Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 53 If the person who died was...

"Good guy, it's not you who ends up in the cell, but me.

In the inner courtyard of a certain shop, Lu Lu grabbed the sign and complained to Wei Miao depressedly.

It's just that the deer-headed man in front of him is a strong male, and the petite deer-headed man before has already entered the pig-headed prison.

When Conrad got a chief father, Wei Miao knew that the mistakes Conrad made were destined to be dealt with lightly.

Chulaka, who was lost and found, would never let his precious son go to jail.

Since Conrad will not go to jail, in order to give an explanation, of course, let the person with the opposite position go to jail.

Lu Lu split open on the spot, never expecting that he would be the one who got in at the end.

All I can say is that having a chief father is a huge advantage in this tribe that is bound by blood ties.

However, for Lulu, it is not a big loss, it is nothing more than giving up the body of the gods that was used easily.

Wei Miao was originally going to accompany Conrad to jail for a heart-to-heart talk, but now something went wrong. Conrad was chatting with Chulaka all day long, and after enjoying a banquet with Chulaka, she was arranged to stay. In the guest room, there were fewer opportunities to meet Conrad.

After all, she can't just sit aside and be a lightbulb when people deepen the relationship between father and son.

So in the dead of night, she descended to Shou Xiao No. 4 to discuss with the other two how to proceed.

"Is there any progress in the investigation?"

Wei Miao played a loose card and took it, ignoring Lu Lu's complaints.

During this period of time, Fox mainly walked around Walker to observe the local customs. When he had time, he came to Chenqing to investigate Fu Ze secretly.

He said: "I'm not sure. Fu Ze is in a high position, and the information about him is sparse and irrelevant."

Lulu played three and two, and the cards in his hand were getting fewer and fewer, and he seemed to have hope of winning this round.

She said: "Do you still remember the wolf girl who called herself Ersa? Recently, my family members have been staring at her in turns, but there has been no progress. She is just wandering on the street."

"Well... I have some news." Wei Miao slowly played Wang Zha, making Lu Lu raise his eyebrows.

"You also know that my favored ones are weird. One of them relies on the power of divine favor to work for the stone gambling boss in Walker. According to him, he accidentally saw Erza and found her wrapped in a black robe. The real look.”

As Wei Miao spoke, she took out a piece of paper from her arms and at the same time magically hid an unplayable card in her sleeve. Otherwise, she really felt that she couldn't play Lulu. This game of Lulu was " Landlord,” she seemed to have a bit of a good hand.

The fox looked at her with a half-smile.

Wei Miao took out a piece of papyrus.

A lifelike sketch appeared in front of the two people. Even though it was not very detailed, the charm was ready to come out.

The picture above is exactly Erza, but she looks like she is without her robe.

The most conspicuous thing is her wolf tail, which is thick and short, with a swollen end and thick hair, which is very distinctive.

"No wonder he wears a black robe to cover himself up." The fox took a look and said with a smile, "It turns out... he is a member of the North Desert Wolf Clan."

The big fluffy head and tail are the physical characteristics of the Northern Desert werewolf. After the werewolves in the Northern Desert attacked the pig-headed people, the pig-headed people hated them to the core, and even other werewolves were not welcomed here, and they encountered obstacles everywhere.

"It seems that the human race sent it to Conrad intentionally, but... what is the purpose?" the fox wondered.

Just like what the goat man said, the North Desert werewolf is now a wolfdog of the human race, and he is willing to help the human race out of unknown reasons.

"I have been trained since I was a child. I should be a warrior or assassin. I came here to kill people." Wei Miao successfully played a pair, and there were not many cards left in his hand.

"Conrad's identity is already very close to the center of power. If Elsa goes to find Conrad later, then she can naturally get close to the top, just like me."

"The main line contains tribal conflicts, and all events should be centered on this. The human race has been planning for a long time, I guess, in order to gain an advantage in the conflict."

"If it weren't for Conrad, it wouldn't be so easy for Erza to sneak into the city. If you want to help the human race gain an advantage, the easiest way for a warrior or assassin is to assassinate."

When Wei Miao said this, the other two people also understood her thoughts.

Lu Lu threw out a pair of bombs: "You mean, she might use Conrad as a springboard to assassinate...Churaka?!"

"Then Conrad naturally took over the tribe, and his butt was sitting on the human side." The fox shook his head, "The pig-headed warriors are not vegetarians, and Ersa has a connection with Conrad. Conrad De can't stay out of it, what's more, he is still young and far from being able to compete with the elders for power."

The pig-headed gods are indeed powerful and can be called pentagonal warriors. Their intelligence has not been improved much. Some of them can also cast spells, such as the pig-headed priests.

"The human forces behind the scenes won't just watch. In any case, Conrad's arrival will only intensify the chaos. That's enough, isn't it?"

"Churaka's death will trigger conflicts. If at this time, the human race makes a surprise attack..."

Wei Miao suddenly raised the corner of her mouth: "It seems that our position has been made very clear. The only thing left is how to do it."

The so-called stance refers to which side one is on in this almost clear conflict between the pig-headed people and the human race.

Although everyone's true identity is that they are all human beings, in the game, everything follows the world view, and they need to be responsible for their own tribe.

Of course, choose the pig-headed man.

"Have you got another idea?" The fox threw out a card unhurriedly.

Lulu only held the last few cards in his hand, but Wei Miao let go, and a pair of kings and a six fell on the table.

"Wipe it!" Lu Lu's face darkened, "Old coin."

"What if... it was not Chulaka who died but Conrad? My divine companion with the Eye of Dreams is also beside Conrad." Wei Miao said slowly.

The fox's eyes lit up: "It makes sense. Since the human race can use this card to blow up, we can also blow it back."

Lu Lu thoughtfully said: "However, after the incident happened, we still need to deal with the aftermath to ensure that the human race is caught by surprise. For such a big thing, of course, we need to get those who can get on the pirate ship as soon as possible."

Wei Miao asked: "What do you think of the elves?"

Fox: "Those Buddhists who care for the elderly? However, they should still understand the reason why the lips are cold and the teeth are dead. It just so happens that the elves have envoys stationed here, so I can go and find out."

Wei Miao: "In addition, we need to negotiate with someone."

Lulu: "Who?"

Wei Miao: "The high priest of the pig-headed man. It is rumored that he is the messenger of Tianluo Pig Mother. If Bao Qi doesn't find out anything, we need to get his support."

She paused and then said: "There is one more important thing."

The fox answered and smiled at Lulu: "You owe me another bed warmer."

Thank you all for your votes. Your support gives me unlimited motivation to not stop updating!

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