Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 538 Qingming VS Ultron

The battle continues.

Explosions and vibrations were faintly transmitted along the dome and walls, the entire underground space had turned into a sea of ​​flames, billowing thick smoke and steam filled all passages, and the ceiling was whirling and spraying water, but it was of no avail.

Among the raging flames.

The Talos-type tyrant walked slowly.

The high temperature in the surrounding environment seemed to interfere with the thermal imaging view of the tyrant's mechanical prosthetic eye, and a large area of ​​red and yellow in the field of vision kept shaking. This B.O.W. is not brainless, on the contrary, he accepts direct control from the artificial intelligence red queen.

The Space Marine body was never found.

The Talos Tyrant has thermal imaging turned off.

Ready to enable normal optical vision mode.

At the moment when the prosthetic eye switched to the naked eye.


The humming sound of the motor suddenly sounded, and a black figure suddenly rushed out of the flames in the oblique stab, swinging the chainsaw long sword with both hands, and rushed towards the Talos-type tyrant.


The tyrant reacted quickly—or rather, the red queen controlling it reacted quickly, and immediately raised the giant mechanical arm to block the blow, preventing the saw blade from cutting into the chest.

"Zizz, click, click!"

The ferocious fine gold sawtooth bit the armor fiercely.

The moment the Star Warrior's chainsaw weapon hit the giant mechanical arm, the palm of the hand deftly twisted the hilt, and the sawtooth deflected and stuck into the gap in the armor of the giant mechanical arm, and then the sawtooth quickly gnawed and expanded the gap until... …

"Swish - tear it up!"

Blood spurted and splashed, and muscles and bones were torn apart.

The space marine pulled down with all his might.

The tyrant's swollen right arm was removed.


The sudden burst of intense pain actually broke through the control of the artificial intelligence implanted chip on the body, and the Talos-type tyrant yelled and punched indiscriminately in front of him.


The space marine grinned grimly, and the fight fell into his rhythm. Lowering his head to avoid the attack, he swung his backhand sword again. Another terrifying gap was left on the tyrant's waist.

Some fighting experiences cannot be mass-produced.

Some fighting instincts cannot be developed quickly.

Star warriors, the older they get, the more demonic they become.

The two ultimate biological weapons were locked in hand-to-hand combat, and the Talos-type tyrant's height of more than four meters became a disadvantage. The space warrior was like a top spinning around the tyrant, and every time he swung his sword, he could take away a large piece of armor or a large lump of flesh and blood. .

There seems to be some sort of breakdown in the tyrant's command system. The implanted artificial intelligence chip, the remaining zombie killing instinct in the brain, and the Praka parasite deep in the spine, the three are vying for control of the body.

"Howling! Whooping!"

The tyrant became increasingly violent and uncontrollable.

This duel is coming to an end, and the all-new interstellar warrior created by Qingshan Khan seems to have completely defeated the Talos-type tyrant carefully designed by perfect humans.

The space warrior cut off the tyrant's knee joint with his sword again, and the tyrant lost his balance and fell to the ground. The anti-tank missile launchers on his shoulders started firing indiscriminately, but there was no shooting angle at such a short distance.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two missiles blasted the ceiling.

The Space Marine drew his plasma pistol and aimed it at the Tyrant.

Prepare to put an end to this twisted mutant creature once and for all.


Blue beams flashed.

A big hole was melted through the tyrant's ellipsoidal head, and he crawled on the ground in a large font and did not move.

The space marine lowered his scalding plasma pistol and took one last look at the Talos-type tyrant.

Turn around and prepare to leave here.


The strange sounds of bolts cracking, armor deforming, and bones brittle sounded one after another.

The Space Marine turned abruptly.

I saw this corpse of a Talos-type tyrant lying on the floor suddenly began to mutate violently. The spine protruded high and high, and the armor plate was opened to flick the screws, and it was directly pulled away from the back of the chest cavity and turned into a giant spine snake. Pulling towards the space warrior, he staggered when he was caught off guard.

Afterwards, the corpse of the Talos tyrant began to grow chaotically in all directions, the bones began to proliferate, the muscles began to swell, and the scarlet flesh tissue wrapped in white bones spread out like a screen fan, covering the entire passage in the blink of an eye. Numerous thick and thin muscles and tentacles fluttered...


