"Infinite God installed in the city (

"Didn't you eat? Brother?"

Li Rui walked up to Huang Juncai, contemptuously smiling.

Fists were clenched to death, Huang Juncai trembled, his eyes staring at the void blankly, tears faintly sliding down the corners of his eyes.

In the end, Teacher Hanna, who was also involved in the siege, couldn't stand it, and helped Huang Juncai, who was trembling, up.

"Xiao Huang, are you okay?"

Huang Juncai fiercely touched the teardrops at the corner of his eyes, pinching Lanhua's finger and pointing at Li Rui in grief.

"I'm cold! Can this society be better? How can we ADC survive? You are satisfied. I almost shot my brain out. Do you blame me for not eating? Tears flowed down, and the world was full of The oppression of ADC, when can our ADC really stand up!"


Li Rui squeezed his orchid and pointed it out, and Huang Juncai knelt down in an instant.

"Fuck... my finger is going to be broken..."

"speak nicely."

"Master Rui let go, the little one obeys!"

Letting go of this melon skin, Li Rui turned to look at the devastated plain, his eyes moved slightly.

With his will, the fragments of the law stored on the system panel were rapidly consumed, and the scorched earth of dozens of square kilometers seemed to be reversed in the movie, and instantly restored to its original state.

"This trick is a bit handsome, Ge Rui gave me one too!"

Huang Juncai's eyes beamed, and he hugged Li Rui's thigh.

"Wait until you set foot on the seat of God."

Shixiao shook his head, Li Ruimai started to walk towards the center of the altar.

The gold coins are exhausted, and skills need to be understood. Only three new runes are left that can significantly improve their strength in a short time.

But a certain worry always lingered in his mind, so that he did not dare to easily consume the upgrade options in his hand.

"System, why is the equipment upgraded from gold to secret diamond, and all the needs are greatly increased?"

The gold coins and the fragments of the law have been doubled up, and the upgrade options have become two!

If according to this increase rate, he will be more stressed when he reaches the original stone steps!

"Because starting from the Secret Diamond Stage, the difference between the real laws of the plane and the laws of the system has expanded significantly."

"To smooth out distortions and distorted laws, the source quality needed to tamper with reality will increase correspondingly."

The system's voice still doesn't contain a trace of emotion, Li Rui pondered for a moment, a faint enlightenment flashed in his mind.

Black iron, bronze, silver, gold, secret diamonds, rough stones, angels, demigods, true gods...

If it is not an awakening level, the secret diamond is just right in the center of all the energy levels!

He is the most human-like **** and the most god-like person!

Going down, closer to matter, follow the laws of reality!

Go up, get closer to spirituality, follow the authority of yourself!

In other words, starting from the Secret Diamond Rank, the erosion of reality by the system will gradually increase!

No wonder……

Nodding secretly, Li Rui let out a sigh of regret.

Although understandable, the increase in costs still makes him very uncomfortable!

"Since the source quality required for equipment has increased, what about skills and runes?"

"There will also be a corresponding increase!"

Even if he was mentally prepared, Li Rui couldn't help rubbing his temples.


"What is the specific value?"

"Golden or secret diamond requires two upgrade options, and secret diamond or rough stone requires three upgrade options."

There are not four rough stones!

Li Rui's eyes lit up, and the suspended heart relaxed.

Regardless of the difference, there is only one upgrade option, but the arithmetic sequence and the geometric sequence are completely two concepts.

"What about Yuan Shisheng Angel?"

"The host needs advanced mythology to unlock specific values."

Li Rui: "..."

Forget it, let's light up the new rune first.

Leaving the pressure of the future behind, Li Rui opened the rune page and frowned in distress.

If Brother Lei really loses control, then he is likely to have a head-on collision with him.

Also known as the [Indestructible True Dragon], Li Rui knows how terrible it will be to practice [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation] to the seventh level of Wang Lei!

In terms of defense power alone, he is a **** walking on the ground!

Even if he has advanced the secret diamond, Li Rui is not sure of winning.

After all, his goal was not to kill Wang Lei, but to save him from madness.

The latter is an order of magnitude more difficult than the former!

After pondering for a while, Li Rui estimated Wang Lei based on his attributes, and nodded thoughtfully.

If you want to defeat Brother Lei's kind of naive... stubborn person, as a mage, he must use his strengths and avoid weaknesses!

The decision is yours!

[Precision] Department!

Brilliant golden light blooms in the eyes, and the mysterious golden runes move like breathing, evoking dense and lasting shocks.

I have already opened a series of [precision] runes before, and Li Rui is going to light them up!

After investing 48 upgrade options at once, two sophisticated runes slowly bloomed, and the terrifying power began to transform Li Rui's soul and flesh. Even with his physique at this time, he felt heartbroken.

The nails fell into the flesh, and the crisp joints burst into the ears.

Fortunately, it was just a tampering with the Silver Tier's law. After UU read www.uukanshu.com for a short period of time, Li Rui managed to stay steadily.

When the blood subsided, he looked at a few unrecognizable runes and his eyes gradually widened.

A lot stronger than I thought!

In particular, the four runes that have greatly changed will have a decisive influence on the outcome of the next two...[Indestructible True Dragon].

【Strong Attack】·Silver Stage

When continuously hitting an enemy hero with basic attacks, its spiritual defense is gradually weakened, eventually causing 200 additional adaptive damage and making it vulnerable, increasing its damage from any source by 10%, continuously The attack will extend the vulnerable state indefinitely. (The number of attacks required to enter the vulnerable state is affected by the enemy's energy level resistance, etc.)

Between the two tanks, there is often a set of operations like tigers, killing the teammates on both sides who came to persuade, but in the end, the other side only lost a layer of skin.

But with the [Strike] rune, the 10% damage accumulation is not a small amount, and it is likely to affect the final victory or defeat.

If you combine it with another rune, your advantage will be more obvious...

Li Rui just raised a smile on his face, and suddenly reacted.

Wait, if that rune is fully activated, I am afraid it is not an advantage, but a disadvantage!

【Cut down】·Silver Stage

The additional damage to the enemy will increase linearly, and the target enemy’s health limit is increased by 10% over the host, and the additional damage will be increased by 1.5%. (The upper limit of the Silver Tier is 100% health difference and 15% damage increase.)

If you digest all the extra health and still fully activate this rune, it will prove that Wang Lei's health will reach a terrifying two million!

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