Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 430 Complete

It's daybreak, and the early morning sunlight pierces the gloomy earth.

The plundering knights surrounded the broadsword squire.

"Alves is dead?"

One of the pillaging knights asked.

"Alves? You mean that ball of rotten meat inside?"

Zofia said calmly:

"If taking refuge in Chaos cannot gain the ability to reorganize rotten flesh, then he should indeed be... dead."

Zofia was prepared to die in battle.

Anyway, there is still reincarnation life. Since you have decided to die, you must take advantage of your words.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Hearing this, the other party shook his head and laughed:

"Sharp-toothed slave, a mere servant with a broadsword can kill a plundering knight. It is indeed something to be proud of. It has become a bright spot in your pale slave career. As noble as I am, I will allow you to be rampant in front of me for a few seconds. But when it comes to From now on, take your few honors and go on the road with peace of mind."

The six plundering knights raised their weapons.

Zofia also activated her chainsword.

Now that I have earned enough assimilation points, there is nothing to regret. It is just a pity that I will die decisively and end my last period in the Warhammer 40K universe...

Zofia thought to herself.

It's a pity that my mother, Janiko Tan Draconis... the family's first female chief knight, died without honor at the hands of her colleagues who were infected with the mutation.

The final battle is about to begin.

at this time.

There was a roar in the sky.

This sound is very strange, like the harsh whistling of some giant object crossing the sky, and the sound is getting closer and closer, so close that it seems to be right above your head...

The Six-Taiwan Plunder Knight looked up.

The black shadows on the ground grew larger and larger.

It enveloped everyone present.

The pilots in the Plunder Knight all opened their mouths:



The impact and shock when the giant object landed directly knocked the broadsword attendant away. The "Bloodhound" flew backwards back to the breach in the factory wall, turned several somersaults, and knocked down a piece of machinery.

Zofia ignored the pain all over her body and quickly controlled the broadsword attendant to stand up with difficulty. She staggered and limped towards the breach in the wall, got through the hole and looked out.

It was an eye-opening scene for her.

A black-and-gold four-armed Titan, a ninety-meter-tall mechanical giant, is more like a mecha hunter from Pacific Rim than a Titan. It is killing the plundering knights. It doesn't even bother to use weapons. He raised his knees and crushed a Plunder Knight with one foot, as casually as crushing out a cigarette butt. The giant steel sole also turned and pressed down.

The Plunder Knight was crushed between the soles of his feet.

Shattered into tatters dripping with oil and blood.

Another Plunder Knight stood up from its fall, roared, set up its melta cannon and Gatling, and charged towards the Titan. Unexpectedly, the large Titan in front of it showed an ability beyond its size. With his flexibility and agility, he turned around and raised one calf back towards the rushing predatory titan.

He actually used a football kick!

Strictly speaking.

A standard instep volley!

The supporting foot is the foot that is parallel to the Predator Knight. The Four-Armed Titan lifts the leg, twists the hips and locks the ankle, tightens the toes downward, uses the outside of the sole of the foot to severely hit one third of the Predator Knight's body, and then retracts the knee to complete the shooting action. .


Bloodhound only felt a dark shadow flash before his eyes.

The turbulent wind blew up a piece of gravel.

The Plunder Knight was instantly kicked away. The four-armed Titan was superb in shooting skills and had already aimed at another Plunder Knight who had just climbed up. The two Plunder Knights collided with each other and then disintegrated in the air. The parts were sprayed in all directions, and the two pieces were lost. The collapsed cabin, with its arms and legs missing, kept rolling.

There were also two Plunder Knights, which had been crushed the moment the Four-Armed Titan landed. Faced with such a terrifying and strange Titan that looked like a god of death, the last Plunder Knight did not dare to fight any more, so it turned around and ran towards the road with its legs spread out. However, the terrain here was open, and before he could run a few steps, a giant long knife penetrated its chest from behind. The tip of the knife spurting ion shock waves emerged from its chest, and then the blade lifted it up entirely.

The Plunder Knight leaves the ground and enters the air.

The four-armed titan straightened up, raised his right arm, looked at the plundering knight strung on the tip of the knife carefully, and then flicked it out. The plundering knight fell into the distance like a piece of tattered garbage. And go.

At this point, all six Plunder Knights were scrapped.

It's simply devastating.

Completely effortless.

The blade-shaped blue ion shock wave went out, and the "Army-breaking Golden Armor" lowered its arms, placed its slender swords at its sides, and turned its head to look into the distance. The Titan broadcast sounded, and the rumbling voice seemed to fall from the sky, comforting the broadsword attendant at his feet:

"Okay, you're safe."

Hear that familiar voice.

Zofia was stunned for a moment.

