Infinite Life: Trapped in a lifetime

Chapter 89 Preliminary steps to challenge the dragon

A familiar feeling came,

Just like falling, Mo Dao was shocked all over,

Then he regained consciousness,

At the same time, the familiar scene came into view again.

Blackboard, podium, desk.

One of the ceiling fans was broken, there were some scratches on the walls, and there were some gel pen marks left by someone who had nothing to do.

There was some unpleasant smell wafting from the toilet in the corridor across the corridor outside the classroom.

Outside the window on the other side, the hot wind blew in, the smell of summer dust on the playground, and the rustling of branches and leaves on the trees below the teaching building.

There is also a high school math teacher on the podium, with his back facing away, writing on a chalkboard.

Sitting next to me at the same table was Fu Hui.

And Qin Huaishi, who should be sitting behind him at this moment.

There is also the countdown number that has been reset again, which can be seen if you concentrate in front of you.

He returned to the present moment of high school class again.

This is already a very familiar scene to Mo Dao.

He has done it again many times.

However, this time, it is no longer ‘loading’, but the goal of a lifetime has come to an end.

Life as a ‘legendary journalist’ is over.

My life goal of being a ‘legendary reporter’ has been achieved, and there is no need to start over again with the goal of being a ‘legendary reporter’.

"...Can I borrow a pencil sharpener?"

Mo Dao heard the familiar soft voice asking again,

Turning his head, Mo Dao saw the blush spreading from his cheeks to his neck due to shyness, but she still insisted on looking at him, Qin Huaishi.

At this moment, Mo Dao already knew the reason why the girl asked him at this time.

It wasn’t that he was asking him to borrow something, but that he was shocked when he returned to this moment again.

This sudden movement made the girl a little worried.

Mo Dao looked at the girl, somewhat silent.

Just like what Qin Huaishi said to him at the end,

When he opened his eyes again, he saw her again.

However, can Qin Huaishi, who has been with him for seventy years, and the girl at this moment be considered the same person?

"What's wrong?"

The girl still insisted on looking at Mo Dao, seeming to sense some of Mo Dao's emotions, and then made a subtle voice and asked.

"It's okay."

Mo Dao shook his head, and then handed the pencil sharpener placed on the desk board to the girl.

"Are you okay?"


The girl lowered her head to sharpen her pencil, and at the same time lowered her voice to express concern.

Mo Dao shook his head and responded.


The deskmate next to the girl coughed dryly, alerting the two of them to the math teacher on the podium who was looking at them.

The two of them stopped talking.

Mo Dao turned around, thinking about many things, and spent the class in the same silence as before.


The numbers symbolizing the remaining time of this life are beating.

After the brief exchange with Qin Huaishi, Mo Dao remained silent and looked at the classroom in front of him.

Look at the people and things in the classroom.

My last life as a reporter was too long.

Sitting here again, Mo Dao felt a strong sense of exhaustion.

This kind of fatigue does not come from physiology. The young man's body is secreting hormones, trying to bring his heart back to what a young man should look like.

This fatigue comes from psychology.

In addition, there seems to be a bit of emotion that is out of tune with this world.

This silence lasted for several classes.

Mo Dao didn't let this emotion continue.

Because if we think about it further,

It was the abyss of thought that he had envisioned countless times... No matter what he did, he would always return to this moment.

If he starts to think about what the point of maintaining morality is, that is the beginning of his personality collapse.

"Brother Mo, are you feeling a little bad today?"

In the afternoon, after another class, Fu Hui next to him asked as if he couldn't hold back his words.


Mo Dao smiled and stood up again.

After calming down.

People will always be affected by some physical factors and return to the state of youth.

Mo Daojian still had a bit of youthful energy and some young people's expectations for future life.

Fu Hui looked at Mo Dao again, and then looked back. He saw that the teacher for the next class had already come from the corridor, and his face panicked.

"Oops! Brother Mo, we'll talk about it later. I'm going to the toilet first. I feel like I have to take an exam again in the next class."

Fu Hui turned over and flipped out from the front of the table, almost overturning all the books on the table.

Then I went to the toilet in a hurry.

Mo Dao looked at it and couldn't help but smile.

In the last life, he met Fu Hui several times later.

After semi-retirement, Mo Dao also returned to his alma mater.

At that time, I happened to meet Fu Huizheng, who was already an old man, teaching his son a lesson. His face was serious and serious, but he didn't look like he was out of touch now.

After laughing, Mo Dao's smile faded. Then he turned his head and looked at Qin Huaishi in the back row.

After Mo Dao cast his gaze, Qin Huaishi also looked at him.

Qin Huaishi, who was wearing a school uniform and a high ponytail, had a pretty face that was still a little green.

Looking at this familiar face, Mo Dao seemed to be able to picture her face at every stage from a young girl to one with silver hair in his mind at the same time.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Huaishi was a little confused. Facing Mo Dao's gaze, her face felt a little hot and her blush was spreading, but she still asked.


Mo Dao shook his head and asked,

"Have you ever read a science fiction story? It tells the story of the universe expanding to the end and then contracting again, and time also goes backwards."

"Are you talking about Liu's short science fiction story?"

Qin Huaishi asked in surprise,

"Do you also like that story? I think it's very romantic... It means that no matter how far away two people have met, they will meet again when the universe comes to an end."

The girl's eyes were a little bright and she said to Mo Dao again.

Looking at this girl, Mo Dao paused for a moment, and then smiled again.

"I haven't read that story yet, but I quite like the possibility you described."


After listening to Mo Dao's words, the girl was very happy.

"...If you need to go to the bathroom, you can go. There will be a test in the next class. I will talk about it directly after the test."

The teacher walked into the classroom holding a stack of papers.

Fu Hui, who had gone to the toilet, also came back at this time.

"Brother Mo, what are you talking about?"

Fu Hui said something to Mo Dao.

Mo Dao shook his head, then thought about it,

I asked another question that I had asked in previous lives.

"Whatever I want to do, I want to be a high official. I have the power in my hands and the world."

Because the questions were asked at different times, Fu Hui simply remembered them one after another and gave a different answer.

Qin Huaishi, on the other hand, answered still teacher.

"Brother Mo, what about you? What do you think?"

"Join the army."

Mo Dao had made a decision about his plans for this life long ago.

Once while reporting on the Kerna war, Mo Dao wanted to try to see if he could defeat the 'evil dragon'.

After Kellner, in fact, until Mo Dao died, some of Kellner's efforts were still not successful.


Before living a life with the goal of defeating the ‘evil dragon’,

Mo Dao planned to spend his whole life learning how to fight.

Dedicate one life to learning.

This life may be relatively short.

Then if this life is too short, should I fall in love with Qin Huaishi and accompany each other for the rest of my life?

There seems to be no reason not to be together.

Mo Dao looked at Qin Huaishi again.

Next to him, Fu Hui listened to Mo Dao's words,

I couldn't help but let out a cry,

"Brother Mo, why don't you prepare to join the army without taking the college entrance examination?"

"Go to military school."

Although the purpose of this life is learning, Mo Dao has no intention or necessity of taking the easy road and taking the narrow path.

Shaking his head, Mo Dao gave an answer.

"That's it, Brother Mo is awesome!"

Now, Fu Hui next to him was not surprised. After all, taking the military academy exam is also a good choice.

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