Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 502 Blazing Soul

SHIELD has used gravitonium to create a new space carrier that can stay in the air indefinitely, which shows that they are very mature in the practical application of this thing.

Fu Qinghai played with the small silver ball and thought to himself.

When Fu Qinghai saw the space carrier for the first time, he had already analyzed it. It was a weapon more suitable for suppressing riots and maintaining stability rather than attacking and raiding.

Because the space carrier moved slowly at that time, a large but slow flying unit was not as good as a group of small but fast flying units.

During the Horus Heresy, the Iron Warriors used an armored airship that was huge, slow and stupid, and was outnumbered by the White Scar's jetbike.

But after adding gravity, the space carrier immediately became faster. This fast and huge suborbital vehicle reminded Fu Qinghai of Manta.

Manta, the king of aerial combat in the Tau Empire.

Manta is actually the transliteration of manta ray, or devil ray, which is in line with the consistent naming style of Tau Army weapons and equipment. The Manta can be said to be the largest flying unit in the entire Warhammer 40K universe that can fly at high speeds in the atmosphere, so it often bullies other small fighters with its size and firepower advantages.

Do other factions have larger flying units than Manta? Yes, but those flying units belong to the navy. The smallest destroyers and frigates in the human empire cannot enter the atmosphere to fight. Suborbital vehicles like Manta are stuck in this special positioning range - those larger than it are not as flexible as it, and those smaller than it are unable to defeat it.

The Tau Empire's air force is indeed very strong, and it seems that Fu Qinghai can even give the Eldar a try. The Tau Empire is different from the continental military doctrine of the Human Empire. They have always attached great importance to air force construction. However, Manta is famous because it was later developed to fight against the Titan units of the Human Empire.

The Tau Empire once thought that the Warhound Titan was the largest mecha unit in the Human Empire. The XV series of battle suits are only eight meters tall - the XV104 Riptide Battle Suit can barely fight against the Knight Mecha, but cannot defeat the War Dog Titan. So they launched the KV128 Thunderstorm Artillery Suit and the KV139 Supreme Armor Artillery Suit to compete with the War Dog Titan. Titan. Until one day the Adeptus Mechanicus finally deployed Medium Titans and Large Titans.

There was really no choice. Regardless of the XV series battle suit or the KV series artillery suit, Earth clan scientists racked their brains and couldn't make it as large as a Titan unit. So the Tau army changed their mind: The army can't defeat you, but I have. Air Force. After countless battles and exchanges, Tau Army statistics found that two Mantars can equal a 50-50 fight with a Warlord Titan, and three Mantars can almost kill a Warlord Titan with certainty.

As a mature commander, Fu Qinghai actually doesn't care much about comparisons between individual weapons. During World War II, the Sherman tank was a famous lighter, with poor firepower, thin armor, and poor design. But when you have a million Shermans, does it matter how many Tigers and Panthers others have?

But giant suborbital spacecraft like the Manta did win many atmospheric air supremacy for the Tau Empire. As for a weapon, I can be inferior to you, but if you have it and I don’t, it will be hard. And as a white scar, Fu Qinghai doesn't really like the continental army model of the Empire.

He was playing with this gravity gun in his hand.

The chapter leader has new ideas for building an army.

But before that, a test needs to be done.

"Slan! Baseband!"

Fu Qinghai shouted.

The orangutan flew in with a quadcopter drone:

"What are you doing, Qingshan?"

"Take this thing, and I will send someone to escort you back to the battleship. You two can improve the Bullock-type jet motorcycle that Jaghatai Khan gave me, and see how much the speed of the jet motorcycle can be increased after using gravity. "

Fu Qinghai ordered.


The space ape readily agreed.

I thought I had a new toy to play with.

Fu Qinghai's impression was that the fastest jet motorcycle was the White Scar's "Gunman Jet Motorcycle", which was said to be the prototype of all jet motorcycles in the empire. How fast is it? A side example: the logistics department of the Ministry of Military Affairs labeled the supply type of the Primarch's jet motorcycle as "ultralight fighter" rather than "jet motorcycle".

