Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 112 Introduction

Even though Bartley Abbott was deviant, the fact that he was called a "sage" by Ismail showed that some of his research results were recognized by insiders.

"With all due respect, miss, you don't look like a historian." Bartley looked surprised.

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"Do you know Ismail? He recommended me here. Maybe some people think your research is deviant, but I have been active on the front lines of Tuhuodi all year round, and I have a different view on this than the world."

Wei Miao said this carefully. Ismail can be talked about in a friendly tone, but is excluded from the mainstream field. This lovely old man has a unique perspective.

"Oh, are you a night watchman?" Bartlet's eyes lit up and his tone became much more enthusiastic, "Look at my hospitality, please come in."

Wei Miao followed him into the big house. The living utensils he saw were low-key luxury, with exquisite patterns and cold colors overall.

Entering the living room, Bartlet asked her to sit down and said straight to the point: "Since the previous son of Yong Ye recommended you to come here, what do you want to know?"

Wei Miao said seriously: "How to save the world!"

"This..." Bartlet raised his eyes in surprise, leaned forward, and tightly grasped the armrest, "This question is too grand, and I'm sorry I can't give an accurate answer - how do you view the world? "

His eyes were focused and engaged, and his tone was full of eagerness and expectation.

Like a lone traveler who accidentally looks up and finds a fellow traveler!

Wei Miao explained the reasons for "Ashes and Destruction", in exchange for Bartlet's excited emotion: "Unexpectedly, there are people who have almost the same views as me!"

He stood up and went upstairs. His agile figure did not look old at all: "Please wait a moment."

After a moment he came down with a black book in his hand.

"These are my research notes." He sat next to Wei Miao and carefully opened the book as if it were his most cherished treasure.

It can be seen that the book has been in his hand for a long time. The edges of the pages are yellowed, the binding is loose, and the handwriting on the front and back has also changed to some extent.

On the page he turned to Wei Miao, he copied some records from books.

"When the eternal night retreated to the Guge region, the world began to rise into ashes." - "A Brief Examination of Ancient History"

He pointed at this sentence and said: "In some ancient books, it is recorded that the world in ancient times was not filled with ashes. 'Eternal Night retreated to the Guge region'. This sentence means that the territory of the sacred tree expanded and the eternal night Forced to retreat to the extreme south."

In addition, there are several cropped world maps. On the top, the red area represents Tuhuo Land, and the approximate age is marked below.

It can be seen intuitively from the map that the proportion of Tuhuo land has increased from about 25% to 50% now, and the living area has been shrinking year by year.

"This is a natural disaster! Our world is being burned! Every year, the expansion of the Tuhuo Land will accelerate. According to calculations, in less than a hundred years, there will be no place for humans in this world."

Bartlet's eyes flashed with an astonishing light, making him look quite demonic: "I have always appealed that suppressing the Divine Flame through the Essence of Eternal Night every year is simply a drop in the bucket, treating the symptoms but not the root cause."

"You ask me how to save the world, and my solution is to cut down the sacred tree!"

Wei Miao's eyes twitched.

If these words are heard by the Holy Fire Church, they will at least be burned at the stake.

"Maybe it's a way." With the main mission in hand, Wei Miao seriously thought about the feasibility of this method, "But let's not talk about whether it can be done. The sacred tree fell, the fire source went out, and there are still people in the extreme south. Eternal night. Without the suppression of the sacred tree, can the world continue when eternal night falls? "


"There are rumors on the front line that fire has appeared in the center of Tuhuo Land." Wei Miao skipped the above topic and chose to inform Bartlet about it.

"Fire." Bartley frowned and calmed down a little. "Years ago, the church and many scholars were helpless with the pale fire. It can echo the sacred tree, so we speculate that the fire may come from the sacred tree."

"Now your statement is connected with a hypothesis, which supports this point. Some scholars have suggested that the sacred tree erupted once in ancient times. The eruption not only erupted with flames, but also carried fire."

"The divine flames of fire spread and formed the land of fire."

Wei Miao nodded, Bartley's words were consistent with her guess.

As a veteran player, it is instinctive to guess the truth from the Riddler's text. Although she is not a research party, the main reason is that careful research on details and texts is the obsession of a few people in today's era of Internet information explosion. Most people only need to look at the final results.

The sacred tree erupted fire, and the fire formed the land of fire, and the land of fire gave birth to the fire demon. The core of the fire demon was fire...

"Fire" occupies a central position among the three.

"If we can seize the fire from Tuhuo Land, can we fundamentally eliminate Tuhuo Land?"

Wei Miao sat upright and said suddenly.

"This idea... has research value!" Bartlett looked at her in surprise and admiration. "Although there are still a few problems that cannot be solved, it can be easily accepted by other scholars."

"Why don't you stay and be my assistant? You can tell me the salary. I still have some savings."

Bartlet smiled and extended the invitation.

"I'm sorry, the frontline needs me more. If anything is discovered in the future, I may come to bother the professor again. This superficial exchange is enough to prove your rich knowledge."

Wei Miao stood up and prepared to leave.

Bartlet's research on the sacred tree has lasted for decades, and his understanding is far deeper than hers. Maybe there will be things that need to be consulted by him in the future.

"Alas, it's a pity that the last person I invited was His Royal Highness Prince Miguel. Like you, he has the same courage to think and will not be limited by the world. He also rejected me."

Bartlet's face was filled with regret.

"His Royal Highness Migle?" Wei Miao smoothed the wrinkles of her black robe and left immediately after hearing this.

"He is brilliant in the field of historical research! The world only sees his royal status and ignores his achievements in other fields!" Bartlett was full of praise. "He often comes to visit me, and the two of us discuss the history of the sacred tree. Various possibilities.”

"Oh, I wonder what His Highness Migle would think about saving the world." Wei Miao smiled, "Can you introduce me to him? I'm very much looking forward to his unique insights."

The wrinkles on Bartley's face became deeper because of his smile: "Of course! The three of us communicate with each other, and the brilliance of our thoughts will definitely penetrate the fog of history! His Highness Migle usually comes on the fifth day of each round - the day after tomorrow, time It’s around the fifth hour.”

Wei Miao responded: "I will definitely visit on time."

Meeting Migle in this way would create a more stable atmosphere. If he could help Wei Miao on the main line, she wouldn't mind hearing other requests.

Players' sense of belonging to the camp is far less than their sense of belonging to the rewards.

Happy holidays ladies and gentlemen!

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