Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 938: , Tian Ren He 1

 On the top of a lonely mountain with a sea of ​​clouds, a burly old man is holding his chin, looking directly at the scorching sun.

   The sun was reflected in his eyes, twisting and shaking like water waves, and golden threads wriggling and spreading deep in his pupils, looking magnificent and mysterious.

  The beautiful aura bloomed not far from him, and the light particles in the sky condensed into a human form in an instant, turning into an ordinary young man in a white robe.

   "Han Ran, what wind blows you..."

   The burly old man turned his head with a chuckle, but he was facing a pair of cold eyes.

The smile on   's face slowly diminished, and he realized that maybe something big had happened.

   "Space is closed!"

   The vast and boundless space instantly closed and locked, leaving only a square inch between the two in the entire world.

   "Time freezes!"

   The wind stopped and the clouds congealed, everything in the world stood still abruptly, and only ordinary young people walked forward in this stagnant world.

   "Divine shielding!"

   After finishing the last four words, Feng Hanran just walked up to the old man and gave a deep bow.

   "Excuse me, please forgive me."

   had no intention of being polite to him, the old man stared into his eyes with burning gaze: "What happened?"


   Feng Hanran exhaled a sullen air, his voice hoarse and low.

   "Wang Lei may be contaminated."


   His mind as solid as a rock trembled slightly, and the frozen world shuddered and trembling, as if it would collapse at any time.

   But the old man quickly cleared up his emotions, and his clear eyes became waveless again.

   "Senior Qin Hao, you are the oldest surviving immortal family. I would like to ask you, [Eternal Immortal Immeasurable Tribulation]...Is it really flawed?"

   Qin Hao's eyes flickered, and it took a long time before he shook his head.

   "You should know that Wang Lei and I practiced [Eternal Immortality and Immeasurable Tribulation] are not the same thing."

   "I know, but it is always a technique passed down in the same vein. Please feel free to give me your advice."

   Looking at Feng Hanran's stubborn eyes, Qin Hao sighed helplessly and spoke quietly.

   "There are many dragons of the town that are indestructible, but there are only two [Indestructible Dragons]. Do you know why?"

   "Because the past [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation] was [Skill], not [Dao]!"

   Qin Hao nodded slightly, his eyes looked far away.

   "From the moment when the ancient mythology [China] was born, he has been endlessly absorbing and digesting the advantages of other civilizations."

   "From weak to strong, His continuous learning and evolution have nurtured the ultimate divinity unique to our Chinese civilization."

   "The vicissitudes of life, other magnificent ancient civilizations have fallen one after another, the overlord of the earth has changed one after another, but we will always stand on top of the world, laughing to see our opponents come on stage one by one, and one by one retreat..."

   Announcement, the book-chasing app I am using recently, [ Resource Artifact ] Cache reading, offline reading!

   "So, the [Dragon of Zhen Country], who is closest to the collective will and the soul of civilization, began to think about what power is supporting us to keep moving forward?"

   "Humility, learning, moderation, tolerance, self-correction, courageous progress..."

   "The philosophical traits are only external appearances. [The Dragon of Zhen Country] began to dig out the divinity deep in their hearts and try to strengthen the foundation of civilization!"

   "But the will of civilization is the existence between [Personality God] and [Nature God]. It is conceived by the Great Way and the collective will is condensed."

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   Weighing the pros and cons, Li Rui finally decided to upgrade the three-piece murder suit first.

   The sharp and cold blue-gold aura flickered, and a translucent green long sword sublimated and transformed in the equipment bay.

   A strange feeling rushed to his heart, Li Rui vaguely noticed that the thread of his fate had separated a tentacles that seemed to have life, spreading and exploring the depths of the long river of time.

   Like tree roots looking for nutrients, and like octopus tentacles exploring food, the strange tentacles spread indefinitely, and soon disappeared at the end of time that Li Rui could sense!

   After regaining his senses, he cast his curious eyes on the newly formed equipment. He knew that all changes were caused by it.

  【Mysterious Sword】·Secret Diamond Level

  +1200 attack power

  +150% attack speed

   The only passive [Destiny·Glory]: Detect powerful enemies that are entangled with your future cause and effect, and mark them as special existences. (When the mark is generated, the fate peeks into shape, no matter how far away in time and space, you can clearly sense the other party's location.)

   After you kill the target, you can harvest all the entanglement and permanently plunder a small part of its attack power.

   Current layer number: 0/10

   After stacking all the layers, you will get an extra 50% attack speed bonus.

   [On the arena leading to the seat of God, the winner will plunder everything! 】

   His pupils shrank slightly, and Li Rui frowned, lost in thought.

   mark...a bit like Qianjue's mark...

   is like a poodle’s [invisible predator] trophy.

   But the most important thing is that the system seems to be designating a hunting target for him!

   And it may be a conflict that only arises in the future, and a goal that is not recognized at this stage!

  This reminded him of many Hollywood blockbusters. Under the guidance of certain forces, the tool man thought he was just exercising evil!

   "System, are you teaching me to do things?"

   As expected, there was no feedback, Li Rui silently rolled his eyes, remembering that this is a mentally retarded person, no emotion!

   After sorting out his thoughts, he asked carefully.

   "System, what should I do if I don't want to kill the target specified by [Destiny·Glory]?"

   System: "No additional action is required, the glory mark will be refreshed after a certain period of time!"

   Hearing this, UU reading www. Li Rui couldn't help but let go of his heart and breathed a sigh of relief.

   The final decision is still in his own hands!

   That's all right!

   Anxiety disappeared, Li Rui immediately became excited.

   Permanently plunder part of the opponent's attack power, which is more than the previous fixed value cowhide!

   If you kill a crispy skin like Xiao Huang with high attack and low defense, 10,000 attack power even 10% will have 1000 points, which is more than the growth of all the [Glory] before!

   The only regret is that the 30-layer Glory has become a 10-layer, which is not enough!

   greedily smacked his lips, and Li Rui quickly reacted.

   The previous [Glory] has a reward for killing over tiers. For the higher two tiers, a target is 4 levels of [Glory]. In this way, 30 levels may not be able to kill 10 targets.

   Besides, the small number of layers also means that it is easier to upgrade. Start [Divine Fusion] as soon as possible, and you don’t need to spend too long on the original stone steps...

   Converging the emotions in his heart, Li Rui thought, and the remaining two pieces of equipment burst into dazzling light.

   The final decision is still in his own hands!

   That's all right!

   Anxiety disappeared, Li Rui immediately became excited.

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