I just finished arranging things for Gravity.

My real girlfriend called me:

"I've found a house, come here."

Zhang Yuning's voice was very calm.

"Okay, come here."

Fu Qinghai agreed and hung up the phone.

Two days ago.

The Garden of Thorns quartet descended into this universe.

New York, a remote French restaurant in Queens.

Four women were dining elegantly.

Chen Xinxue wiped her mouth with a tissue and asked:

"Why did you come here last time?"

"Fu Manchu's Ten Commandments Gang."

Chen Xinlu sighed and replied:

"After searching for a long time, I still couldn't find it. I thought of a way to set up a trap to catch a member of the Ten Rings Gang, and wanted to torture him to find out the whereabouts of Fu Manchu. The old man's horse boy was very loyal and had a very tough mouth. He was beaten severely by Axia for half an hour. , was stunned and refused to say anything. In the end, Xingxian burned him to death."

"Should find a wizard from Harry Potter."

After listening, Chen Xinxue commented:

"Legilimency can pry his mouth open."

"By the way, where are Qingshan and the others?"

Jiang Yixia asked absently while pulling at the dinner plate.

"What does it have to do with you?"

Li Xingxian glanced sideways and started to criticize.

"Inquire around."

Jiang Yixia shrugged and said nonchalantly.

Chen Xinlu knew that Jiang Yixia liked Qingshan, and the two of them had talked about it face to face in the Resident Evil movie universe. Jiang Yixia was originally the kind of character who would show his love to anyone openly and never hide it. Chen Xinlu sometimes admires her shameless spirit.

Chen Xinlu doesn’t care what Jiang Yixia says

She was only curious about her sister's reaction after hearing this.

Chen Xinlu turned her head and looked at Chen Xinxue.

I found my beautiful cousin eating her food with a calm expression.

She just has a good impression...

Chen Xinlu comforted herself in her heart.

"Bill, please."

Finished the last bite of Napoleon puff pastry.

Chen Xinxue waved to call the waiter.

"Hello, ma'am, someone paid for you."

The waiter came over and bowed slightly and said.


The four women were slightly startled.

The waiter raised his hand and pointed in one direction.

The four women turned around and saw that there were three white men sitting in the booths a few aisles away. One of them waved his hand in this direction and shouted at a higher volume:

"Hello, Chen Xue, it's me."

The man said expectantly:

"Want to share a table? Let's talk about the plot."

Chen Xinxue frowned and thought for a while, as if she was recalling who this man was. After a moment, she suddenly smiled and said:

"It's you, Edwin. Let's fight~"

Now that the club bosses have spoken.

Everyone got up and moved to a bigger table.

Then a few more bottles of wine were added.

"Long time no see, Chen Xue. And your teammates. Hello, beautiful ladies."

A man named "Edwin" greeted warmly.

Then he lowered his voice and said quietly to everyone:

"The big plot event this time... I think I've probably figured out what it is."

The man had a mysterious expression on his face.

"Oh, what is it?"

Chen Xinxue crossed her arms and had a slight smile on her face. When she heard this, she raised her brows and asked in a curious tone.

Edwin's eyes were fixed on Chen Xinxue's face, unable to move away. His two companions also looked at Chen Xinlu, Jiang Yixia and Li Xingxian unabashedly, looking directly at the three of them. Sweeping it all over people.

The look was very rude.

Chen Xinlu frowned slightly displeased.

Jiang Yixia curled her lips and looked away.

Li Xingxian sat calmly on the chair, his delicate face expressionless, except for the small hands placed under the table, and there were faint flames rolling and gathering in the palms of her hands.

"Yellow fever."

Chen Xinlu whispered in Chinese with disdain.

There may be some stereotypes about East Asian men in the minds of white women, but East Asian women are actually generally very popular among white men. East Asian men regard East Asian women as tall, short, fat or thin, but some white men are obsessed with East Asian women regardless of whether they are tall, short, beautiful or ugly.

Some people have specifically studied this phenomenon and nicknamed it "Yellow Fever" or "Asian Fetish".