She had already made some assumptions when she saw this four-armed Titan that looked like a mecha hunter. Now when she heard that familiar voice, the girl could no longer bear the excitement and directly disconnected the neural link and took it off. The mechanical crown, "Bloodhound"'s cabin opened and jumped out.

Fu Qinghai was observing the layout of the city in the distance. He felt that there was no response from the Broad Sword Attendant at his feet, as if he was stunned. He lowered his head and saw that the cabin behind the Broad Sword Attendant was opened, and a very familiar pink short-haired girl staggered out from inside. He fell down and knelt on the ground with his hands on his hands.


This time it was Fu Qinghai's turn to be surprised.

The pink-haired girl stood up staggeringly, holding her knees. "Pojun Golden Armor" quickly bent down and reached out to grab the girl, and brought her to his eyes for a closer look. The girl's hair was messy and soaked, and there were still residues from her forehead to the bridge of her nose. There was a trail of dried blood, and there were tears in his eyes, and he stared at himself dimly with tears.

"Pojun Golden Armor" immediately brought the girl he was holding to his ear. With a "chi" sound, his head controlled the cabin door to slide upward. The girl rushed in with shaky steps. Fu Qinghai quickly untied his combat uniform. , opening his arms to the girl:

"Sophie, my..."

Zofia hugged Fu Qinghai.

The tears could no longer be stopped, and I cried loudly:

"Why did you come here! Why did you come here..."

Zofia hugged Fu Qinghai's neck tightly and beat the man's broad back and shoulders with both fists. Tears flowed continuously, and her cries contained great sorrow. Her long wet eyelashes were surrounded by red eyes. Fu Qinghai held Zofia's butt with one hand, stroked her slender back with the other hand, and comforted her repeatedly:

"Okay, okay, don't cry..."

The Warhammer 40K universe is a man-eating universe. Fu Qinghai thought that Zofia came here alone and encountered any grievances. He was lucky to be alive.


Zofia is still crying sadly:

"My mother is dead!"

What? Your mom died?

Fu Qinghai was shocked when he heard this.

"Your mother also entered the world of reincarnation?"

Fu Qinghai blurted out in surprise.

But this isn’t right either…

Just after he finished speaking, Fu Qinghai suddenly remembered that according to the pictures he had seen through the previous synaesthesia link, the relationship between Zofia and her mother was not harmonious, and could even be said to be very bad - her mother was unwilling to raise her, and even Forcing her to sell herself to make money, even if Zofia's mother also came to the world of reincarnation and died, she would not be so sad...

"Uuuu, not my biological mother..."

Zofia wiped away tears and explained:

"She is a reincarnation native."


Fu Qinghai thought to himself that he really does belong to you.

When others enter the world of reincarnation, they just pick up girls and seduce men. It's better for you to recognize yourself as a mother.

After crying loudly, Zofia wiped her tears and returned to normal before getting down from Fu Qinghai's arms.

"So, what's going on?"

Fu Qinghai asked seriously:

"I came after the group of Chaos Knights. When I arrived, I found that the situation was not what I imagined. There is also a family of loyal knights here. Are you among them?"

Zofia gathered her thoughts and was about to explain when Fu Qinghai suddenly held her hand again and said:

"Forget it, no need to waste time, let's go directly to the synaesthesia state. After seeing your experience after entering the Warhammer 40K universe, I will know what is going on."

As he spoke, Fu Qinghai pressed a button, and with a click, a hole opened in the metal floor next to him, and a brand new maglev cockpit slowly rose from inside.

Zofia's eyes lit up:

"You still have my cockpit?"

Zofia suddenly felt so touched. She originally thought that this was a brand new mecha hunter that Fu Qinghai could control independently. She was a redundant person, but she didn't expect... that she had such an important position in his heart.

Fu Qinghai chuckled and did not explain.

In fact, this maglev cockpit as the co-pilot is not reserved for Zofia alone. Lin Yu, Joestar, No. 56, Satfalan, and Kalamanda have all stood on it, but their synaesthesia link effects not good.

But he didn't say much about this fact.

Zofia was also very straightforward and stopped talking nonsense. She took off her knight's squire's military uniform in a few clicks. Wearing a sweat-stained vest and tight shorts, she stood on the maglev cockpit. First, she fixed the soles of her feet and then opened them. With his hands, he let the familiar battle uniform wrap him up and quickly entered the state.

Fu Qinghai stood in front of Zofia, raised his hand to touch her head, lifted up the pink hair on the side of her forehead, and saw a black metal tube inserted into the girl's temple.

"You have implants."

Fu Qinghai sighed.

Zofia nodded:

"To pilot a broadsword squire."

