"[Dragon Bloodline] Strip the dragon source material, gain 10318 permanent armor growth and 12931 permanent magic resistance growth."

"[Fatal Natural Enemy·Dragon] Strengthen the concept weapon. When you break defenses against a creature with the concept of the dragon and cause substantial damage, +7125 real damage, and the final physical damage caused by the creature with the concept of the dragon --5618 point."

"[Overgrowth] Absorb the withering vitality, you gain 18169 permanent health points growth."

"You have obtained thirty-one secret diamond treasure chests."

"You have upgraded!" ×183

The continuous [Feast] Devouring Record almost made Li Rui's eyes pop out.

Although he knew the harvest this time was amazing, seeing the specific data still made him a little bit swollen!

Xiao Wei, brother is already invincible in the world.

But soon, the evil sight from the underworld was like sticky cold tentacles sweeping across the skin, and the irresistible divine pollution penetrated into the body's spiritual light, causing him to open one after another hideous and deformed nausea on his skin. Eyeballs.

Xiao Wei... My brother is dying...

With a large amount of undigested attributes, Li Rui couldn't even fight back, so he could only run madly and sullenly.

There were three evils in his palms fighting against him, and there were genuine mythological creatures chasing him outside. Under the extreme suffocation of internal and external troubles, his heart gradually rose with restless anger.

Isn’t it just a few cuts on your wound?

Didn't really chop off your head, as for chasing me like this?

You have the ability to chase the wind Sae!

Her sword smashed your forehead!

Dragon Fury +1



Secretly cursing, Li Rui did not slow down at his feet. In just forty minutes, he spanned a distance of nearly two thousand kilometers!

After squeezing the last drop of mana in the meridians, he fell to the ground tiredly, looking around blankly.

Where did I go?

There was some itching on his face. He subconsciously stretched out his hand to scratch, only to find that an egg-sized sarcoma had grown there. Soy-sized eyeballs were densely growing like lotus pods, exuding corrupt and disgusting pus.

A red light flashed, and the blood crystal sword thin as a cicada's wings cut off the sarcoma directly.

But at the moment of leaving the mother's body, this sarcoma seemed to have life, and it made a nauseating whisper, turning into a stream of light and shooting into the distance.

Go to hell!

Li Rui's eyes condensed, and the sharp golden red sword light came first and cut it into pieces without mercy.

Immediately after the divine flame was destroyed, the fleshy foam in the sky turned into curling smoke.


Breathing out a suffocating breath, the wound on his face healed quickly, Li Rui looked in one direction, dragged his heavy head, and started to move forward.

My spirituality has been contaminated. If these alien divinities are not purified, I may undergo permanent distortions over time.

But the three gadgets in his hand are fighting against him desperately, involving most of the power, and there is no spare power to fight against external erosion.

Gritting his teeth, Li Rui began to think about ways to break the game.




After a careful inventory, I found that there is only one skill that can be effective immediately.

【Purification】·Silver Stage!

When the whole body exploded and the glass shattered, a ring of light and divine light bloomed from Li Rui's body, instantly forcing some black mist invisible to the naked eye.

it works!

As soon as he lightened his mind, Li Rui's chaotic brain seemed to be injected with a stream of water, weakening fatigue and pain.

However, the [purification] personality of the Silver Stage is still too low, treating the symptoms rather than the root cause.

The problem is that Li Rui doesn't use this skill often, and his understanding of it is very low. It is difficult to upgrade to gold in a short time.

Alas... Xiyi, Hannah... Now that you have advanced, you should take a good look at the skills of the summoner, and I can't learn your hero skills...

With a touch of resentment, Li Rui found a hidden corner and sat cross-legged.

The hidden dangers on the body must be solved first!

After adjusting his breath for a long while, slightly regaining his vitality, Li Rui flipped his wrist and took out a dazzling blood-colored spar.

Absorbing the conceptual essence of hundreds of secret diamond dragons, the dreamlike colorful halo diffuses from the spar, beating rhythmically like a heart, releasing a faint smell of sweetness.


Smelling this **** sweetness, [Void Stomach Pouch] immediately let out an unsatisfactory grunt.

The hunger and thirst instinct deep in the soul was awakened again. This time Li Rui did not resist any more, but followed his desire to gently put [Trophy Dragon] into his mouth.

The law is touched, the hard spar melts in the mouth, and the sweetness that cannot be described in words blooms on the tip of the tongue.

The rich and mellow fragrance drills from the mouth into the nasal cavity, all the way up to the Tianling Gai.


With an uncontrollable groan of happiness, Li Rui stirred his tongue, enjoying the condensation of the most essence of thousands of dragons!

Both body and mind seemed to be immersed in fine wine, Li Ruiyi reluctantly swallowed the liquid in his mouth, and slid cold into his stomach along the esophagus.

As if the front and back of the matter were in contact with each other, with a hum, the world disappeared in Li Rui's mind and replaced by a chaos containing all colors.

The instinctive movement starts with [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation] and [Chaos Return to Origin Zihuang Tribulation].

Li Rui's out-of-focus pupils shrank slowly, turning into a pair of purple and gold vertical pupils. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

As if feeling the change in the amount of suppression, the three artifacts in his hand gave off a faint light, and high-frequency ripples oscillated around him.

The indifferent Zijin vertical pupil did not fluctuate at all, his gaze still stared into the void.

However, the translucent purple-golden cage fainted in the palm, and as the five fingers slowly gathered, the three artifacts squeezed and made a creaking sound, and it quickly calmed down.

The scorching energy flows in the body, as if blood converges to the position of the heart. With the cooperation of system laws and realistic exercises, it strengthens Li Rui's most basic cell and every trace of spirituality from the conceptual level little by little.

Eternal... immortal... immovable... immortal...

Chaos... Creation... Origin... Tampering...

The two supernatural powers that complement each other but are contradictory and unified are running fast, gradually fusing in his body, merging with the [trophies·dragon] in [Void Stomach Pouch] into one, brewing strange and mysterious fluctuations.

The aberration caused by the contamination of the whole body by the alien divine nature quickly withered and dissipated, and the surface of the soft and moist skin grew out of purple gold dragon scales, spreading out a circle of divine spirit.

The burning heat in the stomach was quickly digested, and the pounding heartbeat sounded like thunder, shaking the fields.



The tip of his mouth and nose sprayed out substantial energy breath, just unconscious breathing set off a howling wind within a radius of several hundred meters, and the hollow purple gold vertical pupil showed a trace of luster, and Li Rui's consciousness began to return from the chaos.

At the moment when the self-consciousness returned, Li Rui's whole body suddenly shook with countless void cracks, and the purple-gold electric arc on the body surface was indefinite, and all the matter that came into contact in the silence was annihilated.

Closing his eyes and quietly feeling the changes in his body, Li Rui knew that he had finally made the most critical step!

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