Chen Xinlu once studied in Australia.

This look was all too familiar to her.

Some white lowlifes look like this.

That's not a good word. Chen Xinlu once heard her classmates talk about these yellow fever enthusiasts. These guys did not pursue Asian girls with an equal attitude, but played with and objectified them in a fetishistic way.

It's disgusting just thinking about it.

"Forget it, friend Xinxue."

Jiang Yixia looked out the window and said lightly in Chinese:

"Give her some face."

The fire in Li Xingxian's palm gradually extinguished.

"Guess how I know? The reason is very simple."

Edwin is still talking:

"Because my camp, my brothers and I, the camp is fucking called the 'Ultron Camp', hahahaha, don't you think this is obvious?"

Edwin laughed and said:

"Big plot event, Age of Ultron!"

"Oh? Are you in the Ultron camp?"

Chen Xinxue was surprised when she heard this.

Chen Xinlu, Li Xingxian and Jiang Yixia turned their heads at the same time and raised their brows to look at the three men at the table.

"Really? It's that simple?"

Chen Xinxue blinked her big beautiful eyes.

A curious and expectant expression:

"Isn't this a clear indication of the world of reincarnation?"

"Haha, don't believe it? I'll prove it to you."

Edwin waved and smiled.

[Reincarnation of Ultron camp]

The four people received prompts in the back of their minds at the same time:

[The reincarnator used the flop hand]

Edwin saw at this moment that Chen Xinxue suddenly smiled.

Not the sweet and gentle smile just now.

But a kind of, how to describe...

The smile of the fisherman when he sees the fish bite the hook.

[Avengers camp reincarnation]

The three Edwins also received the notification tone:

[The reincarnator used the flop hand]

The expressions of the three Edwins suddenly froze.

Jiang Yixia moved her wrist joints.

A bewildered smile appeared on Li Xingxian's face.

Chen Xinlu turned her head and looked at Chen Xinxue.

I thought you were the best at playing with men since you were little.

"Uh, um, Chen Xue."

Edwin considered his words and said:

"Although we are not players in the same camp now, considering that we have fought side by side in the previous reincarnation worlds, I don't think it is necessary to draw our swords against each other immediately, right? I thought we were friends..."

"You're right, it's true."

Chen Xinxue nodded, her face suddenly darkened.

The smile instantly turned as cold as ice.

The voice also changed from soft to cold:

"But I' a bad mood today."


A huge fireball burst through the restaurant window.

Debris and debris sprayed the entire street instantly.

Pedestrians and vehicles were startled and fled for cover.

A coke-like black object rolled out with flames, hit the ground with a "snap" and split into several pieces, followed by another loud sound of broken bones and torn muscles, a twisted and bent human-shaped object. " It flew out of the hole and crashed into the window of another building and disappeared.

Chen Xinxue stepped out of the window in one step.

The long sword outlined in golden lines in his hand shattered and dissipated.

"Age of Ultron, that's what it is."

Chen Xinxue took off the hanging ring and said to herself.

"It just depends on whether there is a third camp."

Chen Xinlu followed and reminded.

"If it is the Ultron in the comics...then there is no need for any other third camp. Ultron alone can kill the entire Avengers."

Chen Xinxue said with a heavy expression.

"We need to alert Aoyama."

Chen Xinlu immediately suggested:

"He can handle artificial intelligence."

Li Xingxian and Jiang Yixia also walked out.

Since an explosion had just occurred here, all the passers-by on the surrounding streets ran away at this moment, and no one dared to stay where they were. This can be regarded as the basic survival quality of the American comic universe. However, uncharacteristically, a few people did not leave and slowly gathered around.

"Huh? Did they just call for reinforcements?"

Chen Xinxue put on the hanging ring again.

"He died too quickly, I didn't notice."

Chen Xinlu also put the ring on her index finger and middle finger.

The other two women were also secretly wary.

"What camp?"

A man asked loudly.

"none of your business."

Jiang Yixia glanced at him and sneered.

