanced at the mechanical giant and the many purple-robed wizards, and smiled slightly mockingly.

"We can't grab it."

The girl in a classical Greek white dress turned her head faintly.

Following her gaze, Li Rui saw that the colorful divine light was rapidly condensing.

Anxiety arose in his heart, Li Rui glanced at the [Feast] that had cooled down, the Zerg magic phase behind him instantly disappeared, and at the same time he called out telepathically.

"Youxuan, flash over here!"


An aura suddenly bloomed around her, turning into a charming snake girl.

"Okay, let's go."

Kazama Saeko nodded slightly, and a huge magic circle spread under everyone's feet.

Relying on the passivity of [Void Stone], Li Ruineng clearly sensed that the space-time passage to the distant shore was slowly being opened.

Go directly to the [Abyss Layer] exit?

Olympus technology is really good...

There are [Servants of Hades] procrastinating enemies who are not afraid of death, UU reading, in a short time, the dragons can only watch them teleport away.

As soon as his heart loosened, the smile on Li Rui's face could not bloom before his pupils suddenly shrank.

Unspeakable divine fluctuations quietly shattered the spinning and expanding magic circle, and then, a tyrannical and suppressed dragon roar sounded like thunder in everyone's ears.

boom! ! !

The power beyond the ordinary ignoring the physical defenses and reaching the soul, most of the people on the earth coalition side sprayed out a bit of blood.

This has been weakened by the Nether Realm. Without the protection of Aya Xiyi, just this divine dragon roar could cause them to be seriously injured!

A cloud of hanging sky composed of five-color divine light slowly descended.

The divine light shrank and condensed, revealing the huge and ferocious dragon-shaped outline in the center.

As the brilliance faded, one head was more than 100 meters in size, wings spread more than 300 meters, and wearing a gorgeous five-color crown, the evil giant full of power and beauty revealed its true face.

Just looking at it, the Earth Allied forces were struck by lightning, and the invisible divine might crushed their souls, causing them to bow their heads and tremble.

Like a high **** overlooking the ants, the majestic and tyrannical dragon pupil swept down, and the time and space of the entire battlefield instantly solidified. Even with Li Rui's [Space Control] characteristics, he could no longer use the void to escape.

Looking at the horrified expressions of the ants at their feet, the dragon showed a cruel smile, like a mountain, slowly and steadily descending.

All the five-color sacred lights retracted into the crown on top of its head, and a circle of evil domains spread out around it, squeezing Aya Xiyi's nether domain into a gradual deformation.


Unable to let out a muffled hum, Aya Xiyi, who was about to run out of oil, couldn't resist the crush on the law level, and the Nether realm began to tremble and crack.

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