Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 889: , Clean up the battlefield

"Hahaha, who can **** something from you? Then let's make a deal!"

Excited and hugged Li Rui's shoulders, Wesley Joe wanted to hug him and kiss him.

It is estimated that it is impossible to buy [Virtual Godhead] directly, but [Zhonghua] absolutely cannot refuse the request for joint research.

After all, this [Mechanical Theology] is the expert!

In fact, the actual value of [Virtual Godhead] is not as high as imagined. Its most precious place is the core technology of the Neisser Empire!

I really want to understand the mystery. Whether [China] or [Mechanical Theology], theoretically, it can be the same as the peak of the Neisser Empire, mass production of [Virtual Godhead]!

Dismissed the excited Wesley Joe, Li Rui went directly to Sae Kazama, ignoring the many magicians who were hesitant to speak.

"How are they?"

Looking at the three secret diamond saints shrouded in her faint light, Li Rui asked curiously.

Although he was lurking in the illusory world just now, and did not witness the death of the three people with his own eyes, the dazzling golden light of the divine condensed to the extreme still penetrated the boundary between reality and illusion, leaving a deep impression on him.

Regardless of the fact that their blow did not kill the divine dragon, in fact, the destructive power within the unit range was no less than that of Li Rui's [Heavenly Slaughter Sword].

"I can't die, but I have to cultivate for at least several years when I go back."

Seeing the serenely silly people who had passed out of a coma, Sae Kazama said in an angry tone.

"Well, that's good."

Li Rui frowned suspiciously. He wanted to chat with Sae Kazema, but the inexplicable anxiety in his heart became stronger, as if some danger was coming.

Strange, isn't it because the original stone dragon is blocking me outside the door?

Is there another danger?

No more nonsense, he began to clean up the battlefield, the dragon body full of divine fragrance is a good thing.

Immediately afterwards, there was the mechanical giant whose various "plug-in" equipment was dismantled.

Without the energy core and control core, this robot has truly "dead".

Without the [Five-Colored Dragon Crown], the thick dragon scale armor on his body disappeared, and his original burly and heavy figure immediately became a little "slender".

The empty hands still held the posture of holding the sword and stab, but unfortunately the flame sword that was several kilometers long had returned to Sae Kazema's hand, making him look a little dull and stiff.

But no matter what, when Li Rui came to him, looking up at the majestic and majestic body that was thrust into the sky, there was still a trace of awe in his heart.

At this angle, the line of sight can no longer see the full picture of the robot. How did such a large [Final Weapon] be made?

With emotion, Li Rui began to try to put him into the [material warehouse].

But the power that came back soon let him know that the system is not omnipotent.

At least according to his current power, it is still impossible to put an astronomical unit similar to the size of an asteroid into the "bag".

In addition...

Looking at the three artifacts circulating in his palm, Li Rui's brows began to knot.

These unrefined artifacts are not only unable to receive [Material Warehouse], they are also constantly resisting his control.

As long as the force of suppression is slightly relaxed, they will instantly escape from their palms!

As a result, most of Li Rui's current mental powers are focused on fighting the three guys.

At the same time, the divinities entangled and confronted each other, as if three mountains were rooted in him, so that Li Rui could not use any space shuttle skills.

After all, the difficulty of traveling through space with ease, and traveling through space with the three mountains on one's shoulders is not the same.

Fortunately, these "weights" are only on the spiritual level and have little effect on the material level.

Otherwise, the body of these three artifacts is comparable to the size of a mountain, and any one of them can make Li Rui a photo!

This is why he did not choose to return to the city with his teammates, not because he didn't want to, but he couldn't!

In the dark, Li Rui had a hunch that his return journey this time might not be peaceful.

Shaking his head to throw away the worries in his mind, Li Rui began to focus on the trophy in front of him.

Even if he lost his divine protection, the mechanical giant made of magic metal was still tough. After trying for a long time to remove only a few tons of armor, he wisely gave up.

Forget it, this thing can't be eaten, first go to dismember the "sea cucumber".

Li Rui couldn't help swallowing as he watched the soft strange species spreading under his feet to the end of his sight.

Although this thing is ugly, it should taste good, right?

Being able to leave a whole body in the hands of the mechanical giant itself represents a certain strength.

It's really not tasty. For "nutrition", I can swallow it by pinching my nose. I am not picky.

Li Ruimei descended to the ground, passing various gloomy and deformed eyes along the way.

The largest is several hundred meters in diameter, and the smallest is the size of a washbasin, densely spread over the corpses of gods winding like mountains. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Just looking at these eyeballs, Li Rui inexplicably felt that his skin was a little itchy, and he was suffering from intensive phobia.

Uh...what a big deal?

When he was really in front of him, Li Rui couldn't even start for a while.

With the tiny size of a human being, facing a mountain-like behemoth, Li Rui suddenly felt that he should invite a domestic mining team.

Isn't this workload the same as mining?

With a wry grin, he ascended to the sky again and flew towards the wound pierced by the mechanical giant's flame sword.

It should be easier to dismember along the wound, right?

Getting closer, Li Rui found that the stretched wound was hundreds of meters long, and the black blood waterfall gushing like a chocolate fountain had long stopped. From above, it looked like a bottomless canyon.


The golden red sword light that was as thin as a cicada's wings slashed fiercely and continued to expand the "gorge".

The thick, smelly black blood gushed out again, and Li Rui made several swords, only to find that the damage he had caused was only a drop in the "mountain range".

Although there is no mechanical giant "hard", but "tough" than him, the sword's edge that smashes down seems to be stuck in thick glue, sticking constantly, and very uncomfortable.

Back then, there was still an axe in the agarwood to split the mountain. How long would it take to chop off his head when I cut with a sword like this?

The inexplicable anxiety in his heart became more intense, just as Li Rui raised the blood crystal sword again, suddenly a strange sense of peep made him stand upright.


He catapulted into the air in an instant, and he looked around with his sword in his hands, his vigilant gaze brought the radius into the air.

But no suspicious existence was found, he frowned, and looked down at his palm.

Are you guys messing around?

The three gorgeous artifacts still exude aura, calm as dead.

Slowly squeezing them, Li Rui's mouth raised a sneer.

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