Implants are a major feature of the Warhammer 40K universe. Many naval officers, tank commanders, knight pilots and space warriors will undergo this transformation. Similar to the Lord of Red Sand or the Lord of Steel, their heads are full of implants. , as many as wearing a pile of metal dreadlocks, and very cool.

But for a girl who loves beauty by nature, especially a player who does not belong to the Warhammer 40K universe, in order to drive a knight mecha, she does not mind having an extra mechanical device on her head, a metal implant with the end inserted directly into the frontal lobe of her brain. Entering things... what kind of love is this?

Just this determination and love.

Zofia is indeed a natural driver.

"Okay, get ready for the synaesthesia link."

Fu Qinghai is a person with very broad aesthetic tastes, and he doesn't mind having a black metal pipe on the side of his woman's forehead. Moreover, he has no right to dictate how others control their bodies. He is not one of those Internet critics. On the contrary, he thinks this is cool and very cyberpunk.

"Countdown: 10, 9, 8..."

A mechanical beep sounded.

Not as agile as Qing Ming.

“Building Synaesthetic Links.”

Fu Qinghai and Zofia lost consciousness at the same time.

After a long time, the two became one again. Zofia opened her heart to Fu Qinghai unreservedly and let him browse the memories in her mind. Scenes of experiences flashed through her like a slideshow. Warhammer 40K universe, to the Draconis family in the world of Knights of Orestes...

"I see."

Fu Qinghai gently closed his eyes.

Opening it again, the bright light bloomed:

"The Data Supervision Sect, the Nemonix Sage, is definitely a traitor, a heretic hiding in the dark."

"I feel the same way."

Zofia said bitterly:

"Viscount Sunderland's abnormality didn't show any signs before. The only problem is that before going on the expedition, he received services from the data supervision sect, that group of damn oil guys. They must have killed my mother."

"not only that."

Fu Qinghai shook his head and said:

"Let me tell you something that you can't access. The deployment of all Loyal Titan Legions in the Iron Ring Theater has been leaked. We have been tracing the source of the leak. This 'Nemonix Sage' is a very important clue. "

Why would Fu Qinghai connect this matter with the leak? Because Sid Nora once said that the ruling sage was particularly dissatisfied with the Draconis family's change of family and had always wanted to punish them in some way.

Then came the data curation sect.

Very strange, very suspicious.

A few hours ago, the strike cruiser of the Iron Buddha Chapter intercepted the escaped transport cruiser in the Giro system. It was known that the opponent's cabin contained a knight mecha. Fu Qinghai did not give the order to jump out of the gang, but directly ordered The battleship focused its fire to destroy the transport cruiser, which had neither outstanding defense nor firepower. As a result, the wreckage was searched and found to be an empty ship. Not a single knight mecha was found in the battleship wreckage, not even a few fragments were found.

They must have gone into hiding, and the Chapter fleet began searching. Then transport cruisers from other loyal knight families were discovered in orbit somewhere in the industrial world.

This is why I arrived late.

The situation in this industrial world further verified Fu Qinghai's judgment. This was once a mining world. There were a large number of giant mines and ultra-deep mines under the city, which could be used to avoid orbital bombing. The fallen knight family wanted to pass through this terrain. This is a way to deal with the war group.

"Okay, let's talk about these things later. Let's deal with those Chaos Knights first."

Fu Qinghai said to Zofia:

"Now, feel the 'Army-breaking Golden Armor' with your heart, it will be more powerful than you imagine."


Zofia closed her eyes gently.

"Synaesthetic synchrony rate: 78%."

"Synaesthetic synchrony rate: 92%."

"Synaesthesia synchronization rate: 100%."

Mechanical electronic beeps kept sounding.

After a long time, the pink-haired girl opened her eyes again and stared ahead quietly without speaking. Instead, a thought came directly from the bottom of her heart through the Pons bridge device:

"You know, Qingshan, my mother once told me that having a partner is not complete. A knight pilot must be completely integrated with the Mechanical Throne to be complete... But after meeting you, I realized that even if I am with Even when the Mechanical Throne is deeply connected, I have never felt truly complete. Until I connect with you... I am complete."

The girl didn't turn her head or speak, she just looked forward quietly. A blush quietly appeared on her fair face covered with freckles, as if she was drunk.

Even if she didn't have to say it herself, even if she didn't need to look into each other's eyes, it was just conveyed through thoughts, this kind of straightforward expression that was almost like a confession still made her a little shy.

"I know."

Fu Qinghai smiled.

With synaesthesia synchronization reaches one hundred percent.

The two lower arms of the "Broken Army Golden Armor" that had been locked in front of the chest slowly unfolded outwards. Until this moment, the so-called four-armed Titan finally lived up to its name.

The "Broken Army Golden Armor" is also complete.

"Let us avenge Mrs. Janiko!"

Fu Qinghai sneered.


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