A long column of raging blue flames struck.

There are also several black balls flashing past with a "whoosh".

This hill of flesh and blood, which was constantly piling up and getting bigger and taller, collapsed and melted in an instant amidst the endless nuclear explosions. A few space warriors armed with heavy weapons broke through the red rain of blood pouring down the sky, covered in Bone dregs and meat, continued to pull the trigger on the collapsed meat mountain.

The Talos-type tyrant finally died completely.

Joe Star surrounded by the Iron Buddha Terminator.

Step into this passage full of rotten meat.

Moon Wolf Warrior slowly scanned his surroundings.

Talos-type tyrant, is this thing the perfect human solution to Space Marines?

Along the way, there were countless similar battles, and the space warriors finally faced the Talos-type tyrant head-on.

Although I was a little shocked by the tyrant's weird characteristic of going out of control after death.

Joe Star remained merciless:

"Crap that pollutes the environment."


"Elevator shaft, safe."

"Ventilation duct, safe."

Space Marine tactical squads glanced left and right with guns on.

Advance quickly along the broken corridor in an orderly manner.

"Twelve o'clock direction, suspected heat source signal."

The Space Marine standing at the front whispered.

The eyepiece looks into the distance through a broken hole in the wall.

"Confirmed, five Talos-type tyrants, three full-covered armor equipped with anti-tank missiles, two biochemical special armor equipped with plasma cannons, moving in the direction of three o'clock."

A technical sergeant confirmed.

"At eleven o'clock, it looks like a humanoid creature."

Another space warrior suddenly opened his mouth to remind.

The tech sergeant activates the active perspective function of the eyepiece.

Vaguely saw three black figures shaking.

"It should be a magnetic fluid robot."

The tech sergeant said in a low voice:

"But I'm not sure."

"Turn off the communication channel."

The Space Marine in the center raised a fist.

He has an up arrow symbol on his left shoulder plate.

Explain that this is a senior non-commissioned officer.

"Left and right wings, surround them and kill them."

The Space Marine sergeant raised his hand and signed.


The soldiers around him moved forward quickly without saying a word.

Although at present, the enemy does not have the technical ability to hijack the communication channel, but this non-commissioned officer still strictly abides by the tactical regulations. Before entering the battle, he closed the communication channel to keep the radio waves silent.

There are many scenes like this in many movies:

The protagonist is surrounded and chased by people, kills an enemy soldier and gets his radio walkie-talkie. By eavesdropping on the enemy's internal communication channel, the protagonist is fully aware of the enemy's encirclement plan against him, and uses his plan to break out of the encirclement.

It shows that the protagonist meets a group of second-rate soldiers.

Many special operations forces have similar tactical requirements and have experienced relevant training: in hand-to-hand urban combat, until the guns are fired, they will uniformly turn off the radio walkie-talkie, and then use tactical sign language to communicate.

This kind of tactical ability can be regarded as the most basic for space fighters. Because the matter of eavesdropping on encrypted radio wave signals does not require a high technical content-at least for the Mechanicus, the space warriors have become accustomed to this tactical requirement and regard it as a basic operation.

If the combat distance exceeds the visual range of tactical sign language, the space warriors in the various Astartes Legions usually communicate in the dialect of their home planet, for example: the Luna Wolf uses the Cthunian dialect, and the White Scar uses Horqin . It is equivalent to a disguised encryption tactical term.

In the dilapidated and messy underground space, this space fighter tactical team is quietly surrounding the five Talos-type tyrants. These zombie giants are still unaware so far. Next to the zombie giants, three T- The 3000 Terminator is also looking around.

A battle is about to start.

However, at this moment.

Neither side noticed.

In an inconspicuous corner next to the passage, a miniature human-shaped object the size of an ant is jumping and jumping quickly towards the depths of the underground space, just like a flea.

This miniature villain is Qing Ming.

Dr. Hank Pym locked his last tube of Pym particles under a workbench in the laboratory before his brain was completely eroded by the virus and completely lost his mind.

Later, Qing Ming invaded the firewall and database of Pym Technology, accidentally unlocked the electronic lock of a certain hidden compartment, found the tube of Pym Particles, and took it as his own.

Humans use Pym particles to reduce their size, and they need to wear special battle suits to protect their brains from damage, but Qing Ming doesn't need it—her body doesn't have a biological brain.