The new clothes She-Hulk just bought this morning were now turned into tattered strips of cloth hanging on her body. Only the super elastic sports bra inside could still maintain its original shape.

"Show your flop hand, or..."

Another dull voice sounded.

Accompanied by the crisp click of the firearm being loaded.

Chen Xinxue turned to look at the source of the sound.

The three orcs with upward-turned lips and thick fangs pulled off their cloaks to reveal their true bodies. Their bodies are broad and strong, and the three orcs actually have three different skin colors-brown, red, and green. They are the original orcs and the orcs contaminated by evil energy and demon blood respectively.

The brown-skinned orc held a C-14 "Spiker" assault rifle in his hand, and it was he who made the loading sound. The green-skinned orc next to him is even more exaggerated, with a double-barreled destruction jet in his left hand and a punisher grenade launcher in his right hand. Only the red-skinned orc held a staff like a spell caster.

Although Chen Xinxue couldn't identify the specific model, the style of the weapon seemed familiar to her - they should all be weapons from the human camp in StarCraft. Orcs in World of Warcraft are physically strong and can use the weapons of Firebats, Marauders, and Marines without wearing power armor.

"It's like a traffic light."

Jiang Yixia curled her lips and mocked.

"I'm never the first to show my comeback."

Chen Xinxue raised her chin and said proudly:

"That's what only a weak person would do."

"No offense intended, Madam Mage."

The man who spoke first raised his hand and said:

"Our club just happened to pass by here and saw a fight breaking out here, so we came to see what was going on. Just imagine, if you happened to be in the same camp as us, then we could form an alliance to share information and gain some teammates, what fun? Why not?"

Jiang Yixia glanced sideways at the three orcs:

"I don't even want to give this kind of teammate to me."

"You fucking say that again?"

The green-skinned orc spoke in a bad tone with his fangs twitching.

All the guns in his hands were pointed at Jiang Yixia.

"It's not unreasonable."

Chen Xinxue smiled when she heard this:

"To show your sincerity, why don't you show your flop hand first?"

The man was silent for a moment, then raised his head and said:


[Reincarnation of Ultron Camp]

The four people received prompts in the back of their minds at the same time:

[The reincarnator used the flop hand]


Without waiting for the other three teammates to take action.

Li Xingxian directly transformed into a ball of red and black plasma.

"So much nonsense!"

The flaming humanoid roared.

After transforming into the sunspot state, she immediately took action, using the four-ring energy-shaping magic "Brilliant Glory". The flaming sphere appeared above her head and then exploded. The blazing light spread in all directions, and everyone on the scene could not tell the difference between enemy and friend. Instantly, he went white, his eye sockets were stinging and bleeding, and he couldn't see. There was another four-ring energy-shaping magic "Fire Spurt", and cone-shaped flames spurted out from her palms to spread out in a fan-shaped area, burning the four or five players closest to her to pieces in just one encounter.

The local instantaneous temperature was too high, causing these players' chests and waists to be completely blackened and carbonized, but their legs and heads still remained flesh and blood. The blood, skin and flesh evaporated, boiled and bubbled, and they suddenly screamed and rolled in pain.


The electromagnetic rifle protruded and fired nail bullets, which disappeared into Li Xingxian's body one after another. Only a few droplets of metal liquid could be seen dripping from her body - after transforming into the sunspot state, she was immune to most physical attacks.

The green-skinned orc stretched his hands forward and raised two heavy firearms at the same time. The destruction sprayer and grenade launcher on his arms fired at the same time. He used his knotted biceps to resist the recoil of the weapons. However, as soon as the grenade was thrown out of the muzzle, it sank into a golden ring of sparks. At the same time, it crashed from another ring of sparks, hitting several players' heads, instantly blowing up their teammates and causing them to fall apart.

As for the double-barreled destruction injector, the high-temperature flames it sprayed went straight into Li Xingxian's body, making the raging flames surrounding her even more raging.

"You use fire against fire?"

Li Xingxian turned his head and smiled evilly.

The green-skinned orc looked horrified and took a few steps back.

"Spell absorption!"

Li Xingxian grasped with his palm like a claw.

