Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 19 Eye Spirit Cult

"Why are you here?"

Tim looked at Wei Miao standing at the top of the stairs and said with confusion and disdain.

"Of course I'm here to see the talents of the outstanding graduates of Mikatos College."

Wei Miao smiled. She always paid attention to the movements of this group of people and approached them in this way.

She can interpret her smile into a myriad of meanings because it is her most common expression. She has mastered the details such as the curvature of the mouth, the strength of muscle tension, and the degree of raising the corners of the eyes.

Looking at that face, Tim had the urge to flatten her. Zando, on the other hand, said calmly: "If you want to take a look, just follow me."

Tim said disdainfully: "Follower."

Wei Miao remained indifferent and followed them. A little malice could not irritate her.

The search order of the trialists was the same as theirs, from the lower floors to the higher floors. Wei Miao watched their movements closely, lurking outside the corridor, waiting quietly, so she could "come to the door" accurately.

It was already afternoon, and the progress of the trialists was much faster than that of the death row prisoners. This was largely because they did not have to search every corner carefully to try to find the life-saving magnetic card.

She wasn't lying, she really came to see what Tim was capable of, the more the merrier.

After entering 701, they went straight into the house and faced the strangely dead body. Except for Enel, who was slightly rude, the other two acted very calmly and had obviously seen the world.

Tim walked around the bed a few times and said seriously: "This posture is obviously a sacrificial ritual in the ceremony.

After that, he began to search around: "Theoretically speaking, in every ceremony, there must be a ritual circle around the victim...Here, I found it."

He lifted the bed curtain, lay on the floor, and tried to look inside.

He took out a mini flashlight from his pocket, and its warm yellow beam illuminated the magic circle under the bed.

Wei Miao didn't expect that he had such a good thing. Sure enough, the treatment between trial subjects and death row prisoners is different.

"This looks like... it should be an improved version of the Earth-Binding Spirit Array." Tim speculated.

Wei Miao followed up at the right time: "Earth Spirit Binding Array?"

"It is a magic circle commonly used by spiritual masters. Its general function is to bind the supernatural beings in one place and make appropriate modifications to the magic circle based on the triangular structure. Only ritual masters can complete this work. Such characters are very rare. Every They are all top talents. Therefore, I think this is the work of the Soul Exorcist Society, using the corpses of dead residents to restrict supernatural beings."

Tim was very organized and did not disappoint Wei Miao.

"How can the Soul Exorcist Society treat these corpses like this? Isn't this trampling on the dead?" Miss Anilu frowned, and the beautiful image of the Soul Exorcist Society began to shatter in her mind.

"Using victims to restrict the supernatural not only avoids the unknown risk of corpse transformation, but in a sense, it is also their own revenge. Isn't that good?" Tim asked in return.

"The Spirit-Expelling Society cares about all mankind, so at some point, they have to make the best decision for the greater good." Zando touched the frame of the mirror with his index finger and said slowly.

Enel hesitated and said: "I just think... they will be sacrificed and nailed to the bed after they die, right..."

"When you know more, you won't think so." Tim stood up and said in a relaxed tone, "Let's go and check out the next room."

"Mr. Lorraine, what do you think?" Zando suddenly asked.

Wei Miao came out of the state of watching the show and her thoughts changed rapidly.

“Make the best use of everything.”

She needed to express the qualities of a death row inmate. If the answer is "too cruel", you will be suspected.

"As expected, a death row prisoner is a death row prisoner." Enel curled her lips in disgust and walked out of the room first.

Wei Miao remained silent and followed them.

The fatal blow is often silent, and there is no previous bark for the prey to notice.

Arriving in room 713, the three of them were fascinated by the bizarre scene.

Tim looked at the magic circle solemnly and said: "This is the sacrifice ceremony of the Eye Spirit Sect. You see, the magic circle is based on a hexagram, which is a typical structure of the magic circle for sacrifice. The supplicant uses the sacrificial inscriptions and the magic circle Attract the attention of the person being prayed for, sacrifice the sacrifice at the end of the hexagon, and obtain some kind of gift."

"But this is essentially an unstable non-equivalent exchange. Whether or not a gift is given depends entirely on the mood of the person being prayed for, and the recipients are mostly some weird gods. Unless it is absolutely necessary, the Spirit-Expelling Society will not entangle with the weird gods and bet on him. their mood.”

"There are many staggered arcs arranged regularly inside the six-pointed star array, which look like overlapping eye sockets. The overlapping parts are intertwined into a circle, and there are overlapping six-pointed stars and cross stars inside, and there is a circle in the center. It looks like a pupil.”

"I can say with certainty that this is the work of the Eye Spirit Cult!"

Enelu: "If it were the Eye Spirit Cult, any scene would not be surprising. Those believers are generally lunatics."

"I probably have an idea about what happened on the seventh floor." Tim glanced at Wei Miao and changed the subject, "Let's go have dinner."

He doesn't want to share his wisdom with the evil condemned man.

After that, he took the lead and left, and the others could only follow behind him.

In the stairwell, Wei Miao parted ways with them and went down the stairs. She has already acquired the knowledge she wants to know, but she is still with a group of people who look down on her. Isn't it making herself unhappy?

The trio chatted in the elevator, and Zando said, "I have an impression of Lorraine White. I have read reports about him. About two years ago, he turned himself in after committing a serial murder case and was sentenced to death with a reprieve. This is a very dangerous person, far from being as harmless and cowardly as he seems on the surface, and he turned a deaf ear to our ridicule."

"Now that you mention it, I seem to have some impression of him. It is said that if he had not turned himself in, it would be difficult for the guards to catch him. His anti-detection awareness is too strong, and the guards always miss him." Anilu added.

"So what tricks did he play by following me today?" Tim asked, "If you hadn't said so, I would have thought he would only do some trivial things to fight back against my ridicule this morning."

"No one knows. They are crazy people like the Eye Spirit Cult members, and they cannot be speculated by common sense." Zando said, "In short, be careful."

Wei Miao didn't know that the group was discussing Lorraine. She was heading to the first floor quickly.

There was no sign of Pizza at the counter on the first floor. It seemed that he had left.

But she didn't believe that Pizza had lost control of the hotel. He was a mysterious figure, seemingly just a small fry. He was an inconspicuous presence in this copy, but he revealed that he knew everything during the conversation.

The inconspicuous is often the most deadly, and Wei Miao understood this truth at a very young age.

Because she is a typical example.

When she was a child, she was playing in the water. The friend next door maliciously pushed her, who couldn't swim, into a deeper lake. She had to rely on her brother to save her life.

Later, after Wei Miao was rescued, she learned to swim by herself, and her skills were not bad. She still smiled at the friend, and didn't seem to care about his last move.

But during a beach trip, she lured him to swim in the sea, but secretly broke his swimming ring, smiled as he struggled, and then threw the spare lifebuoy to him and dragged him back to the shore.

The friend was also grateful to her and thanked her for saving his life.

Sometimes, behind an ordinary smile, there may be deep malice.

The following is a long-lost thank-you link.

Thanks to an anonymous book friend who passed by, as well as other book friends including Squirrel on the Tree, Yunye Piaomiao, Maoyoumaoyou, Baobao Minmin, Trojan Poisoning, Zhizhi Ziming, Sun Yang, SCQLJ Li Luo, and Zhao Zhen8 for their recommendations. Thank you all for your support and reading!

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