Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 43 Caravan Escort

"It's amazing that I was able to get information from that tight-lipped profiteer!"

The fox did not hesitate to praise, with a hint of envy in his tone.

Wei Miao has already shared their findings with the two of them, and the ability of the Dream Eye should be credited as the first contributor.

The title of "profiteer" is not groundless. The goat man is famous for his treachery. He is very aware of the value of information, especially information that can help people get out of trouble. He will add insult to injury and take advantage of others without mercy.

The fox and the deer went to find it but returned without success. It was considered a strategic retreat. They both thought about finding an opportunity to tie it up. Of course, this is a more extreme approach.

Lu Lu: "Our next step is to meet with Conrad. The first step of the guidance mission should be completed."

Suddenly, a fox man walked in hurriedly. He was the old shopkeeper that Wei Miao had seen at first.

Seeing that the three of them were there, he said directly: "Our people have received news about Conrad, a pig-headed man."

"Conrad issued a commission in the business district, seeking a caravan that could take him to the Pig-Headed Tribe."

The fox waved his hand to ask the old man to step back and said, "What a coincidence. We worked so hard to find out some information, and the next second, he delivered it to the door himself."

It's a coincidence, and the news was actually revealed in the caravan. When Wei Miao heard the news, she secretly sighed that the system did not follow the routine.

Even if a few people don't look for it deliberately, the game will send the news to them. The only thing they need to do is to rush to Chen Qing.

However, the three of them do not feel that collecting information first is useless, because performance points can increase the settlement evaluation.

If the evaluation increases, you will earn money.

As for the game time, isn’t it just for brushing up on the final evaluation? Players have steelyards in their hearts.

After a change of mind, several people began to exchange opinions.

"Conrad, a pig-headed man, grew up in human society and lived under the shelter of others. He has a lot to do with Fuze." The fox briefly summarized Conrad's character and said jokingly, "I smell the story of him. ”

Lulu went further and said: "With this kind of background, no matter how you look at it, it is the counterattack flow of the suffering master in the story book. There is a lot to explore."

Wei Miao curled her lips. There was no real substance in the words of these two people.

She said: "The mission hasn't been refreshed yet, so it should only count if you meet him in person."

"Let's go now." The fox was very decisive.

Wei Miao could understand his thoughts, and he changed his mind late, just to see what the next step of the guidance mission would be, so that he could make arrangements in advance.

The realism of Masquerade makes people dare not treat it as a stand-alone game and slowly hang up the game. Every creature in the world has flesh and blood, and even has a complete set of "life memories".

It can be said that they are real people! If you play the game with the mentality of previous players, you will be eliminated by natural selection. ♦♦  ♞♦

The three people immediately headed to the caravan station under the leadership of the old man. It was the first place for caravans to rest and rest. Now every tribe has such a place, where they can communicate with caravans from all directions.

When they arrived at the inn, under the guidance of the person in charge of the inn, they finally saw their mission target: Conrad in the lobby.

At first glance, I couldn't believe he was a pig-headed man.

The lobby of the inn is high and spacious, and the door is facing the counter. A young human waiter is having a friendly conversation with the merchants in front of the counter and dealing with their needs. There are tables and chairs arranged in an orderly manner on both sides, with people of different races sitting sparsely. They all hang up their requests at the post station and wait here for the destined person to come and take over the commission.

On the gorgeous floor with a water lily pattern, many men or orcs with swords slung around their waists stood by the bulletin board and examined the commissions on it to see if they could pick up a job that was not very dangerous and paid well.

The inn has many functions. Many merchants who are in trouble will recruit guards and issue commissioned tasks here. It is quite similar to a tavern that connects gold owners and bounty hunters.

Beside a sunny seat, a pig-headed man sat quietly.

This pig-headed man is about eighteen years old. He has an elegant appearance and tilts his head to look at the scenery outside the window in trance.

The word "education" is written all over his face.

He has a pig's head and a pig's brain. According to the aesthetic standards of pig-headed people, he is even a little handsome. At least those purple eyes look sincere. He wears the white linen clothes of ordinary civilians, but he does not appear vulgar or inferior. He has an attitude of neither being humble nor arrogant among the merchants who come and go. He is calm and decent, with a slight build and a height of only 1.6 meters.

The pig-headed people, who are famous for their bloody nature and roughness, cannot raise such an alien.

"Pure white." The fox whispered with a smile when he saw him, both the appearance and the core.

"Ideal." Lu Lu spit out a word immediately, smiling inexplicably.

"Not stained by blood." Wei Miao typed the last word and looked at him in surprise.

Three words, telling three impressions and characteristics, the three people actually feel the same.

Wei Miao had expected it, but when she actually saw the real person, she was still surprised by his aura.

In modern times, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a pure person. Although temperament is a mysterious thing, this Conrad is really different.

He fits the traditional "Chosen One" template very well, and I can't help but feel trust and affection for him.

You know, this is a pig-headed man who has a huge aesthetic gap with humans!

But what the three of them like the most is this kind of person.

If the big bad wolf doesn't like the little white rabbit, would he like another big bad wolf to compete for the position?

And the moment he saw him, the guidance task that had been delayed for a long time was finally updated.

[Guidance task·The first ring has been completed. ]

[Guidance task·The second ring is open! ]

[Task description: Escort Conrad to the Pig-headed Tribe in the form of a caravan. Limited to ten days. ]

It's time!

The three people's eyes lit up and they walked forward with a smile.

Conrad noticed the swaying figure in his peripheral vision, turned around and saw the three people running straight towards him, and smiled.

He has the flavor of a "sweet wild boy", with a sunny and innocent smile and pure and clear eyes.

Wei Miao silently complained, and like Lu Lu, he gave the right to speak to the fox. His image is the most suitable, and his words are good.

"Sir Conrad, we are going to the Pig-headed Tribe next, and we want to take your commission by the way." The fox's reason came out.

Because of the address of "Sir", Conrad was obviously a little flattered. There are very few orcs who are as polite as humans. Most of them believe that strength is the kingly way. Because they do not pay attention to words and deeds, humans think that orcs are vulgar and unbearable.

Now that a person like Fox has appeared who speaks respectfully, Conrad smiled happily: "If you have no problem, the reward can be discussed."

Speaking. Just from this sentence, Wei Miao knew that Conrad was not a vase that lacked common sense and thought he was noble.

Conrad continued: "Can you ask when we will leave?"

The fox's smile became more sincere: "If everything goes well, we can leave today."

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