Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 246 Recruitment of perfect humans

E mold!

From the core settings of "Resident Evil: Cloud Board" and "Resident Evil: Village", E mold, together with the Progenitor virus and the Plaka parasite, are known as the three native species of Resident Evil. They are natural species in the Resident Evil game universe. The existing organisms are different from man-made viruses such as T, G, C, and A.

When Fu Qinghai recognized Moira Robinson's identity, his brain immediately started working at high speed, carefully recalling the plot and background settings of the game.

The seventh and eighth Resident Evil films have pretty good ratings in the entire series. The players are naturally most impressed by the male protagonist "Hand Sanitizer God of War" Ethan Winters, the three-meter-tall vampire "Eight-foot Lady" Achina Timistrecu, and the final behind-the-scenes villain "Mother" God” Miranda.

The potential of E mold is very high. Although like other viruses, there is also the problem of compatibility with the host. Once the host fails to match, it will turn into a fungal beast composed of black mucus. It can be regarded as an enhanced zombie with super resilience. However, after the adaptation is successful, not only can the host's IQ be retained, but the host's superpowers can also be developed. Miranda's four kings all have special functions and have transformed forms.

There is a three-meter-tall biochemical vampire, a biochemical puppet master who uses mold to remotely control dolls, and a biochemical Magneto controlled by bioelectric current and magnetic field. Even the one with poor adaptability can transform into a giant monster fish.

As the "Mother Goddess" Miranda who was combined with the main body of the mold a hundred years ago, it is even more exaggerated. Her abilities include teleportation, shape-shifting mimicry, super recovery, bacterial strain manipulation, magnetic field control, and fireball firing. This is equivalent to the abilities of mutants such as Red Devil, Mystique, Wolverine, Ruby, Magneto, and Flame Star. All weakened integrated versions.

Resident Evil has developed to such an extent that it has nothing to do with science fiction and looks very magical.

Some people say that Miranda was so strong that she was shot to death by Ethan in the end. That's not what happened. Before the war with Ethan, Miranda had already transferred most of her power to Ethan's daughter Rosemary - she wanted to use Rosemary's body as the resurrected body of her daughter. This is also Miranda's lifelong wish.

And the male protagonist Ethan is not an ordinary human being. Who has ever seen an ordinary human being who can continue to use hand sanitizer after a broken hand? Ethan is actually also infected with the E-fungus, but he doesn't know it. He doesn't even know that his wife Mia was transformed by Miranda using the mimicry ability of the E-fungus.

So in fact, Ethan was able to defeat Miranda because the opponent was in a weak state, and he was not a normal person either.

Similar logic runs throughout the entire Resident Evil series.

The past generations of Resident Evil games are like this. The bosses can easily have dozens of tons of power, and they can also teleport, magnetically control, self-heal, and be bulletproof... The protagonists controlled by the player use ordinary small pistols and rocket launchers. How can they win?

Then you have to set up weaknesses, similar to the exposed heart of the first-generation tyrant, and the slow speed of the second-generation tyrant. In short, you need to forcefully set up some very deliberate "weaknesses" to make it possible for players to defeat these perverted monsters.

If you just think that Resident Evil is garbage based on the results, you are obviously acquiescing that you are the protagonist.

The real flaw of E mold is that it is not contagious. It uses spores and mycelium to spread, but it is always not as fast as the virus. That’s why Miranda’s student, Spencer, later the founder of the umbrella company, decided to part ways with Miranda and give up. The E mold turned to study the T virus, and Spencer believed that the T virus could realize his dream of "upgrading all mankind."

In fact, Miranda later solved this flaw to a certain extent. She combined the E mold with a kind of worm to create something called "Kadu Worm", which was greatly more transmissible and named it "Gift". A Romanian word that can also be translated as "gift".

A gift from the fungus owner.

Later, the Umbrella Company collapsed. Another student of the founder Marcus, Brandon Perry, created the "Alliance" organization and found Miranda to cooperate in developing the first generation mature B.O.W. of E-Mold - "E-001 Eve" "Lin", a ten-year-old little loli, any human being who comes into contact with her will be infected by the mold unconsciously, and will eventually be completely controlled by Evelin's thoughts.


