
"Damn it, are all the rich people playing this perverted way? Can't they be more elegant?"

"Is it possible that they came here just to satisfy this perverted desire..."

Although during the live broadcast of China News Service, scenes that were too bloody and explicit were censored in advance and silenced.

But when the picture of the second room was cut out, the countless viewers watching the live broadcast of China News Service could still see at a glance what was happening in the picture.

In the picture, the winner is decided in the most bloody and cruel manner in the glass room.

One of them was decapitated with a knife, and splattered blood flowed down the tempered glass.

The couple next to them also stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the woman in the couple pushed the man away.

Then he pressed a switch beside the bed, and the glass cage was lifted upwards.

The woman in the couple shouted like a madman to the bloody victor in the glass cage,


Then, the scene immediately following this room cut to the next room again.

The audience watching the live broadcast of Huaxin News Agency could not help but send various barrages,

"Fuck...it's really eye-catching. All I can say is thank you to Huaxin News Agency for coding."

"Is this... really..."

"I'm in Europe, and I seem to recognize this couple. A model powerful couple in a country in Europe..."

"It's quite a model, what the hell, the couple is having quite a perverted way..."

In the live broadcast screen,

Mo Dao then gave a brief explanation of the previous scene regarding Gassen's customer records.

"The 'guests' in this room belong to a country in Europe. They have been here ten times... and enjoyed many 'customized services'. They consumed more than thirty people."

Mo Dao’s explanation and the bloody scene before,

This gave the viewers of China News Service's live broadcast a clearer understanding, and they couldn't help but be a little rude.

And immediately followed,

It was the third picture displayed on the computer screen in the live broadcast.

This scene is rare, and it is not coded as soon as it appears.

"This is a European medieval-style castle building located in the middle section of the river in Paradise Valley."

"They call it 'The Opera House.'"

Mo Dao's voice rang out during the live broadcast, reporting and explaining what the audience was seeing at the moment.

In the screen at this moment,

It is the interior of a luxurious castle, with gorgeous decoration and exquisite and complicated furnishings.

On the first floor of the castle, a staff member suspected to be from Paradise Valley spoke respectfully to the only guest in the castle.

"Sir, your customized drama will be staged for you. You can enjoy it and you can do anything to anyone in the drama at any time..."

"I wish you a happy day, here is your sword, and your gun... Of course, we will always ensure your safety, please rest assured."

"You can leave..."

The guest in this castle is a young European man who is not particularly old.

After saying something to the staff member dressed as a butler, he then looked at the stairs leading to the second and third floors of the castle.

The butler-like staff left,

Then, the 'drama' in this castle began to take place...

"The 'Opera House' will customize a 'real drama' that satisfies the wealthy guests who arrive, and then perform it right next to the guests...the guests can even take part in it."

Mo Dao continued to explain the scene.

And soon,

As the picture displayed on the computer screen changed, the 'drama' was staged,

The audience watching the live broadcast of China News Service also began to understand the meaning of 'real drama'.

I saw 'theatre actors' in costumes starting to walk down the stairs of the castle.

A graceful lady, an exquisite girl,

A knight with a beard.

Around that young European male, a predetermined drama was being staged,

Oblivious to the young man standing there.

The young European man laughed and stepped forward to pinch the lady's face. The lady still insisted on speaking the lines in the drama.

Pulling out the sword again, the young man slashed the knight with his sword. The knight's body trembled instinctively, but he still persisted in the drama.

The young man laughed even harder,

Then he seemed to think of something and stopped taking action.

Just following these people and watching this real drama.

This is a very classic European drama.

‘An ethical drama in a jazz castle. ’

Involving Sir, Sir's Lady, Sir's Daughter. A beautiful young female family doctor, and a handsome young lady's painting teacher.

Involves Jazz's affair with his family doctor.

The unlucky love affair between a jazz lady and a painting teacher.

The 'drama' soon unfolds as Sir discovers that his wife is having trouble with his painting teacher.

A scene like an oil painting unfolded. In anger, Jazz stabbed the painting teacher in the chest with a long sword.

Just the location of the puncture... and the blood that spurted out... and the reaction of the painting teacher in the drama who gradually lost his life after falling to the ground...

Obviously it has gone beyond the scope of dramatic performance.

He was indeed dead... and then when the knight dragged the naked lady of the house to another room arrogantly.

The young man outside the drama took action with excitement on his face, shot the knight to death, and then took his place...

This is what happened in this short time.

The content presented in this picture.

"6, really good at playing... I really admire these people's imagination."

"... Awesome, I really have nothing to say..."

"... I just feel cold all over. How many people will be "consumed" by this drama?"

The barrage in the live broadcast room of Huaxin News Agency has never stopped.

This gorgeous, real drama, as long as you think about it carefully, it will make people shudder.

In addition to anger and watching the fun, this picture has already made people feel a bone-chilling chill.

"According to Gassener's records, he has made a note to the guests in this castle that he has come three times, not many times, but adapted quickly. Keen on "drama", a total of 67 people."

Mo Dao's additional explanation,

made the audience more angry.

At the same time, the various foreign languages ​​mixed in the barrage that floated by are also increasing as time goes by.

Obviously, although the live broadcast of Huaxin News Agency was forced to be suspended on some foreign social platforms, some news is still spreading wildly.

This news is really too big.

In the third picture, the young man from Europe in the castle,

someone still recognized him, he is also a powerful and famous person in Europe.

And here,

everything is far from over,

immediately, in the live broadcast of Huaxin News Agency,

Mo Dao cut the real-time monitoring of various areas in the entire Paradise Valley to the audience watching the report.

At the same time, adjust the camera,

and aim the camera at the pictures displayed on the walls and large high-definition screens in this closed room in turn.

Each of these high-definition screens corresponds to a certain area or room in Paradise Valley.

This thing that Morris Gassen used to satisfy his hobbies and preserve evidence of the desperate situation,

now directly presented the sins of Paradise Valley one by one.

Although at this moment,

that is, at the moment when Mo Dao was reporting and shooting,

not every place in the entire Paradise Valley, but every room was full of "guests".

But the images that were being taken at the same time were not just the three images above.

There was also a fourth and a fifth image...

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