Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 921: , 2 transformations

The extra double resistance on the system panel was digested at a speed visible to the naked eye, but being suppressed by the kingdom of God, Li Rui's damage to the dragon group was distorted to a certain extent, and the blood sucking efficiency plummeted.

For a while, the health value on the panel seemed to drop continuously and steadily like a dam releasing water.

No, I have to force Tiamat to surrender his will. Only by having a clear and specific goal can I get a chance.

And the premise of all this is to make these rough stone dragons look no threat to me.

With a flash of inspiration in his mind, Li Rui did not hesitate to launch [Gargogemon Plate Armor].

[Gargogi Plate Armor]·Secret Diamond Step


The only passive-Stone Skin: If 3 or more enemy heroes are nearby, provide an additional 640 armor and magic resistance bonus, and each enemy hero provides an additional 2% overall resistance bonus.

The only initiative-Metallization: Increase health by 80% and increase the size of the hero, but the damage caused is reduced by 40% for 15 minutes.

If the stone skin effect is active, the increase in health becomes 300%.


The black dragon, which was originally hideous and huge, looked like a small mountain, completely ignoring the laws of physics, inflating like a balloon, and showing a strange metallic luster on the surface.

Three hundred meters...400 meters...500 meters...

When a black dragon with a body length of more than 600 meters and a wingspan covering the sky appeared in front of the world, not only the melon-eating crowds on the periphery of the battlefield were stunned, even the original stone dragons in God's country also stopped, looking at each other in grief and indignation.


Is this a hammer?

Until this time, Li Rui noticed that the double-antibody on his panel had gained more than 600% bonus!

In other words, there are more than 300+ rough stone dragons besieging themselves!

No wonder it was not very difficult to carry the fire just now, it turned out that it was not all the protection of the artifact...

A glimmer of understanding flashed in his mind, and Li Rui's gaze involuntarily scanned the undigested attributes behind.

It's a pity that if you digest all these extra double-antibodies and add 600%, 100,000+ double-antibodies, it will be truly invincible!

Short-term regrets flashed in his mind, and the huge black dragon seemed to be suspended in the sky, slowly spreading its wings.

Although the damage value has been reduced by 40%, the soaring health value provided him with temporary terrible spell damage under the action of [Crimson Contract].

The spell power of nearly 400,000, under the support of the infinite magic power of [Original Aoneng Well], released a devastating light!

Without any attack, just spread the wings, a purple-black hot sun slowly blooms in the kingdom of God, the terrible radiation that cannot be described in words drives the dragons back infinitely, and the dragon scales all over the body evaporate and regenerate under the devastation of light. It's like Ling Chi torture.

"This... how heavy does he have?"

[Kna] In the magic fortress, the eyes were burned by the purple and black sun. The magisters were crying with tears, but they still stared at the crystal ball.

Originally, they thought that the black dragon's previous posture was terrifying enough.

If there are no equal power checks and balances, and given him enough time, he can easily destroy the entire planet.

But never thought that it was not his strongest power yet, and the picture now revealed in the crystal ball shakes their confidence again.

Even if it is Dragon God, it is not easy to kill such a monster, right?

If he breaks free from the isolation of the kingdom of God later...

The horrible scene flashed through my mind, and the vests of these magisters oozeed a large amount of water stains, shuddering, and couldn't help but cast an inquiring sight on the few giant dragons left behind.

What about the majesty of the Dragon God?

this one?

As for the Earth Alliance Command at a distance, everyone grinned numbly as they watched the first-view image passed back from the front.

Haha, I can't scare me, now I won't be surprised if he gnaws Tiamat!

There is no way, as an earthly transcendent who knows everything, Li Rui's actions along the way crazily trampled on their common sense, destroying their three views time and time again.

Whenever they think this guy has reached the limit, Li Rui always tells them with practical actions.

Human and human physique cannot be generalized. If he is aggressive, tearing rough stones, destroying cities and countries, burning mountains and boiling seas, gods will not be able to cover them!

Even if Tiamat descended from the Kingdom of God himself, this terrible guy didn't put his hands down, but instead aroused his fierceness and showed a more terrifying posture.

"Does your Chinese [Zhen Guo Zhilong] all play this way? You also brought the second stage transformation...too much..."

Just high in the sky not far from the kingdom of God, the [Mechanical God Religion] who was on the front line asked to himself about the original stone steps, causing the expressions of the Chinese descendants present to change inexplicably.

I am not, I am not, don't talk nonsense!

"This should be due to the power of the divine tool, his true level should not be so exaggerated... right?"

The less confident explanation is that not every [Zhen Country Dragon] can hit hundreds of rough stones on the secret diamond step, but the voice is getting smaller and smaller while speaking.

Because he remembered that Wang Lei had done this too!

Although the number is not as exaggerated as Li Rui, UU reading, but the nature is the same!

And not far from them, a group of metal dragons tremblingly hide in the clouds, carefully watching the movement in the kingdom of God.

"That is definitely a new dragon species, the black dragon in the five-color dragon is not so powerful!"

"Hailee Nathaniel, your former friend knew the person who won the dragon crown. Do you know his background?"

The trembling silver dragon shook his head, cowering and peering at the huge figure in the kingdom of God.

"Could it be the mythological dragon of the ancient times? Only they have such a huge body!"

"But they have long been extinct with the Titans, and I haven't heard of any surviving individuals remaining in this world!"

"But you see that the purple and black flames he released are very similar to the Primordial Devil Dragon!"

"He does have an inexplicable soul oppression in him, but it may not be the suppression of our blood by the mythical dragon clan, it may also be other races..."

The disturbing discussion echoed in Hailee Nathaniel's ears, but her eyes were fixed on the black dragon.

Inexplicably, she always felt a familiar feeling on this strange dragon.

I must have felt this breath somewhere!

Regardless of what the outside world talks about, the kingdom of God has become a purgatory.

Regardless of the gem mountains or the land of gold coins, under the refining of the purple and black flames, there is only a hot dark red in the world.

The molten bright red liquid metal forms an endless "lake", and a dragon-shaped silhouette is looming in the purple and black sun that cannot be directly seen, like a mythical picture.

But in such a terrible environment, the rough five-color dragons still took their breath, led by the red dragon with the highest flame resistance, tried to attack the "sun".

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