After thinking about all this, Fu Qinghai felt very uncomfortable when he looked at Moira Robinson's extended palm.

Although he knew that he was covered with gloves and was not afraid of fungal infection, Fu Qinghai still had no intention of shaking hands with her, but said:

"So, the men, women, and children in the shelter, even the reincarnators, are all infected by the E mold. They are all puppets who obey you unconditionally, right?"

The opponent is a minister of perfect humans who specializes in the study of E-fungus. Fu Qinghai assumed that Moira's level was the same as Miranda's, or at least the same as Evelin's.


Moira retracted her palm and said with a smile:

"Why do you use the word 'puppet'? They are all voluntary. You can ask any villager in the shelter. If you think I brainwashed them or threatened them, then you can return Ask the reincarnation, ask Sean and Corey, the SCV driver and the Spartan."

"These infected people who have adapted to the E mold have their own thoughts and consciousness. They are not mindless walking zombies. It is such an honor to be able to become part of the great fungus master and become a believer serving the Black God."

"You pray to God for world peace. Can God do it? But the fungus owner can do it. As you can see, the entire Vault 79 is under the rule of the great fungus owner. Everything is so orderly and everything is in order. It is so peaceful and peaceful, and people's lives are prosperous and healthy. This is a utopia in the wasteland, a post-apocalyptic Eden. God is an illusive lie, and only the fungus master is the true god walking in the world."

No wonder Fu Qinghai felt that something was wrong with the entire shelter, like a group of worker ants controlled by the queen. It turned out that these people were all infected with E mold.

Fu Qinghai was not blinded by Moira's rhetoric, but calmly pointed out one point:

"So, what about the humans who couldn't adapt perfectly to mold? Where are they?"

"There is no doubt that they are dead."

Before Moira could speak, another voice came from outside the door.

A man wearing a suit and sunglasses walked in, pulled out a stool and sat across from Fu Qinghai, saying:

"This is a revolution, Qingshan, a biochemical revolution. In the words of the great man of your country, a revolution is not a dinner party, there are always sacrifices. I want to be someone who can become a Space Marine Captain in the Warhammer 40K universe. They won’t be those pretentious fake virgins in Hollywood movies, right?”

Fu Qinghai said doubtfully:

"Who are you?"

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Monroe Melville, the founder of Perfect Humanity and the current leader of the society. It's a pleasure to meet you, Qingshan."

Damn it! ?

Fu Qinghai was shocked.

Are all the perfect human bosses here?

When he thought that the third in command of the perfect human race, the perfect form of the Black Light Virus, Lev Alexandro, was so powerful, Fu Qinghai couldn't help but think about how strong this top command must be...

Fu Qinghai carefully looked at the guy in front of him.

This is a handsome man with flaxen hair combed into a big back. He has no outstanding height or physique, but he always has a confident smile on his face, as if he is the only protagonist in any occasion where he is present. .

He said loudly:

"Continuing with the topic just now, although I don't believe in God, I believe in genes. Qingshan, your life and your destiny have long been written in your genes. Do you agree with this view?"

Fu Qinghai shook his head:

"I don't agree."

Monroe spread his hands and said:

"Then why do some people become twisted and mentally ill zombies after receiving viruses and fungi, while some people can become super humans who can control the wind and rain?"

He didn't wait for Fu Qinghai to answer, and then said:

"Because this is genetic selection. Your genes have already determined what kind of person you are. If you die because of the virus, it means that your genes are not suitable for human beings to inherit, and your genetic material should not continue to be passed on. "

So he deserves to die?

Fu Qinghai shook his head inwardly.

There must be some mechanism for the adaptation between the virus and the host, but it has not yet been fully explored.

Fu Qinghai didn't want to continue discussing this fruitless topic, so he said directly:

"Mr. Melville, what exactly do you want to say?"