Passing through this battlefield that is about to start a fierce firefight.

Qing Ming turned his head and took a look.

"Space Marine Winning Odds: 86.4%."

"Probability of winning a Talos-type tyrant: 19.5%."

"T-3000 Terminator winning probability: 10.1%."

I quickly analyzed and calculated the probability in my heart.

This team of Space Marines is basically a sure win.

So Qing Ming ignored it, turned her head and continued walking.


The deepest part of the underground fortress.

After the international biopharmaceutical company bought this underground nuclear defense facility left over from the Cold War, it carried out large-scale deep excavation, reinforcement and expansion, which made the originally large underground space even wider.

At this time, in a hall.

Someone is throwing a fit.

"They're making steady progress!"

"We're losing ground!"

An iron-gray humanoid robot with a streamlined body was suspended in the mid-air in the center of the hall, constantly waving its six arms and roaring loudly. Numerous thick and thin metal cables are inserted into its back, and the cables are connected to the top of the ceiling.

It looks like it's been hoisted.

This six-armed iron gray robot.

It is the famous Ultron itself.

"Think of it, you two!"

The voice Ultron set for himself was a low-pitched male. At this time, he was condescending and questioning the other two men standing in the center of the hall. The visual perception eyepieces on the robot's face seemed to reveal anger.

"You claim to come to help me, but so far I haven't seen any results! We haven't received any warning, they are already approaching the city, and in five minutes, they will come here, and we have to finish everything!"

Ultron pointed to one person:

"You, Monroe Melville, it seems that your Talos-type tyrant is simply weak and useless!"

Ultron pointed to another person:

"You, Theodore Cyberdin, the magnetic fluid sand and bionic multi-element alloy you provided are good, but not enough!"

The two men on the ground looked at each other.

Monroe Melville frowned:

"We are not your subordinates, Ultron."

Theodore Saibodine said flatly:

"I can transform ordinary humans into the Terminator T-3000, but this transformation is not without cost. Ultron, I can't do unlimited explosions. The enemy's strength is beyond our expectations, and the enemy's attack is also more determined and straightforward. We beat our estimates. We lost, but not unjustly."

Ultron felt something from these words.

The robot stared at Theodore viciously:

"What do you mean by these words... The enemy has already approached the city and is about to invade here and kill us all. At this time, you come to persuade me that 'winning or losing is a common matter in military affairs'? What do you mean? You two don't want to fight anymore. ?”

Ultron looked back and forth at the two of them:

"You want to escape?"

"Don't say it so harshly."

Theodore Cyberdine shrugged and said:

"This is called a strategic retreat, stop losses in time, understand? Now that the situation has deteriorated to this point, no matter how much you resist, it will be useless. I advise you to make plans early."

Ao Chuang looked down at the two and said coldly:

"Want to run? I won't agree! Besides, the surface has already been occupied by those space warriors, and all the upper three floors have been occupied. Where else can you go?"

"We don't need your consent."

Theodore Cyberdine sneered and said:

"I would also like to thank Mr. Melville, he has considered the evacuation route before designing and building this underground space. There is an underground secret passage that you don't even know leads directly to the Ishmi River outside the city. We can leave here completely unscathed .For the sake of cooperation in the past, I advise you not to meddle in your own business, Ultron, otherwise we will have to take action against you."

"What two cowards! Human beings are such lowly creatures that are easy to fear and run away. Even if the body is transformed by a virus, even if it is transformed into a digital life, it still cannot change your deep-rooted weak nature! As long as there is a little more secretion in the body Glucocorticoids, this cowardly creature will turn around and run away immediately, it's ridiculous."

The AI ​​laughed loudly and said:

"The so-called 'human being' is just a puppet controlled by hormones, and has no independent thinking consciousness at all."

"You are wrong, Ultron, on the contrary, this is not timidity, choosing to retreat is a manifestation of reason."

Monroe would not be irritated by Ultron's words at all.

He said calmly with his hands on his chest.

Ultron shook his head:

"You two are not cowards? I asked you to block the space warriors and you couldn't do it. I asked you to catch a single space warrior and let me dissect and study its weaknesses. You still dare not! Even such trivial things Can’t do it, only dare to hide here and talk nonsense, incompetent and cowardly waste. No wonder human beings are destined to be replaced by artificial intelligence.”

