Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 81: Ghost Rules Post

Like drowning in the deep sea, the torrent of knowledge poured into the brain, fragmented, dark, and suffocating.

Wei Miao's figure paused, and her consciousness was immersed in the gift of the ceremony.

As if she had come to a dark Dead Sea, she stood on the water surface, which was the manifestation of her consciousness. She looked down and saw herself in the mirror image on the water surface wearing a gray rabbit headgear, wearing a red priest robe, and the cross-shaped double pupils on her forehead were forced to close, conveying the unwillingness to open her eyes.

At this time, the strange black reflection actually moved, twisting its body and "standing up" from the water surface. The flowing liquid built its sculptural shape, and in terms of outline alone, it was exactly the same as Wei Miao.

But Wei Miao could not see its face clearly, and could only see a crescent-like smile.

Wei Miao raised the corners of her mouth, and her grinning face was 80% similar to it: "Who are you?"

In the empty and boundless space, a voice echoed and responded. It was the same tone as hers, but it was gloomy and low like the cold desert sand: "I am you, the dark side of you. The darkness hidden in your heart awakened me."

"No." Wei Miao shook her head, and looked directly at it with scarlet eyes, "There has never been any dark me. I am me, a highly unified personality, without darkness, nor light."

As soon as the voice fell, its grinning mouth expanded in an instant, swallowing itself, bursting out with colorful lights, shattering the entire black space.

In the moment when the concept of time was lost, all colors were gathered to one point, like a ball of colored paper, interwoven with illusory pigments, and even layers could be detected.

Then a gorgeous mirror was stretched out at an incomprehensible angle, with scarlet eyes of different sizes embedded on the gray frame. The four corners of the base were red blade-style, with the tip touching the ground, looking hideous and strange.

The mirror reflected the image of Mr. Gray Rabbit, but the next moment the mirror shattered, the reflection was shattered, the mirror images interlaced, and in an instant it returned to its original state, but there was no longer any image on it, but it was pitch black.

The thick, abyss-like dark ocean swept in from the unknown border again, engulfing Wei Miao's perception.

But she was floating and sinking soberly, with ease.

In reality, in the red light that seemed to melt everything, Xia Ziyuan began to twitch unconsciously.

The red light gathered into tentacles, sank into her body, and fumbled to pull something out.

As several different-colored light balls were pulled out by the red light, Xia Ziyuan fell down with exhaustion, her face pale.

The red light began to shrink into the magic circle, dimming little by little.

Wei Miao closed her eyes, her expression was peaceful, and her soft facial features were slightly torn in the red light.

It was not until the magic circle completely lost its magic and stopped flashing that Wei Miao opened her eyes and looked at Xia Ziyuan who had fallen down, with a √ at the corner of her mouth.

If there is an award for the most beautiful tool person, Wei Miao must apply for one for this player, but now is not the time for her value to end.

I hope this player can stay rational when the curtain falls.

In her mind, the crazy ravings were forced to be forgotten by her, leaving only the newly acquired knowledge. The fragmented puzzles have been put together by her to form a whole picture, which can be understood and read smoothly.

She already has a clear idea of ​​the next steps.

"Just... the Mirror of the Demonic Void?"

Wei Miao had no way to forget the honorific name of that person, as if it was engraved in her soul.

[Scholar] The magic circle has a "defect" that normal rituals will never have. As a sacrificial magic circle, it has no directional symbols or array structure, which means that the object of sacrifice is uncertain. It may be that some existence passed by and responded, which is a "random lottery".

In her few common sense of magic circles, this is a typical act of seeking death. If the sacrifice is not satisfactory, the responder can turn hostile at any time, swallow the sacrifice and kill the host. Many beings have pure malice towards humans.

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Therefore, the general sacrificial ceremony has strict rules and procedures, which are recorded in the classics of major camps and are used only after countless pioneers have tried and revised.

If Wei Miao's actions this time were known by other supernatural beings, they would sincerely call her a "ritual master".

But when she obtained the scholar, the knowledge inculcation of the "Guidebook" alone allowed her to learn a lot of honorific names. It can be seen how many big guys are squatting behind this identity, playing a random visit.

But it needs to be measured. The sacrifices she can offer this time are all kinds of extraordinary items and abilities mastered by the players, and the knowledge she seeks is also qualified. It is just a ritual of sacrificing to the Thousand Eyes Weird God. The simpler the object, the less the price paid.

Moreover, high-ranking beings disdain to embezzle even a little bit of benefits. If your contribution exceeds what you ask for, He will take the initiative to compensate you.

This time, the "Mirror of Demonic Void" also stuffed some private goods while completing the ritual, telling her the improved version of the magic circle and prayers that point to the sacrifice of Him.

But Wei Miao vaguely felt that this private goods were not only this little, but there was something she didn't know.

Later, Xia Ziyuan was weak when she woke up, and Wei Miao asked her to rest here for a while before returning to the dormitory.

The strange eye in her body belonged to Wei Miao's ability, so it was not taken away by the Mirror of Demonic Void.

After helping Wei Miao erase the ritual magic circle, the roommates returned to their desks like zombies.

Wei Miao sat on the bed and looked at his phone. On the school forum, alumni always had fun. They were not only keyboard warriors. Those who could get into this good university had IQs at least not lower than ordinary people. In addition to the spiritual influence in daily life, according to the fragmented information provided by netizens, someone actually sorted out the rules of ghosts.

The experience brought by death was like thorns, spurring students to find out the truth of death.

Among the analysis posts, there was a post that gathered the strengths of hundreds of schools and included all known ghosts.

The owner of this post was called "Sky Blue Earth".

"The following are murderous ghosts. Please remember them and don't break the rules!!!"

"1. Alarm ghost: If the alarm clock cycles more than twice in the morning, it will appear on the third time!"

"2. Laundry ghost: Don't cut in line when washing clothes! You can't stay in front of the washing machine for more than one minute! You must take out the clothes within one minute after washing!"

"3. Mirror ghost: Don't stand in front of the bathroom mirror for too long. This time varies from person to person, but just washing your hands will not trigger the rules."

"4. Tongue-cutting ghost: Don't say bad things about others behind their backs, or your tongue will be cut off and you will die suddenly!"

"5. Stair ghost: Unknown. Most of the missing people still don't know their details, and they are likely dead."

"The following are scary ghosts. Ghosts, students who meet them should not panic, as long as they follow the method to avoid them, they will be safe. "

"1. Patting head ghost: elusive, likes to touch heads unexpectedly, does not hurt people, being touched is better than being killed. "

"2. Toilet ghost: ghosts active in the toilet, wearing black high heels, will stand in front of your door when you go to the toilet, and slowly poke their heads out from the next room. This, fainting may be a good way, or you can escape. "

"3. Calling ghost: ghosts wandering on the road, don't look back when you hear someone calling you, it will only scare people, at most scare people to faint. "


After reading this post, Wei Miao knew that even if Wei Chuanwu did not instigate, her determination to kill the good for the right became more and more resolute.

According to the book friends in the comment area, I learned that the author of "Disordered Cruise" had promoted this book, and I would like to counter-promote this book here. As far as I know, this is a strong female article without CP, which seems to have been published at the same time as me, but it was put on the shelves too early.

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