In the process of releasing relevant information about Paradise Valley,

There are also some hiccups.

It can be said that there are almost no surprises.

Because the overseas platform account of Huaxin News Agency was blocked, let the Overseas Edition of People's Daily and the overseas social platform account of the Main Station help publish on foreign social platforms.


The moment Paradise Valley related information was released,

On various overseas social platforms, the overseas social accounts of People's Daily and China Central Television have also been blocked.

Here, China News Service, People's Daily, and the main station didn't have any special reaction. After all, they were the ones who were anxious.

in addition,

The moment it was released on various domestic social platforms,

Various social platforms and the servers of China News Service that store relevant data were immediately attacked by cyberattacks.

For the viewers who quickly poured in after seeing the information released by China News Agency on the Paradise Valley incident, what they felt was that the social platform application was stuck, and then the links and related information posted by China News Service were either extremely slow to open or difficult to load. When entering or exiting, it immediately shows that the server is not responding.

However, those big social platforms are not vegetarian either.

China News Service had already anticipated this, and contacted network security personnel from some fraternal departments in advance to protect the release of these materials.

Then, after several hours of lag and server loss, viewers who clicked on the China News Service link found that the network gradually returned to normal.

And at this time,

Audiences who already knew what happened from the Hua Xin News Agency announcement did not leave many people even though there was a lag earlier.

By this time, the Internet had normalized, and a swarm of bees instantly flooded into the information released by Huaxin News Agency.

This time it almost crashed the server.

And after experiencing this,

Many enthusiastic and angry people at home and abroad, after downloading the relevant videos from China News Service,

Store it directly on a local server or on various cloud servers for free access by netizens.

Now, relevant video materials are directly flooded all over the Internet.

In the process, the impact of the disclosed information on Paradise Valley has become increasingly severe.

Let this matter enter a new stage.

Europe, America, Afica...

A large number of people took to the streets to express their anger over this incident.

Right-wing forces in some European countries have nothing to say to the demonstrations of left-wing people, and even stand with the left.

In fact, the Paradise Valley incident has gone beyond an issue of left and right. It has purely broken through the bottom line of mankind and is simply anti-humanity.

The video materials disclosed this time involve more people.

Most of the people who had been holding back their anger could no longer sit still.

Europe, America... there is chaos in some streets and cities no matter it is day or night at this moment.

It was crowded with people marching in dense numbers.

Even though there are some big protection organizations for women and children, they still remain silent.

But there are more related ones, and irrelevant ones are also added at this time.

Women and children's protection, left-wing, far-left, human rights protection organizations, and women's rights organizations... organizations that oppose racial issues,

Even animal protection and other people started to take action at this time...

Especially in European countries, there are already a large number of Afika immigrants.

These immigrants who eventually poured into Europe because of Europe's colonial history are particularly angry, thinking that this is another cruel injury done to them by Europeans.

There are countless people like this densely packed together,

Some of them shouted slogans to send the perpetrators to hell, or simply swore some curse words angrily.

Some held printed signs with pictures of victims on top and 'Help me' or 'This is human!' below. ’ some words.

Or simply print out the ferocious or sickly faces of the perpetrators in the videos, with the words "This is the devil" or "Let the devil return to hell" written underneath.

Others held up photos of Paradise Valley and Hunting Island, writing "'beautiful' hell."

In a country in Europe, at the entrance of an institution, a large number of angry people crowded directly around the entrance.

Because in the video disclosed, a powerful person who once enjoyed some twisted, disgusting, and infuriating services in Paradise Valley was among them.

Because this powerful man has abused women and violated women to death in multiple videos.

There was a dense crowd of people surrounding this place, regardless of gender, who directly tore off their shirts.

Then he shouted angrily, ‘Come on, I’m here. ’

and words like ‘I’m back now, I’m here’.

The latter sentence is because a woman who died in the video was revealed to have said before her death,

Will come back as a demon.

The powerful man said nonchalantly: Welcome.

Now that 'she' is back, this powerful man is obviously afraid to say anything.

Of course, throughout the entire process, throughout Europe, America and even other places,

Riots often occur.

Among the densely packed marching crowd, many people took the opportunity to cause trouble, or took advantage of the chaos to smash or even rob.

In some places where guns are not allowed, gunshots can even be heard frequently.

The entire continent of Europe and America, the main areas involved in the Paradise Valley incident, are in chaos at the moment.

The anger of countless people seems to burn everything...

The next day, almost every foreign affairs department with some international influence in the world

Without exception, all expressed their views on the Paradise Valley incident.

Some countries not involved in this matter naturally severely condemned this cruel and anti-human behavior.

Among them, Mao Xiongguo has rarely peed in the same pot as Omi in recent years, so there are very few people involved in this incident.

At the speech meeting, he directly replied,

"...We saw this news. That Chinese reporter, yes, Mo, Mo reporter reported the Paradise Valley incident."

"I don't think I need to explain too much about the sinfulness of Paradise Valley. Any normal person with normal thinking should understand what kind of place this is."

"There is no doubt that we should destroy him and destroy it immediately. But we can see that the countries with the most people involved in this matter still have no action. They have not arrested those who committed the crime, yes, the people who committed the crime , this is not a simple scandal, this is a naked crime, and at the same time, there is no immediate end to the continued existence of this evil place."

"Of course, we understand if it is inconvenient for some European and American countries. We can send our police or military to help them destroy this place and arrest the people inside..."

Others, some European countries that were not involved in this incident, could not withstand the huge public opinion and also condemned the Paradise Valley incident.

Of course, there are also some European and American countries that are loyal to the Lord. At this time, they are still stubborn, and they must either be unambiguous or directly support it.

Then, he was buried alive by the wave of public opinion.

And here in China,

When the regular meeting of China’s foreign affairs department is held,

Relevant reporters also asked relevant questions, asking Hua Guo for his views on this matter.

A spokesman for China’s foreign affairs department expressed his sympathy for the victims in Paradise Valley,

Strongly condemn the relevant anti-human behavior, and urge relevant parties to resolve the Paradise Valley issue as soon as possible.

In particular, some countries that flaunt human rights hope that they can stand on the side of justice.

At the same time, he also praised reporter Mo Dao from China News Service for his fair and useful report.

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