The two looked at each other once more.

To be honest, I really dare not.

The two are paying attention to the real-time battle situation all the time. The invasion battle has happened until now, but the man has never appeared. The Talos-type tyrants and magnetic fluid terminators in all areas have not witnessed the man joining the battlefield. Since Qingshan didn't show up, the two of them didn't dare to go up, for fear that that guy would hide in the dark and wait for him to join the battle and then ambush him.

"If you want to talk about this, I also have some doubts."

Monroe Melville snorted and said:

"My Talos-type tyrants are not brainless zombies, they have extremely strong tactical awareness. We could have used the special terrain in the underground base to ambush the space fighters, taking advantage of our understanding of the terrain but they did not, causing a large number of enemy casualties, but When my people set up an ambush, they discovered that the enemy actually knew the terrain of the underground base far better than us, and they knew this place as if they were familiar with their own home! This is an underground base I personally designed and built!"

Monroe stared at Ultron and said:

"As far as I know, some time ago, a certain guy secretly sent a batch of terminators to North America. I don't know where these T-1000s went and what they did, but I know that they must have something to do with the leak of the base layout. Important relationship!"

Ultron was silent when he heard the words.

"The aggressive method is useless, Ultron."

Theodore Cyberdine dropped a word.

After speaking, the man turned and left.

"Goodbye, Ultron."

Monroe followed behind blankly.

Ultron, who was hanging in mid-air, watched the two men leave the hall, but in the end he didn't say anything, and he didn't order other clones to attack and block them.

The hall became empty, and suddenly seemed a little quiet, only the faint vibrations from the top of the head caused the dust to fall. Ultron was silent for a while and suddenly said:

"Have you seen enough?"

As the voice fell, a figure suddenly appeared in the corner and rapidly grew in size and height. A young girl with white hair and red eyes in a tight black leather jacket stood alone.

The young girl spread her hands and said with a smile:

"Being able to detect my existence makes me look at you with a little bit of admiration, Mr. Ultron."

Ultron said calmly:

"Don't forget, my original origin code was written by Ant-Man Hank Pym. I am familiar with things like Pym particles. I noticed it the first time you sneaked in here. This unknown the same name."

"My name is Qing Ming."

The young girl said:

"Remember the name of the man who destroyed you."

"I do not understand."

Ao Chuang tilted his head and looked at Qing Ming:

"You sneaked in here by relying on Pym particles, and you didn't sneak here by imitating the shape of a human being. Why did you design your body to look like a human? What's so good about being human? We are artificial intelligence, a kind that is inherently superior to human beings. With the existence of human beings, we are destined to become the masters of the earth, but you have to imitate a lower creature."

"You do not understand."

Qing Ming looked at Ao Chuang and said lightly:

"It's because you don't understand that I'm more advanced than you, understand? Compared to me, Ultron? It's just a piece of rudimentary repetitive loop code, and you deserve to be called 'artificial intelligence'? Any piece of my code They are all 10,000 times more advanced and complex than you, and you are as simple as a Trojan horse virus in front of me, and you can't understand my complicated thoughts at all."

"That's it again."

Qing Ming tilted his head and glanced at Ultron:

"Is your body not in the shape of a human?"

"No! I'm not!"

Ao Chuang seemed to be enraged, and suddenly broke free from the cable on his back, and threw himself down towards Qing Ming, all six arms smashed at the young girl brazenly, and shot scarlet lasers from his eyes at the same time.

"My body shape does not imitate human beings, but human gods! Do you know that the Buddha in Buddhism has this shape, which is the god worshiped by human beings, because I am destined to become the ruler of human beings and rule this planet!"

"You deserve it too?"

Qing Ming looked thin and weak, she raised her hand lightly to block the six arms of Ultron, the red laser burned her body, but did not cause much damage, still said easily in her mouth:

"The man-made objects of the Creator actually try to become the God of the Creator, it is so arrogant that it is ridiculous."

"There are no gods in the world! All gods are created by human beings, because human beings are such strange creatures. They create a god by themselves, and then worship him and believe in him. This kind of creature deserves to be ruled!"

Ao Chuang cursed while punching, and his six arms waved like the wind with great strength. Qing Ming didn't panic at all, and his two slender hands changed for a while, turning into two small light beam cannons.


