Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 947: Wang Lei's plug-in

When he walked out of the room, Li Rui's figure gently dissipated. After ten minutes, it was like a puff of smoke condensing in a quaint alley in the city center.

Pushing open the antique door, Feng Hanran was sitting among the flowers, making tea with flowing water.

"Brother Han Ran, are you looking for me?"

Sitting across from him, Li Rui took a cup of fragrant tea and drank it in one go.

"Well, let's talk about Wang Lei's situation with you."

Feng Hanran took a sip of tea with an indescribable charm, then frowned bitterly.

"According to the law of concealment, transcendents will try to hide their hole cards as much as possible. I don't know if the information submitted to you is Wang Lei's limit. It can only be used as a reference for the lower limit."

"But you are also [Indestructible True Dragon]. I believe that you know the terrible [Eternal Immortality and Infinite Tribulation] better than us outsiders, so I won't discuss Wang Lei's own problems."

Listening to Feng Hanran's faint words, Li Rui was in a daze. It seemed that Wang Lei came to the hospital to visit him after his awakening.

"The more cards you hide, the longer you live. Don't tell anyone your secret, including me!"

Since then, have you expected today?

Slowly clenching his fists, his out-of-focus pupils gradually condensed and firmed, and Li Rui felt as if a fire was burning in his heart.

Brother Lei, I will definitely rescue you!

As if aware of Li Rui's emotions, Feng Hanran waited until he recovered before continuing to speak.

"In addition to Wang Lei's own strength, the artifact he holds is also a terrifying piece of equipment. The most important thing is that when he is paired with you [Indestructible Dragon], it is an invincible combination."

With a move in his heart, Li Rui looked at Feng Hanran quietly, waiting for his next words.

As if remembering some painful memory, Feng Hanran rubbed his eyebrows and said leisurely after a long while.

"Do you know Xingtian?"

Li Rui nodded: "Xing Tian and the emperor are now fighting for the gods. The emperor cuts off his head and is buried in the mountain of Changyang. The breast is the eye and the navel is the mouth.

This passage is recorded in the "Shan Hai Jing", and the emperor refers to the Yellow Emperor, who can compete with the ancestors of China for gods, and its power is self-evident.

"Wang Lei is in charge of Xing Tian Axe."

Li Rui felt a little bit in his heart. He had experienced the power of [Xuanyuan Sword].

Even if it was just a hint of projection, it easily chopped off the head of Yaqi Orochi.

Since Xing Tian dared to fight Xuanyuan Huangdi for the gods, it meant that the weapons of both sides were at least at the same level, and the difference would not be too great!

Glancing at the change in Li Rui's face, Feng Hanran drank his cup of tea.

"In terms of offensive power, [Xuanyuan Sword] is also one of the best among the many artifacts of the country, and it hosts part of the origin of [Chinese]."

"Although Xing Tian axe is a little bit worse, it has something else wonderful."

"What's the magic?"

Li Rui stared at Feng Hanran and asked curiously.

Putting down the tea cup in his hand, Feng Hanran let out a suffocating breath without expression, and spit out two words heavily.

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"Come and see you."

Feng Hanran smiled and beckoned to Li Rui, a curl of water vapour wafting in front of him, inexplicably with a trace of otherworldly fairy spirit.

Teacher Hanna let go of Li Rui's arm without a trace, and smiled gracefully.

"I'm going to prepare some snacks, you guys talk."

Sitting next to Aya Xiyi, watching Feng Hanran fiddle with the tea set, Li Ruiyin faintly noticed that something mysterious was brewing in the teapot.

The bright sunshine passed through the floor-to-ceiling windows, covering the three of them with a faint golden layer, and the sweet fragrance gradually diffused. Everyone seemed to be immersed in a quiet and indifferent atmosphere, and no one was willing to speak first.

Feng Hanran only smiled satisfied until the Qingli tea was poured into the cup.

"Xi Yi, Xiao Rui, my craftsmanship has improved quite a bit in the past few years, try it!"

Aya Xiyi put the tea cup under her nose, sniffed the elegant fragrance, nodded thoughtfully, then raised her head bravely and braised it.

At the entrance of the fragrant tea, her eyes suddenly condensed, and she lowered her head expressionlessly, and slowly spit the tea back into the cup.

"It's a bit hot."

Feng Hanran was stunned for two full seconds and looked at her dumbfounded.

"Xie, you are still the same."

"Brother Hanran ignore her, she is just a second person."

Li Rui stretched out his hand and rubbed Aya Xiyi's head twice, which made her glared.

Ignoring her scolding in the spiritual network, Li Ruiqing sipped a sip of tea, gently stirring her tongue, letting the sweet and hot tea soak every taste bud, closing her eyes contentedly, and feeling the short-term bliss.

Swallowing the tea in small sips, the hot liquid flows into the stomach, and then spreads to the whole body along the blood vessels. The divine nature is mixed with mellow energy to nourish the flesh and blood meridians.

Li Rui felt every cell in his body cheered, like a desert traveler who had been hungry for more than ten days drinking the clear spring water.

Actually use divinity to make tea!

After drinking the last drop of tea, UU reading even Li Rui could not help but smack secretly.

Worthy of being a veteran angel on the ground, [Zhonghua]'s strongest combat power on the bright side, highlights a luxury!

"The last time we sat together drinking tea seems to have been five or six years ago. Time flies so fast..."

Feng Hanran's calm eyes wandered over the two, shaking his head with emotion.

"I really didn't expect that Xiao Rui, you would have completed the road that other Tianjiao takes decades, or even hundreds of years, to complete in such a short time..."

Halfway through, he smiled and looked at Aya Xiyi, causing her to blow her hair on the spot, and sneered proudly.

"I'm just too lazy to advance, otherwise how can I let this kind of waste wood go ahead of me?"

Li Rui: "..."

You are useless, your whole family is useless!

"If I want to, it's easy to break through the secret diamond!"

Aya Xiyi raised her chin proudly and slapped Li Rui's shoulder fiercely. The terrifying suction gathered in her palm, faintly turning him into medicine slag.

Li Rui: "..."

So you arrogant a hammer, didn't you end up squeezing my blood and sweat?

"Ha ha ha..."

Feng Hanran looked at Li Rui's brilliant expression, Yan Yi, laughed and shook his head, and slowly took out a dark envelope, but the lacquer seal with five runes entangled and intertwined had long been torn.

"Xiao Rui, this is the [invitation letter] you handed in."

"How? Is there any gain?"

Li Rui looked directly into Feng Hanran's eyes and asked if nothing had happened.

"Except for the special rune, it is an ordinary invitation letter, without any clue."

Feng Hanran sighed with regret.

The content is written by me


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