Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 509 Battle of Titans

A fierce battle breaks out between monsters. Although the two bodies are approximately the same size, if you want to compare physical strength, the dragon cannot compare with the Titan beast.

Of course, fighting is also part of dragon nature. It has spear-like teeth, scimitar-like claws, hammer-like wings, and a battering ram-like tail. Lower creatures cower before it, and its breath can knock down large armies. However, these body structures are not comparable to those of the Titans.

Some of the Titans, such as Godzilla, the King of Monsters, can withstand nuclear bomb explosions. Conventional large-scale weapons, such as ground-penetrating bombs, cloud burst bombs, and armor-piercing bombs, are difficult to cause much damage to the Titan beast - of course, there are some particularly weak examples, such as the giant octopus Nachika.

The strength of the dragon clan is not in physical strength.

It's about dragon language magic!

In the Dungeons and Dragons universe, there have always been different opinions on the origin of magic, but many dragons have always believed that magic was created by dragons and originated from ancient dragons - although both humans and elves have reservations about this. Many dragons have innate spellcasting abilities, and dragon language magic is also known for its powerful power in many spellcasting systems.

But it's a pity.

True Dragon Transformation is a nine-ring spell.

Cannot inherit the spellcasting ability of the transformed dragon.

Can only fight hand to hand, cannot cast spells.

Of course, she was pushed to the ground and beaten by Queen Muto.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Dragon scales flew around and dragon blood splashed everywhere.

Queen Muto's every heavy blow can make the red dragon's skin split open and its flesh burst open, and it howls in pain. There is a saying that "two fists are difficult to beat with four hands." The giant dragon has four legs, two wings, and a dragon head, which can be used to fight, but in the face of Queen Muto, who had six giant legs and two small appendages, was still completely suppressed.

At this moment, the mature red dragon was firmly held down by the earthquake beetle, and it was completely beaten one-sidedly. Queen Muto's two largest front feet were seen grabbing the red dragon's wings and pressing it to the ground to prevent the dragon from letting go. It flapped its wings and took off, and the two middle legs opened their bows from left to right, hitting the dragon with a "pah, pah, pah".


The red dragon raised its head and breathed out hot dragon breath.

Queen Muto's triangular pointed head shrank down to avoid the direct spray of dragon's breath. The red-hot dragon flames sprayed on her crown-back carapace. The thick black carapace suddenly seemed to be polished, and the spray of dragon's breath blew away Cleaned and brand new.

But the defense was not broken.


The red dragon received another slap on the side of his face.

Even one of the dragon's horns was broken.

Unlike Methuselah and Behemoth, the Earthquake Beetle family is known for being good at fighting even among all Titans. After all, they are Titans that specialize in parasitic atomic dinosaurs. Godzilla almost overturned. Supreme Muto lurks underground and can cause seven-magnitude earthquakes by relying on sonic resonance - note that this is not any magical means. The Titan beast has no magical means and only relies on physical strength alone.

Although Queen Muto is not as good as Supreme Muto.

But not too close.

The red dragon can be regarded as the largest among the entire colorful dragon clan and is relatively good at hand-to-hand combat, but it is still incapable of fighting Queen Muto in a pure hand-to-hand fight. The red dragon has been beaten to the point of confusion by Queen Muto. He can breathe fire, and Muto also has a biological electromagnetic pulse. If you want to rival the Titans in terms of physical strength, a mature red dragon will definitely not be enough, at least an ancient red dragon will do.

The battle between the two giant beasts spread throughout the neighborhood.

The street lights continued to tremble with the fighting, fire pipes burst and sprayed water all over the sky, and the water in the sewers also filled the road. The vehicles on the street were crushed by the two giant beasts, and the surrounding buildings fell in pieces like harvested wheat fields.

What is a little strange is such a big movement.

Still no superheroes came.


Red dragon blood splashed all over the sky.

Queen Mutuo opened her mouth and bit the root of the wing and used strength from her feet to tear off one of the red dragon's wings.


The red dragon was in agony.

Wanting to fly but unable to do so, the dragon's claws struggled to pull at the dragon's teeth and bit hard, but could only leave some scratches.

The red scales on his body were broken, blood was pouring out of the wounds, and even the wails were weakening.

Seeing that the red dragon was about to die.


The half-elf druid shouted:

"Tell her to stop and we admit defeat."

"Did you say... life or death?"

Augustus stared at him solemnly.