The green-skinned orcs were horrified to discover that even though they had stopped pulling the trigger, the destruction injector did not stop firing. It was still spitting out flames, and the fuel in the tube was constantly being pulled out. No matter how he turned the muzzle, the flames connected to the terrifying woman uncontrollably, causing the flames around her to swirl even more thinly. The whole person seemed to have turned into an elemental lord, and the surrounding air was twisting and rising.

"Fire Wall Technique! Fire Ball Technique! Explosive Flame Technique!"

The first- and second-level spells are like free money.

Raging fire walls criss-crossed the entire battlefield, fireballs shot out in strings in all directions, and dazzling pyroblasts flashed and extinguished, blowing people apart instantly.

"Burn it, hahahaha, burn it quickly!"

Li Xingxian was floating in the air and laughing wildly.

Although he is small and exquisite, he looks like a devil.

"Group advanced flame shield!"

While setting fires and bombing indiscriminately, he also did not forget to put a shield on each of his three teammates.

"A woman with her own magic net is too scary."

Jiang Yixia couldn't help but sigh.

Before the three of them even had time to take action, Li Xingxian almost wiped out the enemy alone.

As the one with the most bad temper among the four women, Li Xingxian had already become impatient.

After acquiring the sunspot mutant gene, his temper became even hotter, and he would kill whenever he got the chance.

"Ray of enfeeblement!"

A dim light penetrated Li Xingxian's body.

Li Xingxian's flying and spinning body paused.

A ray of debilitating spell.

Someone is hiding in the dark and attacking!

The two Chen Xinxue sisters looked cold and were about to take action.

Li Xingxian's ionized body unexpectedly shot out a fire elemental energy arrow, heading straight for the weakening ray, and quickly disappeared into a window on the fifth floor.


A scream erupted from behind the window.

"What kind of trick is this, automatic counterattack?"

Chen Xinxue was suddenly surprised.

"Intuitive magic, counterattack flames."

Li Xingxian slowly fell to the ground and explained:

"This is a magic-like ability of mine. The price of practice is that I will not be able to have a magic pet from now on."

Chen Xinxue nodded in understanding.

In the Dungeons \u0026 Dragons universe, the spellcasting system is extremely complex. In addition to basic spell abilities, there are also spell-like abilities and supernatural abilities. In addition to the spell system, there is also a specialty system as an auxiliary. For mages and warlocks alone, expertise can be divided into general expertise, bloodline expertise, spell storage expertise, tactical expertise, ritual expertise, metamagic expertise, etc...

The battle started suddenly and ended quickly.

The entire neighborhood was in ruins.

There are still sporadic flames in the corners that have not been extinguished.

Chen Xinxue couldn't help but cover her face when she saw this scene:

"I originally wanted you to keep a prisoner..."

"If you're not careful, you'll kill them all."

Chen Xinxue shook her head helplessly and said:

"Then let's go, don't linger here, the superhero may be coming soon."

Chen Xinxue opened a portal.

The four of them stepped into the ring of fire and left.

In a window on the side of a building.

Zhang Yuning had just finished her manicure and stood quietly by the window watching the four women leave from Thorn Garden.

"Chen Xinlu..."

Zhang Yuning whispered word by word:

"It's really... the road between enemies is narrow."

Night falls quietly.

Brooklyn, a Sichuan restaurant.

Under Li Xingxian's strong request.

Four people from Thorn Garden came to eat hot pot.

It can be seen that this restaurant is doing very well and is bustling with people. The red oil soup pot is boiling and white steam is rising. The waiters are carrying plates and dishes, walking up and down the aisles, and almost every table is full of diners.

"Dip more sea pepper noodles."

Li Xingxian grabbed a braised rabbit head, dipped it in chili noodles and handed it to Jiang Yixia. Then he picked up a spicy rabbit head and gnawed it skillfully. At the same time, he also poured a plate of chili peppers into the hot pot, mumbling indistinctly. :

"I don't think it's spicy enough."

"Pour less, it's too spicy."

Chen Xin said helplessly with a bitter look on his face.