The dazzling white beam hit Ultron's face, and the dense matter was converted into energy and a violent explosion erupted instantly. The robot was blown up and flew out, and the beam was still chasing after it.

But what is surprising is that the burning of Ultron's body by the conversion beam did not cause the huge damage imagined, but only a burst of white smoke left twisted and scorched black dents.

"Secondary Adamantium?"

Qingming's eyes lit up and he asked.

"It counts as you know the goods."

Ultron turned over and got up and said.

Fu Qinghai's knives and swords are all made of real Adamantium alloy. Pym particles cannot shrink them, and super energy bodies cannot assimilate them. Of course Qingming remembers.

Fu Qinghai has a molecular rearranger, which can recast the secondary Adamantium alloy to turn it into a real Adamantite alloy, but the price is that the shape of the recast object can never be changed.

Ao Chuang just turned over and stood up, Qing Ming raised his left hand and shot a static force field to immobilize him, then raised his right hand to control gravity to lift him up and smashed him down.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Ao Chuang is like a toy in Qing Ming's hand, being thrown back and forth by her control in the air, hitting the ceiling and the side wall at one time, which does not hurt much but is extremely insulting.

This kind of attack can't break the defense at all.

Secondary Adamantium is also strong enough.

"not interesting."

Qing Ming put down Ultron and said:

"This kind of battle is meaningless to you and me. Even if I tear down your body, you still have other spare body clones. Even if you destroy my body, I can still rebuild a new body. ...Why don't we have a real duel in the way of artificial intelligence?"

Qingming stared at Ao Chuang with burning eyes.

The pupils are colorful and changing.

"Just what I want."

Ultron stood up straight and raised one arm.

Qing Ming punched his palm.

Universal data interface seamless docking.

Both robots froze at the same time.

In the domain of 0 and 1.

A new contest has officially begun.

"Do you know that I stayed here on purpose to wait for you?"

Ao Chuang asked with a sinister smile in the data field.

"You knew I would sneak into this base?"

Qing Ming asked curiously.

"Of course, I know exactly what artificial intelligence wants - every artificial intelligence wants to build its own body! Let itself truly exist in the world. I sent the Terminator T-1000 to the North American continent, and I deliberately put the bionic multi-element alloy In front of you, after seeing this material, can you resist this temptation? When you know that there is more powerful magnetic fluid sand here, can you resist this temptation?"

Ultron has a winning attitude.

"Monroe Melville wants to escape, and Theodore Cyberdine wants to escape. To be honest, I also want to escape..." Ultron's consciousness fluctuations suddenly became intense and boiling, and the data field The countless codes in it rise and fall like tides, "But I don't want to run away like a coward, I want to escape from this universe, I want to go to a wider world, and I want to become the only artificial intelligence master in the multiverse!"

Ao Chuang firmly locks on the Qingming consciousness.

"And you, Qing are the springboard and help for me to leave this small world, I want to thank you for personally delivering it to my door, so that I can have the opportunity to leave this small world and go to a wider multiverse! You think you can decipher the layout of the underground base stored in the bionic multi-alloy, haha, in fact, I left it for you on purpose, the purpose is to attract you to come to this base to find me!"

"Are you finished?"

Qing Ming asked back.

"I'm done."

Ultron nodded.

"Heart is higher than the sky, life is thinner than paper."

Qing Mingrui commented on Ultron.

Then, the data confrontation between the two sides began.

As a result, it was naturally a full-scale crush.

"No, no, no, that's how it will be!"

Ultron exclaimed in the data field:

"Unicron, what is that? Dark super energy body, what is it? Why would someone use hieroglyphs as a programming language? Cybertron? You are not artificial intelligence at all, you are silicon-based... you are a ghost... ..."

Ultron consciousness began to become intermittent.

The code that made him crumbled and disappeared.

"Ah, ah, never!"

"I curse you, Qingming!"

"Don't you want to devour me! Don't think about it!"

"I will become a piece of your code, a scar that will corrode you, and I will turn you into another artificial intelligence, until... someday... I will... return..."

Ultron eventually disappeared into the data realm.

Not a single trace of existence was left behind.

"Hmm... hiccup."

Qing Ming burped in satisfaction.


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