Ashborn shook his head and did not explain.

Instead, he directly recited the incantation and started casting the spell.

Clearly prepared to intervene in this duel.

Naturally, the Zero World Guild refused. Both sides drew out their staffs and weapons, and a war seemed to be about to break out.

At this moment, both sides suddenly discovered that the people who had been scared away by the giant beast battle actually rushed back.

"Help, help me!"

"Run quickly, they are coming, ah!"

These civilians had panic written on their faces and their movements were extremely panicked. They avoided the two groups of people at war with each other and the two giant beasts in the fight, and ran straight to the other end of the street.

Behind them, a large number of weird zombies were chasing them crazily. These monsters move quickly, knocking down those who fall behind and start biting and eating them on the spot.

what's the situation?

People in the Zero Realm Guild and the Fifth Dimension were all deceived.

At this time, on the slope of the ruins near the collapsed building, Queen Muto, who was covered in scars, dragged the dying red dragon hard and slammed him on the top of the ruins. She raised her arms high and was about to finish the dragon warlock completely. Suddenly, Feeling something in his heart, he suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance.

In the distance, in the direction of the harbor area, a behemoth is slowly rising from the sea... The behemoth is similar to a human shape, but its limbs are twisted. Its gray-white skin appears strangely transparent, and you can even see the underlying bones and organs through the skin. This giant is covered in body parts. Thick gray fog spewed out.

What it is?

Kravis was confused.

At that moment she was stunned.


Queen Muto's shoulder suddenly suffered a huge impact. She was caught off guard and could only let go of the red dragon and rolled down the slope of the ruins. When she looked up, she saw a medium-sized blue dragon fluttering its wings and suspended in the air, looking down at her coldly. The color of its scales They range from light blue to dark blue and sparkle with the light of gemstones.

"Sapphire dragon?"

Queen Muto rolled over and stood up.

Why is there another dragon?

at the same time.

The roof of a building on the edge of the harbor area.

Fu Qinghai led a group of Iron Buddha Terminators, standing on the roof and looking into the distance, and saw the huge and weird translucent gray-white giant slowly moving up the coast.

This giant is like a skeleton wrapped in transparent flesh. The upper body is approximately human-shaped, and the lower body is composed of soft-bodied tentacles of cephalopods.

"Chaos zombies?"

Fu Qinghai wrinkled his face and looked ugly.

Chaos Zombie, referred to as "HAOS", is the final BOSS in the game "Resident Evil 6". It is a huge B.O.W. between humans and marine life forms, created using the C virus. Its name comes from the Serbian word for "chaos" in English.

Fu Qinghai certainly knows about Chaos Zombies, because before leaving the Resident Evil movie universe, he once flew over the surface of the earth in the Hegemon shuttle. At that time, the entire central part of the Asian continent was shrouded in a thick gray fog, and the giant looming in the fog was the Chaos Zombie.

Unexpectedly... perfect human beings would actually bring this evil thing to the Marvel Comics Universe!

The C virus is strong in all aspects, but as a virus weapon it has a fatal flaw - the C virus cannot be transmitted twice like the T virus. The C-virus is very transmissible and can be spread through airborne injections. However, the zombies created by the C-virus will not turn humans into new C-virus zombies after biting them. This setting is very critical.

I met the self-destructive man whose body was covered with tumors and warts before. He was a specialized zombie specially designed to transmit viruses, because other compound-eyed gunmen could not transmit viruses. As for the Chaos Zombie, it can be regarded as an enhanced version of a huge virus spreading machine. Its skin emits virus mist around it all the time.

The Resident Evil version of the Great Unclean One.

C virus is also called the world-killing virus.

It is one of the few viruses in the entire Resident Evil series that can really destroy the world.

The way it destroys the world is the Chaos Zombie, a Titan-level super giant B.O.W.

"Qing Ming, help me contact Xiao Fei."

Fu Qinghai looked into the distance and said in a deep voice.

"Communication link is being established..."

"Sage Xiao Fei, the call has been connected, Master."

Qing Ming quickly completed the operation.


Xiao Fei's voice sounded.

"A Fei, how is the condition of the 'Pojun Golden Armor'?"

Fu Qinghai said.

"The 'Broken Army Golden Armor' is currently in standby mode. The machine is in good condition and can go into battle at any time, Khan!"

Xiao Fei immediately said excitedly after hearing this.

"Okay, get ready for airborne landing."

Fu Qinghai nodded.


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