Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 87: One more step

Wei Miao estimated the time, stood up from the ground, and patted the dust on her body elegantly: "It's time to work.

She came to attack Wei Chuanwu in the middle of the night, on the one hand because of the high chance of getting the phone, and on the other hand because she was not sure about the specific time of the completion of the ceremony, and she had to finish the planned things before the ceremony was completed.

Wei Miao walked to Chai Yun's side and pulled out a short and thick brush from the inside of her boots. The width of the brush was roughly the same as that of the oil brush when brushing on the barbecue.

The next is a more indescribable scene. Wei Miao used six corpses to gather the conductive materials for drawing a magic circle.

The ritual is also called evil magic in the mysticism of this world because its conditions are too strange and conservative people cannot accept it. Some people in the exorcist society are very taboo about the ritual, and on the Internet, the ritual is even more criticized. Whoever uses it will be punished. That is, a psychological twister.

The painting style of the magic circle is dark and bloody, which is an indescribable blasphemy to the world. Just talking about the conductive materials needed to draw the magic circle, if there is no supernatural materials such as weird blood, bone-white Clark solution, and star lake water, you can also use human blood as a second choice.

As for ordinary pigments, that is because the big boss behind the scholar is not picky, saying that it doesn't matter and is happy to help you maintain the ceremony.

For example, the six-eyed evil magic is to cast a groove mold and then penetrate it with blood. However, this ceremony is quite special, and blood is also one of the sacrifices.

If you don't use the groove to assist in ensuring the conductive ability, you have to use thicker blood, such as a corpse that has been dead for a period of time, preferably soaked in a weird environment.

Wei Miao squatted around the ghost domain magic circle, concentrating on outlining the lines. The weird eye at the center of the forehead has a clear vision, and the dim light cannot interfere Its vision.

It took about half an hour, mainly because of some troubles in outlining, and Wei Miao finally nested a formation outside the ghost domain formation to form a formation within a formation.

The basic structure was redefined, adopting the seven-pointed star structure, and the ghost domain formation was embedded as a decoration. The size of the entire formation is almost spread to the edge of the balcony, complicated and delicate.

The seven-pointed star has the effect of dangerous sacrifice. The formation is full of risks, but the effect is stronger and can "convert" some lively and ruthless people. In contrast, the six-pointed star formation is more conservative and is a regular sacrifice.

Runes are engraved inside and outside the double-line ring. The outer runes are mainly praises, and the inner runes play a practical role in guiding.

The outer circular conduction formation is connected to the inner ghost domain formation, and the whole ceremony is forcibly continued to the last step.

At this time, the gestation of the ghost domain has not yet taken shape.

Wei Miao sat down and waited obediently.

Before, Wei Miao took advantage of the gap when Wei Chuanwu and Yang Fan went to the 2nd Zhai, and even gave up her black high heels to send Xia Ziyuan up, just to prepare for the final blow now.

Xia Ziyuan's personal ability was sacrificed by her to the Magic Mirror. Offering extraordinary sacrifices is a necessary process for the scholar to sacrifice. At that time, only Xia Ziyuan was the most suitable person by her side.

But she only sacrificed her ability because she wanted to do a test, and the test results would be known at the curtain call.

The only thing left on Xia Ziyuan was Wei Miao's strange eye, and the mysterious knowledge taught by the scholar, "How to initiate a sacrifice to the Thousand Eyes Strange God", included a lot of knowledge points.

Wei Miao chose to send Xia Ziyuan to the ghost domain ritual, which was not only another test content, but also to let the ghost domain breeder devour the strange eye, so as to have a trace of cause and effect with the strange god Thousand Eyes.

Learning to weave cause and effect is a high-end means to increase the success rate of the ritual, and sometimes it is also a part of the ritual.

The cross-shaped double pupils were originally formed from the black pupils formed by the power of the Thousand Eyes, and they were closely related to the Thousand Eyes Ghost God.

"Everything is ready."

The sky was still dark, and Wei Miao suddenly looked up at the center of the formation. Two skulls floated into the air, swallowing up the surrounding ghost energy with great momentum and howling wind.

The gray-black and pure black ghost energy intertwined into a tornado and poured into it. The candlelight was dim, and the pale white and scarlet replaced the dark green light.

Wei Miao's face was intertwined with brilliance. She stood up and looked at the formation with a sharp gaze. She felt that the ghost energy at the edge was as cold as the north wind, and the strong wind blew the hem of her robe.

The weird and creepy screams were vague, mixed with the stupid roar, surrounding her.



At this moment, Wei Miao's naked eyes could not see the shape of the skull, which was submerged by the surging strange air, and even the light of the magic circle was much darker.

The outer circle of the magic circle drawn by Wei Miao has not yet been activated. She opened her strange eyes, which could penetrate the cover of the strange air and see through the reality of the strange air tornado, with a cold light with ill intentions on it.

The ghost of gestation is about to be fully generated! It is not yet five o'clock at this moment, and everyone is still asleep.

In the cocoon formed by the strange air, Wei Miao saw two figures.

One is a gorgeous female image, wearing a plain white kimono, with exquisite floral decorations on the waist, elegant posture, black hair tied up with a golden hairpin, face as bright as peach blossoms, red lips like blood, unusually fair skin, and bright red and rich eye makeup.

The other male figure with half of his chest exposed, his skin had black lines like cracked porcelain, he was wearing a bone armor, his eyes were dark, there was a streak of red in his short white hair, and his face was unexpectedly delicate.

Some people mistakenly believe that ghosts are all hideous, but in fact they just can't see high-end ghosts. High-end ghosts with reason have their own or others' desires, and they will not look too bad after accepting the rules of the human world.

The two ghosts with good looks cast their eyes on Wei Miao before their bodies were fully constructed, each with their own malicious intent.

But what Wei Miao is waiting for is when they are unable to break out of their cocoons, but are relatively complete.

She faced the magic circle and stood there like a heavy stone sculpture. The fingers of her hands were half intertwined and intertwined at the joints. Her index finger and thumb touched each other, slightly bent, and kept on a flat surface.

He made the sacrificial gesture that marked the beginning of the ceremony.

That is, "gods" with "eyes". Anyone who possesses anything related to the Creepy Eye is revered as a member of the gods within the Eye Spirit Sect.

This identity is a positive gain when performing rituals to Thousand Eyes, but it is hard to say when facing other weird gods.

Her expression was solemn and pious, her cross eyes were wide open, and she recited a prayer: "The great and supreme Thousand-Eyed God, I am your devout believer, and I humbly offer you two crystals from the ghost realm... that will turn into eyes. The nourishment will add color to your starry sky! Just pray for the residue, and the magic will help us walk in the world to spread your glory!"

As the prayers were uttered, the high-pitched laughter and low roars were suppressed by a series of weirder murmurs, as if they were in the clouds or in their heads.

Hearing this voice, the ghost woman who was still in the cocoon screamed, her eye makeup blurred, and fine cracks appeared on the bone armor of the other ghost man.

The final step of the ceremony - the outer magic circle is activated.

Wei Miao is ready to end the game directly!

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