Monroe Melville smiled and said:

"I want to invite you to join the perfect human being, Qingshan."


Fu Qinghai was slightly surprised.

"That's right." Monroe nodded seriously and said:

"There have been many misunderstandings and conflicts between you and our society in the past. We know each other well, but I am not a narrow-minded person. I have great dreams and pursuits, far beyond those who just want to reincarnate. The ants who are just surviving in this world."

"I very much recognize your strength, Qingshan, and I am willing to put aside the past grievances with you on behalf of perfect human beings. If you are worried that Ms. Robinson's promise has no weight, then I am here, and I personally invite you to join on behalf of the society. Let us embark on a glorious path of evolution. Go forward side by side and explore the most perfect form of human beings!"

"What do you think?"

What do I think?

I'm certainly not going to be an accomplice of your bioterrorists.

Monroe Melville is a very frank "genetic racist", while Moira Robinson is a hypocritical scholar who uses small good things to cover up big evils.

Fu Qinghai was just thinking about how to refuse.

He had vaguely guessed Moira's ability, but he didn't know the methods of Monroe in front of him. He thought that as the leader of the club, he must have two skills.

Fu Qinghai quietly called for the flight pack, while carefully considering his tone and words, he said:

"It's true that I'm not a holy mother, but I don't like to worship an inferior creature as a god, and I don't like the feeling that my thoughts and actions are controlled by others."

After speaking, Fu Qinghai glanced at Moira.

From a biological taxonomic perspective, fungi do belong to lower organisms.

But they call the fungus owner the "Black God" and worship him as a god.

"No, no, no, you misunderstood."

Monroe waved his hands repeatedly:

"We have absolutely no requirement to be infected with Type E mold. This is up to you. If you desire to gain more power, we are happy to help, but if you are unwilling, we will never force it."

Monroe didn't know that Fu Qinghai already had his own club. He thought Fu Qinghai was still fighting alone, so he just said:

"Qingshan, in the world of reincarnation, you always have to have a community. It's not just as simple as helping each other and getting what you need. Only by gathering a group of like-minded people can you realize your ideals and ambitions."

"Look at those other stupid societies, the Lion Dance, the Soncevo Brotherhood, they are all a group of narrow-minded nationalists and racists, but we are tolerant and look at all human beings. The fifth dimension is a group of people who play witchcraft You idiots with magic and magic, you don’t belong to them. The Zero Realm Guild only dares to shrink from the continent of Azeroth, without any ideals or ambitions..."

"Perfect humans are your best choice. We have collected information about the background settings of Warhammer 40K. Space Marines are the product of biochemical transformation. To be honest, Space Marines are also a type of B.O.W. developed by the Emperor. You will not reject us, you We should not be excluded, because you and I are the same kind of people, and we also use bioengineering technology to strengthen ourselves."

"Qingshan, you should join the Perfect Humans."

Monroe Melville's solicitation was very obvious. Fu Qinghai hesitated for a while, pretending to be hesitant and thinking. Finally, he said slowly:

"Thank you both, but I will not join the perfect humans."

Monroe crossed his hands on the table and said with a smile:

"That's a really regrettable choice."

Moira sighed and said:

"I don't know how many reincarnation lives you have left, but I sincerely hope that you can live to see the day when the entire reincarnation world returns to order, Mr. Qingshan."

As soon as she finished speaking, Fu Qinghai grabbed the stainless steel bowl with mashed potatoes in front of him and swung it forward.


Half of Moira Robinson's head was cut off alive, but the imagined brains and blood did not appear. The cross-section of the head was an unknown substance as black as ink.

Moira, who had lost half of her head, had only her nose and mouth left on her face. However, the strange thing was that her mouth could still be opened, and she said to herself:

"You really have no gentlemanly manners at all to attack a woman first, Mr. Qingshan."

It's just a mold prosthetic!

The black substance that made up Moira turned into a viscous liquid like asphalt, slowly collapsing and falling. Fu Qinghai switched to perspective mode and found a small hole like a floor drain on the floor, from where Moira disappeared.

