"Captain, do you think the atmosphere in the camp is a bit weird in recent days?"

"What's weird?"

"Since the weird cry a few days ago, the expressions of the supernatural masters who went out to explore are a bit strange..."

"Extraordinary, who doesn't have any quirks? As long as we little soldiers do a good job of serving the masters, don't think too much about the rest."

"But, I heard from my comrades on duty say that the call spread throughout all the known exploration camps, as if something terrible had awakened, and the eyes of those masters who were watching people recently made me a little hairy."

"What about waking up? If there is danger, we can return to the material world as soon as possible. When the sky collapses, there will be supernatural lords to top it up. It's my shit..."

The captain in the black leather armor said that the voice became smaller and smaller, and finally he curled his lips in disdain.

The face of the young soldier who followed him was full of sadness.

He first looked around and made sure there was no one around, and then he whispered in the captain's ear.

"What I worry about is the extraordinary. I saw a master mage suddenly open an eye on his neck this morning, it was scary!"

But before he finished speaking, the listening captain suddenly raised his eyebrows, and took the weapon in his hand and shouted into the distance: "Who is there, show your identity!"

Following his gaze, the young soldier discovered that a vague human figure was shaking in the black mist.

As the other party approached, the two people who were facing the enemy gradually retreated, until the extraordinary aura shrouded in the camp behind them, only a trace of courage rose in their hearts.

At the same time, the human figure in the fog became more and more clear, and it was faintly visible that it was a slender and strong male silhouette.

"You have broken into [Tessfield] Grand Duchy's military restricted zone, stop advancing!"

Clenching the spear in his hand, the captain yelled loudly while pressing the magic communication device in his hand crazily in an attempt to attract the attention of the camp.

But the weird thing is that no matter how he warned, the camp behind him seemed to be empty and silent.

how is this possible?

At this distance, even ordinary people can hear my roar. Are those extraordinary people deaf?

Unwillingly glanced at the magic communicator in his hand, cold sweats began to appear on the captain's forehead.

At this moment, the intruder not far away finally broke through the fog and clearly appeared in front of them.

It was an ordinary-looking man with black hair and black eyes, delicate and handsome features, and seemed a bit of elf blood, and there was a heavy fatigue between his brows that could not be concealed.

Without noticing that he had two contradictory cognitions of ordinary appearance and exquisite beauty for him at the same time, the captain led the young soldiers to continue to retreat, while loudly confronting the invaders.

"You have broken into the military restricted zone of the Grand Duchy of [Tesfield], please stop moving! Otherwise, we will have the right to impose restrictive measures on you."

Knowing that the opposite is a living person, the captain's tone suddenly became more polite.

Being able to reach here through the death zone between different camps shows that the other party is an extremely powerful transcendent, and it is certainly not wrong to be polite.

However, the intruder did not pay attention to his words at all, and looked straight over the two of them, looking at the camp behind them.

Finally, I saw the exit...

Li Rui's tight nerves relaxed slightly, and he could be tortured by [Spirit Worm] these days.

It seemed that the guy was staring at him, and he kept crossing the distant time and space to lower his will in an attempt to pollute his spirituality.

Although [The Return of Chaos, Zi Huang Jie] entered the fourth stage, his spiritual resistance greatly increased, but to suppress the three "inner ghosts" in his palm while resisting the invasion of "foreign enemies" really exhausted his energy.

Looking at the three artifacts in his palm that were wrapped in translucent energy like amethyst, a smile appeared at the corner of Li Rui's mouth.

In the end... I won!

"Please stop, who are you?"

Li Rui nodded friendly to them, looking at the two little soldiers who were sternly in front of him.

"I'm just a lost traveler. I want to use your channel to return to the main material realm. I wonder if it can be convenient?"

Although the question was polite, Li Rui walked straight towards the camp, without paying any attention to the obstacles of the two.

The two soldiers looked at each other and seemed to understand their own situation. They could only follow Li Rui at the same pace, showing that they had fulfilled their responsibilities.

But after walking into the camp, the smile on Li Rui's face gradually subsided.

"This camp... is there only you two?"

Looking at the solid fortifications large enough to hold thousands of people, and the complex magic array densely populated in every inch of space, an unknown premonition surged in Li Rui's heart.

"How is it possible? When we went out on patrol this morning..."

The young soldier screamed, and subconsciously clenched the spear in his hand.

At this time, the entire camp was deadly silent, and thousands of comrades in arms seemed to have suddenly disappeared, and even the master masters who were always arrogant in the day disappeared. UU reading www.uukavanshu.com

"Could it be that the collective withdrawal of the main material world? But why did we not receive the news?"

The captain looked at the familiar building in disbelief, but inexplicably feared in his heart.

Suckling his nose, he caught an insignificant smell of corruption, Li Rui looked up in one direction with deep eyes.

The harassment these few days is just to delay my pace... Do you have time to set up traps at the exit?

You deserve it, **** worm!

I will make you into a sea cucumber with scallions one day!

Gritting his teeth, Li Rui held the amethyst that sealed the three artifacts in one hand, and grasped the volley in the other hand, instantly condensing a crystal clear red sword.

Seeing Li Rui approaching the enemy, the two soldiers seemed to understand something, and followed him tremblingly.

And the closer to the plane channel, the thicker the nauseating sticky smell in the air.

At this time, the illusory smell seemed to have turned into substantial glue, which stuck between the mouth and nose, making it impossible to breathe.

The chests of the two soldiers undulated violently, and their complexions slowly turned purple, and the turbid gray paste began to spread on their eyeballs.

Throwing away the weapons in their hands, they pinched their necks, screaming in their throats, and black blood vessels like earthworms squirmed like living creatures on their faces.

Looking back at the two of them, Li Rui lightly tapped the long sword, shooting out a hazy colorful light.

Guanghua straightened to the center of his eyebrows, and the two of them slumped to the ground, panting heavily, the distortion of the whole body quickly faded, and the whole person seemed to be fished out of the water.

"Stay away, this is not a battle you can participate in."

Without looking back, Li Rui looked straight ahead, looking towards the depths shrouded in black mist.

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