Chen Xinxue is taking stock of the battle gains:

"I don't recognize these two wands. I need to go to the Order Alliance to identify them. Is this really a wand? Why does it look like a war hammer? It's weird."

"There are also some... I guess they are sci-fi weapons from StarCraft. We don't need them. We just sell them. I don't know how much we can sell them for."

"Xingxian, what level are you at now?"

Chen Xinlu asked curiously.

"Hiss...ah? Reincarnation level? Lv. 5."

Li Xingxian was so spicy that he was so happy.

"Level five? Are you on the same level as Xinxue?"

Jiang Yixia was surprised when he heard this.

"Yeah, what's wrong? I'm just that strong!"

Li Xingxian smiled and rubbed his hairy belly.

"Does the world of reincarnation give you a Lv.5 rating? What level are you in DND's rating system?"

Chen Xinxue also turned her head curiously.

"I have two basic professions, mage and warlock."

Li Xingxian took a big sip of beer and said:

"First of all, mage, the advanced profession I chose is 'Master of the School', specializing in the evocation system."

"Secondly, Warlock, the advanced profession I chose is 'Elemental Scholar', specializing in the element of fire."

Li Xingxian gives a general introduction.

"As for my expertise, I won't tell you. There are too many. You wouldn't even know if I told you."

Li Xingxian raised his beer glass:


The four women clinked glasses.

Li Xingxian was once the weakest person in the club, because her position was very embarrassing - she was from Faerun, she was a magic net mage, and she couldn't cast spells without the magic net. Even if you rely on rule infection, in other universes, you still need bat guano and sulfur powder to cast a fireball.

But since Li Xingxian became a mutant, Sunspot's ability to transform into plasma has been like a fish in water and even more powerful to a tiger. Although the original Sunspot Roberto da Costa is also very strong and an omega-level mutant, he is not as strong as Li Xingxian at all.

Li Xingxian originally did not have a dual career.

Similarly, after obtaining the X gene and becoming a mutant, when placed in the DND universe, it is equivalent to obtaining the soul demon bloodline in disguise, so you can practice the warlock profession.

As for her two advanced professions.

School Master is an advanced profession for specialized mages. Many mages will choose to specialize in a certain school to strengthen the spells of this school. A master of a school has a deeper level of understanding than a regular specialist mage. If the specialized mage is the student of the school, then the master of the school is the teacher of the school.

As for the elemental scholar, this profession studies the basic elements that make up the universe - wind, earth, fire and water, and ultimately becomes an elemental existence in order to transcend mortals. Elementalists are often sensitive to spells of a particular energy type and are passionate about unleashing the purest elemental energy, so they become elementalists to be closer to their favorite elements.

A master of the school and an elemental scholar restricted Li Xingxian's spellcasting path very narrowly. You must know that the plasticity system includes more than just the four elements of wind, fire, water, and earth. Sound waves, force fields, and rainbows... are all from the plasticity system. part.

A small battle won.

Everyone was very happy to drink and drink.

Chen Xinlu didn't like spicy food very well. After taking two bites of duck intestines, she stopped eating and concentrated on drinking and chatting. While chatting, I suddenly felt something poke my waist. I turned around and saw a child disappearing around the corner.


Chen Xinlu frowned.

"What's wrong, Xiaolu?"

Jiang Yixia asked casually.

"It's nothing, maybe it's a naughty kid."

Chen Xinlu turned back and continued drinking and chatting.

After a while, Chen Xinlu got up and went to the toilet. When she walked to the door of the toilet, she suddenly caught a glimpse of the familiar figure from before, flashing past. Chen Xinlu stood there for a moment, and then, as if by some strange coincidence, she walked towards the cubicle.


Chen Xinlu pushed open the compartment door.

There was a note quietly placed on the toilet.

Chen Xinlu picked it up and opened it.

There was a line of small words written on the note:

"Xin Lu, come here and find me."

An address is attached below:

112 Ocean Avenue, Amityville.

Signed: Qingshan.

Chen Xinlu suddenly felt that the beer was a little bit addictive.


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