With a "click", the floor around the table opened, revealing three 30mm-caliber automatic cannons.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The fire snake composed of three bullet chains was thrown towards Fu Qinghai, hitting the shell of the armor with a "dinging" sound and sparks flying, but he remained unmoved at all. He pulled out his plasma pistol and pointed it at a machine. The cannon was just a shot, the blue beam flashed, and the cannon turned into a pile of scrap metal.

Fu Qinghai turned to look at Monroe. He did not take the opportunity to make a sneak attack just now. Instead, he used an almost teleporting speed to retreat directly to the edge of the hall.

He smiled and said to Fu Qinghai:

"We know that you have some kind of special function similar to the 'Spider Sense'. I will not try to sneak attack you, Qingshan."

The noise of the machine gun firing covered up the sound of Monroe, but Fu Qinghai could still hear it clearly. He allowed the roaring machine gun bullets to continuously wash away his armor, and strode towards Monroe, firing two shots at random. , turned off the remaining two noisy machine cannons, and inserted the hot plasma pistol on the back of the gun back into the side of his thigh.

Monroe stood on the spot and observed Fu Qinghai. He was unscathed by the 30mm cannon. He had guessed this. However, the huge kinetic energy and stopping effect of the cannon were not reflected on him at all, which surprised Monroe. .

Seeing the Space Marines drawing their swords to kill, Monroe fixed Fu Qinghai with his deep eyes. For a moment, Fu Qinghai felt a pain in his skull, and two streams of blood flowed down his nostrils. Then he felt nothing else and shook his head. Keep marching to kill.

The other party's spiritual power is equally strong.

Coming to the conclusion, Monroe once again started to move at a speed that was almost teleporting, and ran towards the door. However, he was only very fast, after all, it was not teleportation.

Within the range of Force perception, Fu Qinghai's senses were extremely sharp. He pulled out the explosive pistol, pointed it at Monroe and pulled the trigger. "Click, click, click, click." It looked like the outline of a human body, but it was accurate. All his movement routes were blocked, and Munro's steps couldn't help but stagnate. Fu Qinghai, who was also not slow, had already swung his sword to attack!

This 0.01 second lag determines the outcome.

Monroe's eyes were calm and he accepted his death with generosity.


Blood suddenly appeared.


There was a loud noise, and a huge object broke through the floor of the egg-shaped hall, breaking out from among the cement fragments and broken steel beams. It was Moira Robinson. She became extremely huge at this moment, reaching a full three meters. He was so tall, with pale and gray skin covered in a low-cut evening gown made of pitch-black mold. A black ring that was constantly rotating appeared on the back of his head, and six black feather wings made of mold material slowly unfolded on his shoulders and back.


Moira no longer had the calm look of an intellectual beauty at the beginning. She now looked extremely arrogant, with a circle of black ink around her eyes, and the six wings behind her back slowly beating. She looked like a fallen angel corrupted by Satan. Lucifer: Resident Evil Special Edition .

Fu Qinghai held up a corpse that had been split in half by a chain sword. The body was bloody and horrific. It was Monroe Melville. He said to Moira:

"Your boss was hacked to death by me."

"haha, really?"

Moira sneered.

Seeing the corpse in Fu Qinghai's hand, Moira didn't seem surprised. This is a reincarnation world without camps. Killing players will not prompt rewards or punishments. Fu Qinghai was very confused, why is it that your boss is dead and is indifferent? ? But Moira obviously didn't intend to explain to him. Instead, she opened her palm with five fingers like claws and grabbed Fu Qinghai from the air.

Fu Qinghai suddenly found that he couldn't move his limbs.

It's not that I can't move, it's that the armor can't move!

"Proud and arrogant human beings dare to call the great fungus owner a 'lower creature', but they don't know that in the face of the infinitely changing power of the fungus owner, humans are just low-level and ridiculous ants."

Moira giggled evilly, then turned her wrist and held her palm upward.


Fu Qinghai slowly floated upwards uncontrollably, his whole body suspended in mid-air, arcs and sparks burst out from the gaps in his armor, and the living metal squirmed so slowly that it almost solidified, struggling to compete with the power of magnetic field control.

at this time.


The large piece of glass above the head suddenly shattered, and before the fragments had time to scatter, a flying backpack with its wings spread out roared and swooped in.

Fu Qinghai no longer concealed it, and his muscles bulged. The power brought by the four-layer strengthening instantly broke away from the shackles of magnetism. The moment he regained control of the Blue Shell, he completed the integration with the jetpack. With the huge savings of the jetpack, With kinetic energy, Fu Qinghai slammed into Moira, the shining sword light drew a dazzling arc, and he shouted:

"Die to me!"


The Seraphim of the "Black God" mold, the representative of the fungus master in the mortal world, was unexpectedly divided into two halves by the cracking force field, slowly splitting on both sides.

Fu Qinghai has just landed.


There was a sickening squirming sound.


Moira's body closed again and returned to its original shape.

She looked down at Fu Qinghai with a smile:

"What a sharp knife, what a sharp sword."

" doesn't seem to be of any use."


Fu Qinghai's face looked quite ugly.

He knew what the problem was.

Cutting off the water with a knife will make the water flow even more. To deal with this fungal polymer-like life form, it is useless to rely solely on the sharpness of the sword. Almost no object can withstand the power of Adamantium alloy + single molecule sharpening + high frequency vibration, but It doesn't work against polymeric mold. He needs a weapon with a wide range of AOE damage.

He did not carry a melta weapon, and even if he did, there was no promethium available at the moment.

Fu Qinghai was thinking, Moira had already taken the lead to kill. The black feather wings behind her suddenly fluttered, and her whole body instantly turned into scattered black fragments. She disappeared suddenly and then immediately appeared in front of Fu Qinghai, clenching her right hand into a fist and fiercely Swing out!


Fu Qinghai held her fist with one hand, but he remained motionless.

Moira's eyes widened, and she made a fist with her left hand and swung it again.


Fu Qinghai also held her fist with his other hand.

Fu Qinghai's fighting prediction + force perception made Moira's two punches look very clumsy.

With her hands held, Moira looked up to the sky and screamed. The black wings on her back flapped greatly, and she turned over and kicked Fu Qinghai's chest heavily with her feet.

The unparalleled strength was like a mud cow entering the sea, and disappeared without a trace the moment it came into contact with the breastplate.

Moira felt something was coming. Faced with many heavy blows, Fu Qinghai never took a step back. When she hit it with her own hands, she did not feel even the slightest deformation of the armor.


Moira exclaimed softly.

Fu Qinghai laughed evilly, held the woman's fists tightly with his palms, and pulled her into his arms. Moira's wings folded and she was tightly held in Fu Qinghai's arms.

In the middle of the breastplate is the metal relief of the Lightning Eagle Wings emblem, and the thick lightning in the middle lights up with a dazzling white light!


Moira's whole body was penetrated instantly, and the golden-white laser beam burned through her body and flew towards the high glass dome unabated.

The laser went out, Fu Qinghai let go of his arms, and the seraph in his arms slowly slid down.

Doesn't this burn you to death?

Fu Qinghai looked down.

Under the broken concrete floor, a black asphalt-like substance was continuously pouring out, and streams of mold polymers merged into Moira's broken body. The six black wings trembled slightly, and the Queen of Mold stood up again.

Fu Qinghai: "!!??"

Moira lowered her head and covered her chest, and took a breath:

"It does hurt, Mr. Aoyama."


No wonder Fu Qinghai always felt like he was being spied on as soon as he entered Vault 79 - the main body of the mold was hidden underground, and the entire shelter had been wrapped by its mycelium, every flower, every plant, every tree, They are all infected by fungi.

I'm not fighting her here.

After thinking about everything, Fu Qinghai turned on the turbofan behind his back, spraying plasma flames, and immediately took off on the spot, preparing to escape.


Seven or eight pillar-thick black tentacles burst out of the ground in an instant, twisting and twisting towards Fu Qinghai.


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